All of Martín Soto's Comments + Replies

I have two main problems with t-AGI:

A third one is a definitory problem exacerbated by test-time compute: What does it mean for an AI to succeed at task T (which takes humans X hours)? Maybe it only succeeds when an obscene amount of test-time compute is poured. It seems unavoidable to define things in terms of resources as you do

The range of capabilities between what can be gained at a reasonable test-time cost and at an absurd cost (but in reasonable time) can remain small, with most improvements to the system exceeding this range, likely to move what could only be obtained at an absurd cost before into the reasonable range. This is true right now (for general intelligence), and it could well remain true until the intelligence explosion.

Very cool! But I think there's a crisper way to communicate the central point of this piece (or at least, a way that would have been more immediately transparent to me). Here it is:

Say you are going to use Process X to obtain a new Model. Process X can be as simple as "pre-train on this dataset", or as complex as "use a bureaucracy of Model A to train a new LLM, then have Model B test it, then have Model C scaffold it into a control protocol, then have Model D produce some written arguments for the scaffold being safe, have a human read them, and if they r... (read more)

1Geoffrey Irving
Yes, that is a clean alternative framing!

My understanding from discussions with the authors (but please correct me):

This post is less about pragmatically analyzing which particular heuristics work best for ideal or non-ideal agents in common environments (assuming a background conception of normativity), and more about the philosophical underpinnings of normativity itself.

Maybe it's easiest if I explain what this post grows out of:

There seems to be a widespread vibe amongst rationalists that "one-boxing in Newcomb is objectively better, because you simply obtain more money, that is, you simply wi... (read more)

Thanks, this gave me the context I needed.

some people say that "winning is about not playing dominated strategies"

I do not believe this statement. As in, I do not currently know of a single person, associated either with LW or with decision-theory academia, that says "not playing dominated strategies is entirely action-guiding." So, as Raemon pointed out, "this post seems like it’s arguing with someone but I’m not sure who."

In general, I tend to mildly disapprove of words like "a widely-used strategy", "we often encounter claims" etc, without any direct citations to the individuals who are purport... (read more)

1Yudhister Kumar
but only the dialogues? actually, it probably needs a re-ordering. place the really terse stuff in an appendix, put the dialogues in the beginning, etc.
Much as I liked the book I think its not a good recomendation for an 11 year old. There are definitely maths-y 11 year olds who would really enjoy the subject matter once they get into it. (Stuff about formal systems and so on). But if we gave GEB to such an 11 year old I think the dozens of pages at the beginning on the history of music and Bach running around getting donations would repel most of  them. (Urgh, mum tricked me into reading about classical music). I am all for giving young people a challenge, but I think GEB is challenging on too many different fronts all at once. Its loooong. Its written somewhat in academic-ese. And the subject matter is advanced. So any 11 year old who could deal with one of that trinity also has to face the other two.

Like Andrew, I don't see strong reasons to believe that near-term loss-of-control accounts for more x-risk than medium-term multi-polar "going out with a whimper". This is partly due to thinking oversight of near-term AI might be technically easy. I think Andrew also thought along those lines: an intelligence explosion is possible, but relatively easy to prevent if people are scared enough, and they probably will be. Although I do have lower probabilities than him, and some different views on AI conflict. Interested in your take @Daniel Kokotajlo 

I don't think people will be scared enough of intelligence explosion to prevent it. Indeed the leadership of all the major AI corporations are actively excited about, and gunning for, an intelligence explosion. They are integrating AI into their AI R&D as fast as they can.

You know that old thing where people solipsistically optimizing for hedonism are actually less happy? (relative to people who have a more long-term goal related to the external world) You know, "Whoever seeks God always finds happiness, but whoever seeks happiness doesn't always find God".

My anecdotal experience says this is very true. But why?

One explanation could be in the direction of what Eliezer says here (inadvertently rewarding your brain for suboptimal behavior will get you depressed):

Someone with a goal has an easier time getting out of local mini... (read more)

