Reading this I felt so... excited. This is genuinely good news. Like the childhood you, most of my experience of life consists of not actually meeting people and doing things, but of reading books and what have you. As a result, I had deliberately killed my sense of ambition, because on some level I equated success with unhappiness. The idea that smarter, more successful people are happier as well... that changes things.
You may be looking for traditional roguelikes! If you search for old BBS archives of when the term was coined, you'll find surprisingly little mention of integral concepts like "permadeath" and "procedural generation", instead everyone's talking about portability and FOSS. Many modern -likes (not -lites) retain that focus on simplicity, and Discord has been very nice for this community: can often talk to the devs weekly if not daily, so the games don't remain too difficult/easy/solved for too long.
My personal recommendation is The Ground Gives Way:
- on the s
... (read more)