As a linguist and practiced language learner AND lifelong classroom outlier, I have a couple thoughts which may or may not be informative, and which are most certainly unprofessional.
The challenge with assessing which of those methods would "work better" in the classroom (the ordinary vs Yvain's) is that teaching, wich children especially, depends on acheiving two different sets of results: success in catching and holding children's interest and motivating them to perform more extensive internal elaboration on the content of their lessons (assess...
"As soon as I notice it, it will go away."
Wow, you are blessed. When I hear sounds in my head, whether remembered or imagined, I feel as though I literally hear them. They are not merely background noise... on some days all of the music in my head gets so loud I just can't think straight and I have to find a way to silence my inner world. When I hear a melody, even in isolation, I hear full harmonization in my mind, which is why if I start singing along with a friend I have to work at sticking to the melody and not expressing the accompanying har... (read more)