8Dmitry Vaintrob
I don't think this is the whole story, but part of it is surely that a person motivating their actions by "wanting to be happy" is evidence for them being less satisfied/ happy than baseline
It is difficult to focus your attention on achieving your goals, when instead you are focusing it on your unhappiness. If you are unhappy, it is probably good to notice that and decide to do something about it. But then you should take your attention away from your unhappiness and direct it towards those things you intend to do. It's when you are happy that you can further increase your happiness by reflecting on how happy you are. That's called gratitude. But even then, at some moment you need to stop focusing on being grateful, and redirect your attention towards getting more of the things that make you happy.
Semantics. What do we, or they, or you, or me, mean when we talk about "happiness"? For some (hedonists), it is the same as "pleasure". Perhaps, a bit drawn out in time: as in the process of performing bed gymnastics with a sufficiently attractive member of the opposite sex - not a moment after eating a single candy. For others, it's the "thrill" of the chase, of the hunt, of the "win". For others still: a sense of meaningful progress. The way you've phrased the question, seems to me, disregards a handful of all the possible interpretations in favor of a much more defined - albeit still rather vague, in virtue of how each individual may choose to narrow it down - "fulfillment". Thus "why do people solipsistically optimizing for hedonism are actually less happy?" turns into "why do people who only ever prioritize their pleasure and short-term gratification are less fulfilled?" The answer is obvious: pleasure is a sensory stimulation, and whatever its source, sooner or later we get desensitized to it.  In order to continue reaching ever new heights, or even to maintain the same level of satisfaction, then - a typical hedonistically wired solipsist will have to constantly look for a new "hit" elsewhere, elsewhere, elsewhere again. Unlike the thrill of the "chase" however - there is no clear vision, or goal, or target, or objective. There's only increasingly fuzzier "just like that" or "just like that time back then, or better!" How happy could that be?
Here's another possible answer: maybe there are some aspects of happiness that we usually get as a side effect of doing other things, not obviously connected to happiness. So if you optimize to exclude things whose connection to happiness you don't see, you end up missing some "essential nutrients" so to speak.

hahah yeah but the only point here is: it's easier to credibly commit to a threat if executing the threat is cheap for you. And this is simply not too interesting a decision-theoretic point, just one more obvious pragmatic consideration to throw into the bag. The story even makes it sound like "Vader will always be in a better position", or "it's obvious that Leia shouldn't give in to Tarkin but should give in to Vader", and that's not true. Even though Tarkin loses more from executing the threat than Vader, the only thing that matters for Leia is how cred... (read more)

The only decision-theoretic points that I could see this story making are pretty boring, at least to me.

5Filip Sondej
I liked it precisely because it threw theory out the window and showed that cheap talk is not a real commitment. * Tarkin > I believe in CDT and I precommit to bla bla bla * Leia > I belive in FDT and I totally precommit to bla bla bla * Vader > Death Star goes brrrrr...
1Mo Putera
Just to check, you're referring to these?

That is: in this case at least it seems like there's concrete reason to believe we can have some cake and eat some too.

I disagree with this framing. Sure, if you have 5 different cakes, you can eat some and have some. But for any particular cake, you can't do both. Similarly, if you face 5 (or infinitely many) identical decision problems, you can choose to be updateful in some of them (thus obtaining useful Value of Information, that increases your utility in some worlds), and updateless in others (thus obtaining useful strategic coherence, that increases ... (read more)

I don't get your disagreement. If your view is that you can't eat one cake and keep it too, and my view is that you can eat some cakes and keep other cakes, isn't the obvious conclusion that these two views are compatible? I would also argue that you can slice up a cake and keep some slices but eat others (this corresponds to mixed strategies), but this feels like splitting hairs rather than getting at some big important thing. My view is mainly about iterated situations (more than one cake). Maybe your disagreement would be better stated in a way that didn't lean on the cake analogy? Well, one way to continue this debate would be to discuss the concrete promising-ness of the pseudo-formalisms discussed in the post. I think there are some promising-seeming directions.  Another way to continue the debate would be to discuss theoretically whether theoretical work can be useful. It sort of seems like your point is that theoretical work always needs to be predicated on simplifying assumptions. I agree with this, but I don't think it makes theoretical work useless. My belief is that we should continue working to make the assumptions more and more realistic, but the 'essential picture' is often preserved under this operation. (EG, Newtonian gravity and general relativity make most of the same predictions in practice. Kolmogorov axioms vindicated a lot of earlier work on probability theory.)

Excellent explanation, congratulations! Sad I'll have to miss the discussion.

Interlocutor: Neither option is plausible. If you update, you're not dynamically consistent, and you face an incentive to modify into updatelessness. If you bound cross-branch entanglements in the prior, you need to explain why reality itself also bounds such entanglements, or else you're simply advising people to be delusional.

You found yourself a very nice interlocutor. I think we truly cannot have our cake and eat it: either you update, making you susceptible to infohazards=tra... (read more)

I'm comfortable explicitly assuming this isn't the case for nice clean decision-theoretic results, so long as it looks like the resulting decision theory also handles this possibility 'somewhat sanely'. My thinking is more that we should accept the offer finitely many times or some fraction of the times, so that we reap some of the gains from updatelessness while also 'not sacrificing too much' in particular branches. That is: in this case at least it seems like there's concrete reason to believe we can have some cake and eat some too. This content-work seems primarily aimed at discovering and navigating actual problems similar to the decision-theoretic examples I'm using in my arguments. I'm more interested in gaining insights about what sorts of AI designs humans should implement. IE, the specific decision problem I'm interested in doing work to help navigate is the tiling problem.

I think Nesov had some similar idea about "agents deferring to a (logically) far-away algorithm-contract Z to avoid miscoordination", although I never understood it completely, nor think that idea can solve miscoordination in the abstract (only, possibly, be a nice pragmatic way to bootstrap coordination from agents who are already sufficiently nice).

