//This Comment contains references to self harm.
This idea is a little crazy, but... You could use a TAP that punishes you every time you open the app.
Trigger: I just clicked the Twitter Icon
Action: Bite my arm until it hurts
Biting is an example, But you could also:
I'd recommend reading the Hammer Time Sequence post on TAPS. Specifically, the part about setting a Yoda Timer and practicing it for 5 minutes.
I've been thinking about this a lot lately. It seems to link to many things. And might be a bit too much for just a comment. But here are some key concepts from mostly psych that I think link to why sleeping on a problem makes it easier.
While many of the review requirements aren’t applicable to this writing. It doesn’t lessen the impact it has.
This is a horror I would like to avoid. I think Sci-fi of this sort helps to prevent that future. This is something my non-technical Mother could understand. Something I could show people to explain the worst.
I will think of this post as the future goes on. I am desperately trying to make this story one that we look back on and laugh at. “What silly worries” we’ll say. “How naive.”
A LW LLM I would like is a "What post was the one where Eliezer talks about logic or maybe algebra or something? I think it might have been in Plane Crash but idk?"
Sometime I hit a roadblock in my thinking because I'm trying to remember a specific LW post that talks about a skill I'm currently trying to practice. It's quite flow breaking to try and search the normal way. Current LLMs aren't up to the task and Hallucinate LW posts every time I do it.
Closer to the first one. I find when writing to think my mind has two modes. Very system 1 and system 2. If I’ve been going for a while on a side branch system 1 takes over. The writing becomes less about thinking and more about the act of writing. This leads to me making a hypothesis and saying “idk why that is”. That triggers the alias, which points out to me that I’m not really ‘thinking’. I then switch to “How could I test if this is true?”
I appreciate the 25% reframing. That’s something I wish I’d thought faster.
Trigger: I see a %# Action: Switch it in my head
This isn’t an extremely useful technique. What it really does for me is break me out of undirected thinking with my writing and get me to actively start thinking things like “ok, but why would this be happening?”
I think 75% of the time it’s not helpful. Sometimes unhelpful when breaking a flow.
I’m working on thinking things faster. Though, it’s not a skill I’d say I have yet.
However, it’s pretty low cost for any payoff at all.
In my Obsidian.md vault I use the note aliases to point out to myself when I've said something that indicates that I Am Confused. I've progressively added and pruned this over a year. Here are the "Confusion Phrases" that I currently use.
aliases: I am confused, I don't understand, This is confusing, This is very confusing, I am quite confused, Wait what, I don't know where I fucked up, I Feel Confused, I notice I am Confused, I'm confused, I don't get it, I just don't get it, How am I meant to, How do I understand this, That's surprising, I'm not sure I un...
I decided to create this tag for two reasons:
If you reply to this comment with posts you think fit under this tag, I'll read them and decide if they seem like they should be here. I'm currently quite fuzzy on what really belongs in this tag. Clarification on what you think LLM Psych is would be much appreciated.
My timelines have now updated to something closer to fast takeoff. In a world like this, how valuable is educating the general public? Claude claims science started worrying about the climate in the 50s/60s. It wasn't until 2010s that we saw meaningful action beginning to take place. Do we have the time to educate?
To be clear, this is more of a question than an opinion that I hold. I am working to form an opinion.
I really loved Dr Stone. Excited to read this review and hear what other Rationalists think of it. I was kinda desperate for more Anime/Manga that teaches or inspires a love of science. Here are my recommendations:
Still working my way through this post. But this section gets me excited!
If the Receiver or Giver has high enough skills in one area, they can probably compensate for the other having lower skills, although there's probably some minimum threshold needed for each.
It conjures the image of a future occupation. A conduit. Someone skilled at giving and receiving. Brought in specifically to speed up this type of knowledge pass over between two people.
I may be an outlier here. But if I thought I was going to be assassinated, I would think of:
And from these I'd think "Hu, better buy a bullet proof vest".
I would unfortunately not think about 'Being Suicided', unless I had an expectation that it would occur in this way.
I’m not entirely sure why, but I find it trivial to get GPT-4o to output harmful content in advanced voice mode (AVM), given that it doesn’t have a direct content filter on it e.g. NSFW.
In the span of 30 minutes it gave me 1) instructions to make a pipe bomb to attach to a car. And 2) Instructions on how to leak a virus into the public without detection (avoiding saying more on this).
