Certainly eggs are not likely to suffer at all.
It's typically the chickens laying the eggs that people are concerned about. And maybe to a lesser extent the male chickens of the chicken breed used for egg production. (Maybe you're already clear on that, but I have spoken to people who were confused by veganism's prohibition on eating animal products in addition to animals.)
They likely do not suffer in the same way people do.
It doesn't seem safe to assume that their suffering is subjectively less bad than our suffering. Maybe it's worse - maybe the...
Exactly. I suspect a disproportionate share of people on LW agree that their eating habits are immoral, but eat the way they do anyway and are willing to indirectly be a part of "torturing puppies behind closed doors." That is, they are more likely to be honest to themselves about what they are doing, but aren't that much more likely to care enough to stop (which is different from being "morally indifferent").
Peanuts are not 'protein powerhouses' unless you are trying to measure protein/volume instead of protein/calorie. They give 7g protein per 164 calories. Compare that to tofu which provides 20g protein per 176 calories or salmon which provides about 20g for 183 calories.
If you had four months to dedicate to working on a project, what would you work on?
Still, I've had my own injury issues. Do you think body weight exercises are less likely to led to injury?
What do you think is a good exercise routine for maximizing health and not getting injured? Ideally, there's some sort of weight-lifting in which you can't easily injure yourself with poor form that won't result in muscular imbalance and that still allow for incremental improvement.
As for cardio, maybe rowing and ellipticaling are ideal?
I low bar squat barefoot. Would I still benefit from getting weightlifting shoes?
I used to think I thought that way, but then I had some opportunities to casually steal from people I didn't know (and easily get away with it), but I didn't. With that said, I pirate things all the time despite believing that doing so frequently harms the content owners a little.
Thanks for the recommendation. I've watched a couple Hardtalk interviews and they were great. Hardtalk definitely suffers the limitations of oral discussion that people talk about elsewhere in this thread, but, for what it is, it's great.
Is that not what SRS like Anki does already? Granted they force you to pick one of 5 categories of difficulty rather than one of 100, but it's basically the same.
You're making predictions about something you could just observe. This is the comment thread. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6406084 In it, the primary critic of Catico, bowlofpetunias, considers themself among the elite it benefits. That is, what you believed to have happened did not happen.
I don't know. They were anti-communist, so I guess it was an immediate impulse. At the same time, they also probably knew they wouldn't get along with a communist country in the future. Either way, I don't think Cold War actions in the 1950s count as prescient since the relationship had soured long ago.
...If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible, although I don't want to see Hitler victorious under any circumstances. Neither of them thinks anyt
1950-1980: Efforts to win the Cold War decades later, such as increasing education for gifted children.
US support for the White Army against the Bolsheviks predates those measures. Still, I'd be hesitant to consider that prescient since it was a self-fulfilling prediction to some extent.
If Brunemeier's PDF's is something you can share, I'd like to read it.