GuySrinivasan there are instructions on casting a dark spell, step by step
You don't cast Avada Kedavra with happy thoughts, you cast it with the intention to kill
You cast fiendfyre with blood
And you cast "TARE DETRIMENS" by having very bad brain habits, on average
This wasnt a guide for the purpose of doing it. This was a guide for the purpose of recognizing it when done to you and seeing them dance the steps and having them reified
If it wasn't "icky", why would it be a dark art?
This is a great thread for explaining how to spot the frame
I have a lot to say on frames, but a very foundational lesson also worth mentioning is how the spell casting takes place, and how to Counterspell
It happens in 5 steps
If you set the frame, you can control the frame from beginning to end. However, if someone else sets the frame, then you...
This doesn't sound wrong exactly but it does sound icky.
It seems to be missing "we are talking to each other in good faith, cooperatively; we point out the existence of the frame choices rather than sneakily trying to end up with a frame that's good for what we want right now".
I mean it's technically kindasorta there in some of the expanding, like “you think so? But this other person said the opposite”. But the spirit still seems adversarial and manipulative, even in "win-win". Like... "the only reason I'm not punching you is because you got lucky and acci...
I once had a Self-Insert MC in a book of mine with this system. He had 4 parts:
1) The Kid: Scared, cowardly, wanting peace, friends, love, stealth and stagnation as the now was better than ever before and every step forward meant a possible pitfall that could be avoided
2) The Killer: Essentially what happens when the Kid gets proven right one too many times but the now isn't good enough anymore. Maniacal, violent, selfish, no values or honor, An animal that has stripped all intellect but what it needs to scrape back up to a better place so the Kid can have...
Okay, I'm sorry, I know I am a horrible human being that is a product of its time and can't comprehend the societal macroevolution of his own species but DAMN IT, these people are way, way, way too ethical for anything human-like to be seen upon them. They literally stopped celebrating the effective salvation of their entire species for the youth of a species that causes little to no stimuli liable to evoke sympathy in evolutionary terms. And I know I'm shallow, and I know we'd all love to think we're more decent as a whole than to...
Would be glad to if we could find at least one completely reliable sourcee that is undeniably from a female source that is not pandering to the market for publicity. It should be noted I am not infering such a thing is the rule, I am merely stating my own ignorance and incapaility of determining solid statistics on the matter
I think it should be noted that there will be at least some humans willing to convert, maybe even among the lords and ladies of the ship, and yet they could not possibly express a consent for the species. Humans in this case are severly disadvantaged on account that while the aliens are speaking with seemingly the highest authority, they're asking Collombus to speak on behalf of the whole Eurasia. Should the humans not explain that, even if it relatively weakens their bargaining position? On that note, how could the other aliens express the opinions of their whole species without communication to their home planet's government.
Well, given the drop in upvotes, i can only imagine you weren't alone, so that's probably on me, should have made it clearer ;-)