Interesting, thanks! I stand corrected (and will read your paper)...
Thanks Rohin! Agree with and appreciate the summary as I mentioned before.
I don’t agree with motivation 1 as much: if I wanted to improve AI timeline forecasts, there are a lot of other aspects I would investigate first. (Specifically, I’d improve estimates of inputs into <@this report@>(@Draft report on AI timelines@).) Part of this is that I am less uncertain than the author about the cruxes that transparency could help with, and so see less value in investigating them further.
I'm curious: does this mean that you're on board with the as...
Thanks for the comment! Naively I feel like dropout would make things worse for the reason that you mentioned and anti-dropout better, but I’m definitely not an expert on this stuff.
I’m not sure I totally understand your first idea. Is the idea something like
- Feed some images through a NN and record which neurons have high average activation on them
- Randomly pick some of those neurons and record which dataset examples cause them to have a high average activation
- Pick some subset of those images and iterate until convergence?
Thanks a lot for all the effort you put into this post! I don't agree with anything, but reading and commenting it was very stimulating, and probably useful for my own research.
Likewise, thanks for taking the time to write such a long comment! And hoping that's a typo in the second sentence :)
...I'm quite curious about why you wrote this post. If it's for convincing researchers in AI Safety that transparency is useful and important for AI Alignment, my impression is that many researchers do agree, and those who don't tend to have thought about it for qu
Thanks for the comment! I agree with this characterization. I think one of the main points I was trying to make in this piece was that as long as the prior for "amount of special sauce in the brain (or needed for TAI)" is a free parameter, the uncertainty in this parameter may dominate the timelines conversation (e.g. people who think that it is big may be basically unmoved by the Bio-Anchors calculation), so I'd love to see more work aimed at estimating it. (Then the rest of my post was an attempt to give some preliminary intuition pumps for why this para... (read more)