An argument might also be deductive in nature and might very well not need sources. In other cases there are claims where sources might not add anything to a claims veracity/relevance, e.g. sources to pro homeopathy sites. It's the what are good sources problem...
Kialo's aim is to have viewpoint diversity and to also engage with the bad claims, which indeed might be very popular.
You are able to switch between perspectives and see how different people reason and vote the claims. We will release persona tagging to show aggregates of this. The avg being shown...
Click on new, there you will see all new discussions. The discussions on the explore page are ongoing, we are thinking of revamping the whole portal though. You can also click on tags and play around with the sorting, by default we show the discussions with the most recent activity.
Have you seen that you can do multi theses debates and thus evaluate non-binary issues?
Here is an example by a user:
We allow for comments, on claims as an additional way of interacting, but we are always happy to learn more.
Thx for the post mirefek. If you guys have suggestions on how to improve K, we are all ears.
Thanks for your feed-back!
We are considering questionnaires for certain discussions, but aren't sure this would help. We do have flagging, once you have been granted discussion editor rights. Can you recommend a good quick reasoning test?
Unlike Wikipedia, not everyone can just edit a discussion. Currently you have to be invited by the discussion creators (no we haven't seen much bias due to that, as one-sided discussions look really stupid). Until you are invited you can only suggest claims, which admins have to accept. This also keeps the trolls out.
http... (read more)