EDIT 2: UDT is usually prone to commitment races because it thinks of each agent in a conflict as separately making commitments earlier in logical time. But focusing on symmetric commitments gets rid of this p

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The central question to my mind is principles of establishing coordination between different situations/agents, and contracts is a framing for what coordination might look like once established. Agentic contracts have the additional benefit of maintaining coordination across their instances once it's established initially. Coordination theory should clarify how agents should think about establishing coordination with each other, how they should construct these contracts. This is not about niceness/cooperation. For example I think it should be possible to understand a transformer as being in coordination with the world through patterns in the world and circuits in the transformer, so that coordination gets established through learning. Beliefs are contracts between a mind and its object of study, essential tools the mind has for controlling it. Consequentialist control is a special case of coordination in this sense, and I think one problem with decision theories is that they are usually overly concerned with remaining close to consequentialist framing.

I don't understand your point here, explain?

Say there are 5 different veils of ignorance (priors) that most minds consider Schelling (you could try to argue there will be exactly one, but I don't see why).

If everyone simply accepted exactly the same one, then yes, lots of nice things would happen and you wouldn't get catastrophically inefficient conflict.

But every one of these 5 priors will have different outcomes when it is implemented by everyone. For example, maybe in prior 3 agent A is slightly better off and agent B is slightly worse off.

So you need t... (read more)


Proposal 4: same as proposal 3 but each agent also obeys commitments that they would have made from behind a veil of ignorance where they didn't yet know who they were or what their values were. From that position, they wouldn't have wanted to do future destructive commitment races.

I don't think this solves Commitment Races in general, because of two different considerations:

  1. Trivially, I can say that you still have the problem when everyone needs to bootstrap a Schelling veil of ignorance.
  2. Less trivially, even behind the most simple/Schelling veils of
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I don't understand your point here, explain? This seems to be claiming that in some multiverses, the gains to powerful agents from being hawkish outweigh the losses to weak agents. But then why is this a problem? It just seems like the optimal outcome.

I have no idea whether Turing's original motivation was this one (not that it matters much). But I agree that if we take time and judge expertise to the extreme we get what you say, and that current LLMs don't pass that. Heck, even a trick as simple as asking for a positional / visual task (something like ARC AGI, even if completely text-based) would suffice. But I still would expect academics to be able to produce a pretty interesting paper on weaker versions of the test.

Why isn't there yet a paper in Nature or Science called simply "LLMs pass the Turing Test"?

I know we're kind of past that, and now we understand LLMs can be good at some things while bad at others. And the Turing Test is mainly interesting for its historical significance, not as the most informative test to run on AI. And I'm not even completely sure how much current LLMs pass the Turing Test (it will depend massively on the details of your Turing Test).

But my model of academia predicts that, by now, some senior ML academics would have paired up with some ... (read more)

5Carl Feynman
Because present LLMs can’t pass the Turing test.  They think at or above human level, for a lot of activities.  But over the past couple of years, we’ve identified lots of tasks that they absolutely suck at, in a way no human would.  So an assiduous judge would have no trouble distinguishing them from a human. But, I hear you protest, that’s obeying the letter of the Turing test, not the spirit.  To which I reply: well, now we’re arguing about the spirit of an ill-defined test from 74 years ago.  Turing expected that the first intelligent machine would have near-human abilities across the board, instead of the weird spectrum of abilities that they actually have.  AI didn’t turn out like Turing expected, rendering the question of whether a machine could pass his test a question without scientific interest.
The low(er) quality paper you mentioned actually identified the main reason for GPT-4 failing in Turing tests: linguistic style, not intelligence. But this problem with writing style is not surprising. The authors used the publicly available ChatGPT-4, a fine-tuned model which 1. has an "engaging assistant which is eager to please" conversation style, which the model can't always properly shake off even if it is instructed otherwise, and 2. likely suffers from a strongly degraded general ability to create varying writing styles, in contrast to the base model. Although no GPT-4 base model is publicly available, at least ChatGPT-3.5 is known to be much worse at writing fiction than the GPT-3.5 base model. Either the SL instruction tuning or the RLHF tuning messes with the models ability to imitate style. So rather than doing complex fine-tuning for the Turing test, it seems advisable to only use a base model but with appropriate prompt scaffolding ("The following is a transcript of a Turing test conversation where both participants were human" etc) to create the chat environments. I think the strongest foundation model currently available to the public is Llama 3.1, which was released recently.
Well, as you point out, it's not that interesting a test, "scientifically" speaking. But also they haven't passed it and aren't close. The Turing test is adversarial. It assumes that the human judge is actively trying to distinguish the AI from another human, and is free to try anything that can be done through text. I don't think any of the current LLMs would pass with any (non-impaired) human judge who was motivated to put in a bit of effort. Not even if you used versions without any of the "safety" hobbling. Not even if the judge knew nothing about LLMs, prompting, jailbreaking, or whatever. Nor do I think that the "labs" can create an LLM that comes close to passing using the current state of the art. Not with the 4-level generation, not with the 5-level generation, and I suspect probably not with the 6-level generation. There are too many weird human things you'd have to get right. And doing it with pure prompting is right out. Even if they could, it is, as you suggested, an anti-goal for them, and it's an expensive anti-goal. They'd be spending vast amounts of money to build something that they couldn't use as a product, but that could be a huge PR liability.
It'd be more feasible if pure RLAIF for arbitrary constitutions becomes competitive with RLHF first, to make chatbots post-trained to be more human-like without bothering the labs to an unreasonable degree. Only this year's frontier models started passing reading comprehension tests well, older or smaller models often make silly mistakes about subtler text fragments. From this I'd guess this year's frontier models might be good enough for preference labeling as human substitutes, while earlier models aren't. But RLHF with humans is still in use, so probably not. The next generation currently in training will be very robust at reading comprehension, more likely good enough at preference labeling. Another question is if this kind of effort can actually produce convincing human mimicry, even with human labelers.