I have a theory as to why it might be easy for me specifically. But I would like to know if this is the experience that others have with AVM?
Which was not terribly secret. The details of the Project were indeed super-secret, to the point where most of the politicians hadn't known anything, but despite the massive global-scale censorship & secrecy, many had observed the signs of a major project of some sort and some got as far as a nuclear bomb specifically. Also, commercial satellites with meter resolution did not exist which could quantify major facilities or new cities like Los Alamos or Hanford (but overflights, and then satellites, now exist and have helped reveal later top-secret nucl...
I asked for further details on the 10th point and Claude listed a bunch of stuff I’ve absolutely never heard of. I’d say it’s probably related to meditation if I had to guess. Here’s that.
Claude Let me break down Time Perception Management into its deeper components, as this is one of the most subtle yet powerful micro-skills...
I recently saw a tweet that asked GPT, what micro skills a person should master. I asked Claude a similar question, though had preloaded the conversation with “things a modern day Aristotle would teach a 24yo student”.
I think this is probably a valuable exercise to undertake yourself. I’m providing my prompt, and Claude’s response as an ‘appetiser’ to get you interested in this task.
...Prompt Wonderful. Now Let's think less utilized by society. What are some more niche micro skills that you would want a person who you are tutoring to have. And this is give
Professional filmmaker and animator here. I’m willing to donate some of my time (~10-20h) to help create visuals for this project (Should you be in need of that). Happy to send through examples of work if DMed.
Also, what did you shoot on? Netflix used to have a list of camera requirements. I’m not sure if they still hold to them.
I imagine a character (Alice) is constantly used as the rational actor in scenarios. We make Alice a likeable character, give her a personality, a series of events and decisions that lead her to the present.
Then, when the user has been around for a sufficient amount of time. Alice starts to slip. She makes mistakes that harm others, perhaps she has disputes with ‘Stupidus’, Maybe she just begins to say untrue things.
How long will it take a user to pry themself out of the rose tinted glasses, and update on Alice?
I really loved Dr Stone. It gave me the feeling that the science as magic sequences gave me. A deep appreciation for reality and the power it brings an individual to understand it deeply. I really hope to have more rationalists watch it in future.
I also recommend “Science fell in love, so I tried to prove it” for stats nerds. And “My Hero Academia” as the main character embodies “Tsuyoku Naritai!”
If I had sufficient funds. I would consider if it would be beneficial to invade a few subreddits, and offer $1000 to whoever can make the most viral meme that subtly teaches basic concepts of AI Doom.
This thought stems from a comment on “The Best Lay Argument is not a Simple English Yud Essay”. I have more thoughts, but not much time. If my reasoning is unclear I apologise.
I like what you’re doing trying to do here. I think this is important work.
I’m a bit confused at what you mean by Layperson though? These are good for the ‘every day’ above average intelligence ‘switched on’ type of individual.
But that is not what I image a Layperson as. I interact regularly with ~100 people. (For context, I am a Drama Teacher and Trivia Host)
I thought about how many I predict could understand these examples, given 20 seconds of their attention. I thought of 10 people. The other 90% would fall into a few other categories that all end with them not being more knowledgeable after coming across the text.
But am I confused? Was that 90% not the target audience?
I was recently ease-dropping on a loud phone conversation. A man, maybe late 40s? Had been cheated on. He was angry. He was arguing with his girlfriend.
I noticed that all he argued the way people argue in movies. “Put yourself in my shoes”, “No, you listen to me!”, “I thought you would be the one!”. It hurt to listen to someone in pain.
A few weeks later, I was in a heated discussion with some Non-Rationalist friends. Long story short, I failed to output correct emotional signals, which was making them upset. I noticed the same thing in them. Copying the wa...
Recipe Recommendation: I freeze these in small containers. When done right, it’s breakfast for an entire month. Just take one out of the freezer and put in the fridge every morning. That way you’ll always have an unfrozen one.
Freeze Highly recommended. Takes a while to prep 30 of them. But makes life pretty damn good.
That matches with what my psychiatrist told me. I find it surprising how large the variation between individuals can be with these meds.
I have met people who can drink an espresso before bed and it actually helps their sleep. But I find those people to be rare. I see much more variance in amphetamines. My mental data set isn’t large enough to make any sold predictions. But I am unable to point to a clear “most people's sleep is (X)ed by amphetamines”.
