All of Mars_Will_Be_Ours's Comments + Replies

Good point. I am inherently drawn to the idea of increasing brain size because I favor extremely simple solutions whenever possible. However, a more focused push towards increasing intelligence will produce better results as long as the metric used for measuring intelligence is reliable. 

I still think that increasing brain size will take a long time to reach diminishing returns due to its simplicity. Keeping all other properties of a brain equal, a larger brain should be more intelligent. 

There is also one other wildly illegal approach which may ... (read more)

Women/girls with big heads tend to hit their heads but you can solve that with bigger arms.

Thank you for writing this article! It was extremely informative and I am very pleased to learn about super-SOX. I have been looking for a process which can turn somatic cells into embryonic stem cells due to unusual personal reasons, so by uncovering this technology you have done me a great service. Additionally, I agree that pursing biological superintelligence is a better strategy than pursuing artificial superintelligence. People inherit some of their moral values from their parents, so a superintelligent human has a reasonable probability of being a g... (read more)

I'm glad you liked the article! Brain size is correlated with intelligence at maybe 0.3-0.4. If you were to just brain size max I think it would probably not yield the outcomes you actually want. It's better to optimize as directly as you can for the outcome you want.