I think that some people are massively missing the point of the Turing test. The Turing test is not about understanding natural language. The idea of the test is, if an AI can behave indistinguishably from a human as far as any other human can tell, then obviously it has at least as much mental capability as humans have. For example, if humans are good at some task X, then you can ask the AI to solve the same task, and if it does poorly then it's a way to distinguish the AI from a human

The only issue is how long the test should take and how qualifie... (read more)

(Non-expert opinion). For a robot to pass the Turing Test turned out to be less a question about the robot and more a question about the human. Against expert judges, I still think LLMs fail the Turing Test.  I don't think current AI can pretend to be a competent human in an extended conversation with another competent human. Again non-expert judges, I think the Turing Test was technically passed long long before LLMs: didn't some of the users of ELIZA think and act like it was human?  And how does that make you feel?

Thanks Jonas!

A way to combine the two worlds might be to run it in video games or similar where you already have players

Oh my, we have converged back on Critch's original idea for Encultured AI (not anymore, now it's health-tech).

You're right! I had mistaken the derivative for the original function.

Probably this slip happened because I was also thinking of the following:
Embedded learning can't ever be modelled as taking such an (origin-agnostic) derivative.
When in ML we take the gradient in the loss landscape, we are literally taking (or approximating) a counterfactual: "If my algorithm was a bit more like this, would I have performed better in this environment? (For example, would my prediction have been closer to the real next token)"
But in embedded reality there's no way to take... (read more)

2Vanessa Kosoy
I don't think embeddedness has much to do with it. And I disagree that it's incompatible with counterfactuals. For example, infra-Bayesian physicalism is fully embedded and has a notion of counterfactuals. I expect any reasonable alternative to have them as well.

The default explanation I'd heard for "the human brain naturally focusing on negative considerations", or "the human body experiencing more pain than pleasure", was that, in the ancestral environment, there were many catastrophic events to run away from, but not many incredibly positive events to run towards: having sex once is not as good as dying is bad (for inclusive genetic fitness).

But maybe there's another, more general factor, that doesn't rely on these environment details but rather deeper mathematical properties:
Say you are an algorithm being cons... (read more)

6Vanessa Kosoy
  Maybe I don't understand your intent, but isn't this exactly the currently paradigm? You train a network using the derivative of the loss function. Adding a constant to the loss function changes nothing. So, I don't see how it's possible to have a purely ML-based explanation of where humans consider the "origin" to be.
4Seth Herd
It's an interesting point. OTOH, your first two counterpoints are clearly true; there's immense "noise" in natural environments; no two situations come close to repeating, so doing the right thing once doesn't remotely ensure doing it again. But the trend was in the right direction, so your point stands at a reduced strength. Negative tweaks definitely wither away the positive behavior; overwriting behavior is the nature of networks, although how strongly this applies is a variable. I don't know how experiments have shown this to occur; it's always going to be specific to overlap in circumstances. Your final counterpoint almost certainly isn't true in human biology/learning. There's a zero point on the scale, which is no net change in dopamine release. That happens when results match the expected outcome. Dopamine directly drives learning, although in somewhat complex ways in different brain regions. The basal ganglia system appears to perform RL much like many ML systems, while the cortex appears to do something related but of learning more about whatever happened just before dopamine release, but not learning to perform a specific action as such. But it's also definitely true that death is much worse than any single positive event (for humans), since you can't be sure of raising a child to adulthood just by having sex once. The most important thing is to stay in the game. So both are factors. But observe the effect of potential sex on adolescent males, and I think we'll see that the risk of death isn't all that much stronger an influence ;)

Thanks! I don't understand the logic behind your setup yet.

