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i want a better conceptual understanding of what "fundamental values" means, and how to disentangled that from beliefs (ex.: in an LLM). like, is there a meaningful way we can say that a "cat classifier" is valuing classifying cats even though it sometimes fail?

when potentially ambiguous, I generally just say something like "I have a different model" or "I have different values"


it seems to me that disentangling beliefs and values are important part of being able to understand each other

and using words like "disagree" to mean both "different beliefs" and "different values" is really confusing in that regard

topic: economics

idea: when building something with local negative externalities, have some mechanism to measure the externalities in terms of how much the surrounding property valuation changed (or are expected to change based, say, through a prediction market) and have the owner of that new structure pay the owners of the surrounding properties.

I wonder what fraction of people identify as "normies"

I wonder if most people have something niche they identify with and label people outside of that niche as "normies"

if so, then a term with a more objective perspective (and maybe better) would be non-<whatever your thing is>

like, athletic people could use "non-athletic" instead of "normies" for that class of people


just a loose thought, probably obvious

some tree species self-slected themselves for height (ie. there's no point in being a tall tree unless taller trees are blocking your sunlight)

humans were not the first species to self-select (although humans can now do it intentionally)

on human self-selection:

Answer by Mati_Roy20

Board game: Medium

2 players reveal a card with a word, then they need to say a word based on that and get points if it's the same word (basically, with some more complexities).

Example at 1m20 here:

I'm glad past Mati cast a wider net has the specifics for this year's Schelling day are different ☺️☺️

idk if the events are often going over time, but I might pass by now if it's still happening ☺️

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