Michael Pearce

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This work is really interesting. It makes sense that if you already have a class of likely features with known triggers, such as the unigrams, having a lookup table or embeddings for them will save in compute, since you don't need to learn the encoder.

I wonder if this approach could be extended beyond tokens. For example, if we have residual stream features from an upstream SAE does it make sense to use those features for the lookup table in a downstream SAE. The vectors in the table might be the downstream representation of the same feature (with updates from the intermediate layers). Using features from an early layer SAE might capture the effective tokens that form by combining common bigrams and trigrams.

The characterization of basin dimension here is super interesting.  But it sounds like most of the framing is in terms of local minima. My understanding is that saddle points are much more likely in high dimensional landscapes (eg, see https://arxiv.org/abs/1406.2572) since there is likely always some direction leading to smaller loss.  

How does your model complexity measure work for saddle points?  The quotes below suggest there could be issues, although I imagine the measure makes sense as long as the weights are sampled around the saddle (and not falling into another basin). 

Currently, if not applied at a local minimum, the estimator can sometimes yield unphysical negative model complexities.

This occurs when the sampler strays beyond its intended confines and stumbles across models with much lower loss than those in the desired neighborhood.