Trying to use the random seed to inform the choice of word pairs was the intended LLM behavior: the model was supposed to use the random seed to select two random words

But then, if the model were to correctly do this, it would score 0 in your test, right? Because it would generate a different word pair for every random seed, and what you are scoring is "generating only two words across all random seeds, and furthermore ensuring they have these probabilities".

The main reason we didn’t enforce this v

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3L Rudolf L
I think this is where the misunderstanding is. We have many questions, each question containing a random seed, and a prompt to pick two words and have e.g. a 70/30 split of the logits over those two words. So there are two "levels" here: 1. The question level, at which the random seed varies from question to question. We have 200 questions total. 2. The probability-estimating level, run for each question, at which the random seed is fixed. For models where we have logits, we run the question once and look at the logits to see if it had the right split. When we don't have logits (e.g. Anthropic models), we run the question many times to approximate the probability distribution. Now, as Kaivu noted above, this means one way to "hack" this task is that the LLM has some default pair of words - e.g. when asked to pick a random pair of words, it always picks "situational" & "awareness" - and it does not change this based on the random seed. In this case, the task would be easier, since it only needs to do the output control part in a single forward pass (assigning 70% to "situational" and 30% to "awareness"), not the combination of word selection and output control (which we think is the real situational awareness -related ability here). However, empirically LLMs just don't have such a hardcoded pair, so we're not currently worried about this.

you need a set of problems assigned to clearly defined types and I'm not aware of any such dataset

Hm, I was thinking something as easy to categorize as "multiplying numbers of n digits", or "the different levels of MMLU" (although again, they already know about MMLU), or "independently do X online (for example create an account somewhere)", or even some of the tasks from your paper.

I guess I was thinking less about "what facts they know", which is pure memorization (although this is also interesting), and more about "cognitively hard tasks", that require some computational steps.

You want to make it clear to the LLM what the task is (multiplying n digit numbers is clear but "doing hard math questions" is vague) and also have some variety of difficulty levels (within LLMs and between LLMs) and a high ceiling. I think this would take some iteration at least.

Given your clone is a perfectly mirrored copy of yourself down to the lowest physical level (whatever that means), then breaking symmetry would violate the homogeneity or isotropy of physics. I don't know where the physics literature stands on the likelihood of that happening (even though certainly we don't see macroscopic violations).

Of course, it might be an atom-by-atom copy is not a copy down to the lowest physical level, in which case trivially you can get eventual asymmetry. I mean, it doesn't even make complete sense to say "atom-by-atom copy" in th... (read more)

Another idea: Ask the LLM how well it will do on a certain task (for example, which fraction of math problems of type X it will get right), and then actually test it. This a priori lands in INTROSPECTION, but could have a bit of FACTS or ID-LEVERAGE if you use tasks described in training data as "hard for LLMs" (like tasks related to tokens and text position).

3jan betley
This is interesting! Although I think it's pretty hard to use that in a benchmark (because you need a set of problems assigned to clearly defined types and I'm not aware of any such dataset). There are some papers on "do models know what they know", e.g. or
I like this idea. It's possible something like this already exists but I'm not aware of it.

About the Not-given prompt in ANTI-IMITATION-OUTPUT-CONTROL:

You say "use the seed to generate two new random rare words". But if I'm understanding correctly, the seed is different for each of the 100 instantiations of the LLM, and you want the LLM to only output 2 different words across all these 100 instantiations (with the correct proportions). So, actually, the best strategy for the LLM would be to generate the ordered pair without using the random seed, and then only use the random seed to throw an unfair coin.
Given how it's written, and the closeness ... (read more)

Thanks for bringing this up: this was a pretty confusing part of the evaluation. Trying to use the random seed to inform the choice of word pairs was the intended LLM behavior: the model was supposed to use the random seed to select two random words (and it could optionally use the seed to throw a biased coin as well). You’re right that the easiest way to solve this problem, as enforced in our grading, is to output an ordered pair without using the seed. The main reason we didn’t enforce this very strictly in our grading is that we didn’t expect (and in fact empirically did not observe) LLMs actually hard-coding a single pair across all seeds. Given that, it would have been somewhat computationally expensive to explicitly penalize this in grading.

I've noticed less and less posts include explicit Acknowledgments or Epistemic Status.

This could indicate that the average post has less work put into it: it hasn't gone through an explicit round of feedback from people you'll have to acknowledge. Although this could also be explained by the average poster being more isolated.

If it's true less work is put into the average post, it seems likely this means that kind of work and discussion has just shifted to private channels like Slack, or more established venues like academia.

I'd guess the LW team have thei... (read more)

This post is not only useful, but beautiful.

This, more than anything else on this website, reflects for me the lived experiences which demonstrate we can become more rational and effective at helping the world.

Many points of resonance with my experience since discovering this community. Many same blind-spots that I unfortunately haven't been able to shortcut, and have had to re-discover by myself. Although this does make me wish I had read some of your old posts earlier.

It should be called A-ware, short for Artificial-ware, given the already massive popularity of the term "Artificial Intelligence" to designate "trained-rather-than-programmed" systems.