I’d say that’s a good guess given the information I provided.
I think I did a good job in this particular circumstance as coming off as confused or curious. That was my aim, and I placed a lot of focus there. However, I haven’t listened back to the audio recordings of the conversation. It’s likely my previous comment is heavily bias.
Unfortunately, I think the average person doesn’t understand misunderstanding. I think it can be taken as…
— I was recently in a conversation with a non-rationalist. I organised it because I wanted to talk about negative opinions they had on me. We talked a lot about certain scenarios.
In one scenario, I had seemingly rejected the suggestion that we all go bowling. I had said out loud “I hate bowling”. When what I meant was “I hate bowling, but I’...
Idk if people around the world have those cardboard “Recycle your phone” boxes. That take phones and recycle their components. But I’ve rummaged through a certain one ~5 different times and found 2 completely functional and reset iPhones.
Surely there’s something better we can do with these than disassembling them?
Just returned to Aus from US. One of the most annoying things while travelling was lack of public bathrooms. I could believe that some restaurants just didn’t have a bathroom. I was surprised at how few bathrooms lighthaven seemed to have. Though didn’t go into any of the sleeping areas. Even a place like Disneyland, or a mall. Here is AUS, if I go to a mall I expect to have bathrooms every ~hundred meters. I expect them to be clearly marked, easy to navigate towards and extremely rarely out of order. I can’t imagine needed to pay to use something like a bathroom. Though I did see cafes charging for cups of water. Charging for that type of thing in public places feels like a mistake to me.
FYI Lighthaven isn't super representative – most of the bathrooms are in private rooms because it was a hotel designed for people being in private rooms, and it's expensive to build more (both because it costs money, and because each bathroom is one fewer breakout room, which we also wanted in many contexts).
That first point made me laugh. It’s exactly the type of mistake I expected to make, and I still didn’t see it coming.
I appreciate all this safety advice and will update my decision making based on that.
Geez, the weed thing surprises me. I hadn’t planned to smoke any until after the event. But I think I’ll avoid that now. I’m already struggling with motivation from jet lag. I don’t want to increase that feeling.
From Newcastle, Australia to Berkeley, San Francisco. I arrived yesterday for Less.online. I’ve had a bit of culture shock, a big helping of being increasingly scared, and quite a few questions. I’ll start with those. Feel free to skip them.
These questions are based on warnings I’ve gotten from local non-rationalists. Idk if they’re scared because of the media they consume or because of actual stats. I’m asking these because they feel untrue.
Have fun! I won't be going. Some random notes:
Re safety, I don't know about Oakland but some parts of SF are genuinely the most dangerous feeling places I've ever been to after dark (because normally I wouldn't go somewhere, but SF feels very fine until it isn't). If I am travelling to places in SF after dark I'll check how dodgy the street entrances are.
I would bet hard cash that "I’m sure I’ll be at least in the bottom 5% for intelligence at Less Online. I won’t be surprised or hurt if I’ve got the least Gs of people there" is wrong.
But okay, let's just go with your fears and assume for sake of argument that you're right... Last year, Aella did a live polling event at Manifest where she asked us to, in general, first predict how we relatively compared to the crowd on any N, then define actual buckets of values and arrange ourselves by those buckets.
(So, e.g., "predict how recent...
Hi! Thank you very much for taking the time to write such a considered response to my ramble of a comment.
Your first question is a hard one to express in text. Instead, I’ll try hard to write a list of requirements for a situation to generate that feeling for me. Then you might be able to image a scenario that meets the requirements and get a similar feeling?
Sex is fun and awesome. Though it doesn’t feel fun and awesome to have sex all day everyday. You could probably do transhuman meth and make sex fun all the time. But a Pleasure Cube/Super Happy scenario makes me sad.
I’m also wondering who you’re talking about when you say “most people” here? I have the opposite model of most people.
I have spent weeks where pretty much all I did was:
-- have sex with my partner, hours per day
-- watch anime with my partner
-- eat food and ambiently hang with my partner
No work. Not much seeing other people. Of course given the amount of sex mundane situations were quite sexually charged. I'm not actually sure if it gets old on any human timeline. You also improve at having fun together. However this was not very good for our practical. But post singularity I probably wont need to worry about practical goals.
In general I think you underestimate the s... (read more)