The amazing thing is that this is a scientifically productive rule - finding a new representation that gets rid of epiphenomenal distinctions, often means a substantially different theory of physics with experimental consequences!
(Sure, what I just said is logically impossible, but it works.)
That's not a logical impossibility; it's just a property of the way we change our models. When you observe that X always seems to equal Y, that's redundancy in your model; if you find a model that matches all known observations equally but also compresses X to be th...
I see your general point, but it seems like the solution to the Omega example is trivial if Omega is assumed to be able to predict accurately most of the time:
(letting C = Omega predicted correctly; let's assume for simplicity that Omega's fallibility is the same for false positives and false negatives)
and yes, as soon as ends justify means, you do get Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, who were all striving for good consequences......
As soon as? That's a very strong statement.
I don't think utilitarianism suggests that "the ends justify the means" in the way that you are claiming - a more utilitarian view would be "all of the effects of the means justify the means" i.e. side effects are relevant.
I really don't see why I can't say "the negative utility of a dust speck is 1 over Graham's Number."
You can say anything, but Graham's number is very large; if the disutility of an air molecule slamming into your eye were 1 over Graham's number, enough air pressure to kill you would have negligible disutility.
...or "I am not obligated to have my utility function make sense in contexts like those involving 3^^^^3 participants, because my utility function is intended to be used in This World, and that number is a physical impossibility in Th
I mean, suppose that God himself descended from the clouds and told you that your whole religion was true except for the Virgin Birth. If that would change your mind, you can't say you're absolutely certain of the Virgin Birth.
I think that latter statement is equivalent to this:
V = Virgin Birth
G = God appears and proclaims ~V
P(V|G) < 1
∴P(V) < 1
But that argument is predicated on P(G) > 0. It is internally consistent to believe P(V|G) < 1 and yet P(V) = 1, as long as one also believes P(G) = 0, i.e. one is certain that God will not appear and proclaim ~V.
That would be failing, but 3^^^3 people blinking != you blinking. You just don't comprehend the size of 3^^^3.
Well it's self evident that that's silly. So, there's that.