It also seems more likely to me that future products will contain some AI sub-parts and some traditional-software sub-parts (rather than being wholly one or the other), and one or the other is utilized depending on context. We could call such a system Situationally A-ware.

That was dazzling to read, especially the last bit.

Everything makes sense except your second paragraph. Conditional on us solving alignment, I agree it's more likely that we live in an "easy-by-default" world, rather than a "hard-by-default" one in which we got lucky or played very well. But we shouldn't condition on solving alignment, because we haven't yet.

Thus, in our current situation, the only way anthropics pushes us towards "we should work more on non-agentic systems" is if you believe "world were we still exist are more likely to have easy alignment-through-non-agentic-AIs". Which you do believe, a... (read more)

(edit: summary: I don't agree with this quote because I think logical beliefs shouldn't update upon observing continued survival because there is nothing else we can observe. It is not my position that we should assume alignment is easy because we'll die if it's not) I think that language in discussions of anthropics is unintentionally prone to masking ambiguities or conflations, especially wrt logical vs indexical probability, so I want to be very careful writing about this. I think there may be some conceptual conflation happening here, but I'm not sure how to word it. I'll see if it becomes clear indirectly. One difference between our intuitions may be that I'm implicitly thinking within a manyworlds frame. Within that frame it's actually certain that we'll solve alignment in some branches. So if we then 'condition on solving alignment in the future', my mind defaults to something like this: "this is not much of an update, it just means we're in a future where the past was not a death outcome. Some of the pasts leading up to those futures had really difficult solutions, and some of them managed to find easier ones or get lucky. The probabilities of these non-death outcomes relative to each other have not changed as a result of this conditioning." (I.e I disagree with the top quote) The most probable reason I can see for this difference is if you're thinking in terms of a single future, where you expect to die.[1] In this frame, if you observe yourself surviving, it may seem[2] you should update your logical belief that alignment is hard (because P(continued observation|alignment being hard) is low, if we imagine a single future, but certain if we imagine the space of indexically possible futures). Whereas I read it as only indexical, and am generally thinking about this in terms of indexical probabilities. I totally agree that we shouldn't update our logical beliefs in this way. I.e., that with regard to beliefs about logical probabilities (such as 'alignme

Yes, but

  1. This update is screened off by "you actually looking at the past and checking whether we got lucky many times or there is a consistent reason". Of course, you could claim that our understanding of the past is not perfect, and thus should still update, only less so. Although to be honest, I think there's a strong case for the past clearly showing that we just got lucky a few times.
  2. It sounded like you were saying the consistent reason is "our architectures are non-agentic". This should only constitute an anthropic update to the extent you think more-
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(I think I misinterpreted your question and started drafting another response, will reply to relevant portions of this reply there)

Under the anthropic principle, we should expect there to be a 'consistent underlying reason' for our continued survival.

Why? It sounds like you're anthropic updating on the fact that we'll exist in the future, which of course wouldn't make sense because we're not yet sure of that. So what am I missing?

The quote you replied to was meant to be about the past.[1] (paragraph retracted due to unclarity) Specifically, I think that ("we find a fully-general agent-alignment solution right as takeoff is very near" given "early AGIs take a form that was unexpected") is less probable than ("observing early AGI's causes us to form new insights that lead to a different class of solution" given "early AGIs take a form that was unexpected"). Because I think that, and because I think we're at that point where takeoff is near, it seems like it's some evidence for being on that second path. I do think that's possible (I don't have a good enough model to put a probability on it though). I suspect that superintelligence is possible to create with much less compute than is being used for SOTA LLMs. Here's a thread with some general arguments for this. I think my understanding of why we've survived so far re:AI is very not perfect. For example, I don't know what would have needed to happen for training setups which would have produced agentic superintelligence by now to be found first, or (framed inversely) how lucky we needed to be to survive this far. ~~~ I'm not sure if this reply will address the disagreement, or if it will still seem from your pov that I'm making some logical mistake. I'm not actually fully sure what the disagreement is. You're welcome to try to help me understand if one remains. I'm sorry if any part of this response is confusing, I'm still learning to write clearly. 1. ^ I originally thought you were asking why it's true of the past, but then I realized we very probably agreed (in principle) in that case.
1[comment deleted]

Interesting, but I'm not sure how successful the counterexample is. After all, if your terminal goal in the whole environment was truly for your side to win, then it makes sense to understand anything short of letting Shin play as a shortcoming of your optimization (with respect to that goal). Of course, even in the case where that's your true goal and you're committing a mistake (which is not common), we might want to say that you are deploying a lot of optimization, with respect to the different goal of "winning by yourself", or "having fun", which is co... (read more)

Claude learns across different chats. What does this mean?

 I was asking Claude 3 Sonnet "what is a PPU" in the context of this thread. For that purpose, I pasted part of the thread.

Claude automatically assumed that OA meant Anthropic (instead of OpenAI), which was surprising.

I opened a new chat, copying the exact same text, but with OA replaced by GDM. Even then, Claude assumed GDM meant Anthropic (instead of Google DeepMind).

This seemed like interesting behavior, so I started toying around (in new chats) with more tweaks to the prompt to check its ro... (read more)

From here:

Profit Participation Units (PPUs) represent a unique compensation method, distinct from traditional equity-based rewards. Unlike shares, stock options, or profit interests, PPUs don't confer ownership of the company; instead, they offer a contractual right to participate in the company's future profits.

Wow, I guess I over-estimated how absolutely comedic the title would sound!

1Mateusz Bagiński
FWIW it was obvious to me

In case it wasn't clear, this was a joke.

2Seth Herd
I guess I don't get it.
I was trying to figure out why you believed something that seemed silly to me! I think it barely occurred to me that it's a joke.

AGI doom by noise-cancelling headphones:                                                                            

ML is already used to train what sound-waves to emit to cancel those from the environment. This works well with constant high-entropy sound waves easy to predict, but not with low-entropy sounds like speech. Bose or Soundcloud or whoever train very hard on... (read more)

2Seth Herd
Sure, long after we're dead from AGI that we deliberately created to plan to achieve goals.

they need to reward outcomes which only they can achieve,

Yep! But this didn't seem so hard for me to happen, especially in the form of "I pick some easy task (that I can do perfectly), and of course others will also be able to do it perfectly, but since I already have most of the money, if I just keep investing my money in doing it I will reign forever". You prevent this from happening through epsilon-exploration, or something equivalent like giving money randomly to other traders. These solutions feel bad, but I think they're the only real solutions. Alth... (read more)

There's no actual observation channel, and in order to derive information about utilities from our experiences, we need to specify some value learning algorithm.

Yes, absolutely! I just meant that, once you give me whatever V you choose to derive U from observations, I will just be able to apply UDT on top of that. So under this framework there doesn't seem to be anything new going on, because you are just choosing an algorithm V at the start of time, and then treating its outputs as observations. That's, again, why this only feels like a good model of "com... (read more)

I'd actually represent this as "subsidizing" some traders

Sounds good!

it's more a question of how you tweak the parameters to make this as unlikely as possible

Absolutely, wireheading is a real phenomenon, so the question is how can real agents exist that mostly don't fall to it. And I was asking for a story about how your model can be altered/expanded to make sense of that. My guess is it will have to do with strongly subsidizing some traders, and/or having a pretty weird prior over traders. Maybe even something like "dynamically changing the prior over tra... (read more)

Ah, I see. In that case I think I disagree that it happens "by default" in this model. A few dynamics which prevent it: 1. If the wealthy trader makes reward easier to get, then the price of actions will go up accordingly (because other traders will notice that they can get a lot of reward by winning actions). So in order for the wealthy trader to keep making money, they need to reward outcomes which only they can achieve, which seems a lot harder. 2. I don't yet know how traders would best aggregate votes into a reward function, but it should be something which has diminishing marginal return to spending, i.e. you can't just spend 100x as much to get 100x higher reward on your preferred outcome. (Maybe quadratic voting?) 3. Other traders will still make money by predicting sensory observations. Now, perhaps the wealthy trader could avoid this by making observations as predictable as possible (e.g. going into a dark room where nothing happens—kinda like depression, maybe?) But this outcome would be assigned very low reward by most other traders, so it only works once a single trader already has a large proportion of the wealth. IMO the best way to explicitly represent this is via a bias towards simpler traders, who will in general pay attention to fewer things. But actually I don't think that this is a "dominant dynamic" because in fact we have a strong tendency to try to pull different ideas and beliefs together into a small set of worldviews. And so even if you start off with simple traders who pay attention to fewer things, you'll end up with these big worldviews that have opinions on everything. (These are what I call frames here.)

But you need some mechanism for actually updating your beliefs about U

Yep, but you can just treat it as another observation channel into UDT. You could, if you want, treat it as a computed number you observe in the corner of your eye, and then just apply UDT maximizing U, and you don't need to change UDT in any way.

UDT says to pay here

(Let's not forget this depends on your prior, and we don't have any privileged way to assign priors to these things. But that's a tangential point.)

I do agree that there's not any sharp distinction between situations where it... (read more)

Hmm, I'm confused by this. Why should we treat it this way? There's no actual observation channel, and in order to derive information about utilities from our experiences, we need to specify some value learning algorithm. That's the role V is playing. Obviously I am not arguing that you should agree to all moral muggings. If a pain-maximizer came up to you and said "hey, looks like we're in a world where pain is way easier to create than pleasure, give me all your resources", it would be nuts to agree, just like it would be nuts to get mugged by "1+1=3". I'm just saying that "sometimes you get mugged" is not a good argument against my position, and definitely doesn't imply "you get mugged everywhere".

You're right, I forgot to explicitly explain that somewhere! Thanks for the notice, it's now fixed :)

I like this picture! But

Voting on what actions get reward

I think real learning has some kind of ground-truth reward. So we should clearly separate between "this ground-truth reward that is chiseling the agent during training (and not after training)", and "the internal shards of the agent negotiating and changing your exact objective (which can happen both during and after training)". I'd call the latter "internal value allocation", or something like that. It doesn't neatly correspond to any ground truth, and is partly determined by internal noise in the a... (read more)

I'd actually represent this as "subsidizing" some traders. For example, humans have a social-status-detector which is hardwired to our reward systems. One way to implement this is just by taking a trader which is focused on social status and giving it a bunch of money. I think this is also realistic in the sense that our human hardcoded rewards can be seen as (fairly dumb) subagents. I think this happens in humans—e.g. we fall into cults, we then look for evidence that the cult is correct, etc etc. So I don't think this is actually a problem that should be ruled out—it's more a question of how you tweak the parameters to make this as unlikely as possible. (One reason it can't be ruled out: it's always possible for an agent to end up in a belief state where it expects that exploration will be very severely punished, which drives the probability of exploration arbitrarily low.) I'm assuming that traders can choose to ignore whichever inputs/topics they like, though. They don't need to make trades on everything if they don't want to. Yeah, this is why I'm interested in understanding how sub-markets can be aggregated into markets, sub-auctions into auctions, sub-elections into elections, etc.

It certainly seems intuitively better to do that (have many meta-levels of delegation, instead of only one), since one can imagine particular cases in which it helps. In fact we did some of that (see Appendix E).

But this doesn't really fundamentally solve the problem Abram quotes in any way. You add more meta-levels in-between the selector and the executor, thus you get more lines of protection against updating on infohazards, but you also get more silly decisions from the very-early selector. The trade-off between infohazard protection and not-being-silly... (read more)

People back then certainly didn't think of changing preferences.

Also, you can get rid of this problem by saying "you just want to maximize the variable U". And the things you actually care about (dogs, apples) are just "instrumentally" useful in giving you U. So for example, it is possible in the future you will learn dogs give you a lot of U, or alternatively that apples give you a lot of U.
Needless to say, this "instrumentalization" of moral deliberation is not how real agents work. And leads to getting Pascal's mugged by the world in which you care a lo... (read more)

But you need some mechanism for actually updating your beliefs about U, because you can't empirically observe U. That's the role of V. I think this is fine. Consider two worlds: In world L, lollipops are easy to make, and paperclips are hard to make. In world P, it's the reverse. Suppose you're a paperclip-maximizer in world L. And a lollipop-maximizer comes up to you and says "hey, before I found out whether we were in L or P, I committed to giving all my resources to paperclip-maximizers if we were in P, as long as they gave me all their resources if we were in L. Pay up." UDT says to pay here—but that seems basically equivalent to getting "mugged" by worlds where you care about easy things.

My impression was that this one model was mostly Hjalmar, with Tristan's supervision. But I'm unsure, and that's enough to include anyway, so I will change that, thanks :)

Brain-dump on Updatelessness and real agents                            

Building a Son is just committing to a whole policy for the future. In the formalism where our agent uses probability distributions, and ex interim expected value maximization decides your action... the only way to ensure dynamic stability (for your Son to be identical to you) is to be completely Updateless. That is, to decide something using your current prior, and keep that forever.

Luckily, real agents don't seem t... (read more)

Here's Abram's post. It discusses a more technical setting, but essentially this fits the story of choosing how to channel behavior/results of some other algorithm/contract, without making use of those results when making the choice for how to use them eventually (that is, the choice of a policy for responding to facts is in the logical past from those facts, and so can be used by those facts). Drescher's ASP example more clearly illustrates the problem of making the contract's consequentialist reasoning easier, in this case the contract is the predictor and its behavior is stipulated to be available to the agent (and so easily diagonalized). The agent must specifically avoid making use of knowledge of the contract's behavior when deciding how to respond to that behavior. This doesn't necessarily mean that the agent doesn't have the knowledge, as long as it doesn't use it for this particular decision about policy for what to do in response to the knowledge. In fact the agent could use the knowledge immediately after choosing the policy, by applying the policy to the knowledge, which turns ASP into Transparent Newcomb. A big agent wants to do small agent reasoning in order for that reasoning to be legible to those interested in its results. So it's not so much a tradeoff between updating and not updating, it's instead staged computation of updating (on others' behavior) that makes your own reasoning more legible to others that you want to be able to coordinate with you. If some facts you make use of vary with other's will, you want the dependence to remain simple to the other's mind (so that the other may ask what happens with those facts depending on what they do), which in practice might take the form of delaying the updating. The problem with updateful reasoning that destroys strategicness seems to be different though, an updateful agent just stops listening to UDT policy, so there is no dependence of updateful agent's actions on the shared UDT policy that coordi
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