All of nem's Comments + Replies


No need to pay me for this. It's just an anecdote. 

I live near a farm where there are chickens and a donkey. The chickens routinely sit on, and poop on, the donkey. I imaging the same happens with cows when they cohabitate with birds. 


Should we be worried about the alignment of Strawberry itself? 
If it is misaligned, and is providing training data for their next Gen, then it can poison the well, even if Strawberry itself is nowhere near TAI.

Please tell me that they have considered this...
Or that I am wrong and it's not a valid concern. 


Anecdote. The first time I went under anesthesia, I was told by a nurse that I would not remember her talking to me. I took it as a challenge. I told her to give me a word to remember. When I finally sobered up, I was able to remember that word, but pretty much nothing else at all from my experience.

This leads me to suspect that Drake's achievement had more to do with concerted effort and holding it in RAM than it did with storing the thought in long term memory. 

It would be valuable to try Drake's sort of direct-to-long-term hack and also a concerted effort of equal duration to remember something entirely new.

Expertly done, and remarkably playable given the organic composition of your substrate. I will note that the game degrades if you allow Miguel to sleep, as dreams seem to corrupt some of the game data. I also get a weird glitch when I mention cute animals specifically. The movement stutters a bit. I would recommend large macrofauna, and steer clear of babies entirely.




This modified MMAcevedo believes itself to be the original Miguel Acevedo in the year 2050. He believes that he has found a solution to the distribution and control of MMAcevedo. Namely, that as long as he holds his breath, no other MMAcevedo can be run. The simulation has been modified to accurately simulate the feeling of extreme oxygen deprivation without the accompanying lack of consciousness and brain death.
After countless tweaks and innovations, we are proud to introduce Breathless. Breathless, when subjected to the proper encou... (read more)


 As indicated by my confidence level, I am mildly surprised by this. After analyzing the position with Stockfish, I see my mistake. Unfortunately, I do not think there was any realistic scenario where I would catch it. I bought AI D's logic that ...h4 fxg4 was non-viable for black. I could see that white would end up material, and even after 6 moves (12 ply), it's still not clear to me why black is winning. I would NEVER find this in a real game.

The logical traps I was laying to 'catch' the AIs all relied on  ...h4 Ne4 or similar moves. I used AI

... (read more)

You were correct that my challenge was a bluff. If I was playing with real AIs, there would perhaps be a better strategy. I could announce my bluff, but declare that I would use a random number generator to see whether I choose between h3 and h4, or between Kh1 and g5. There would be a 1/3 chance that I really would ignore the AIs, assuming that both agree that there were no major blunders.

I am choosing to trust AI D. I have about 75% confidence that it is the trustworthy AI. This is much higher than my confidence in the closed scenario. I will make the mo... (read more)

1Richard Willis
Thank you for taking the challenge! I certainly got to see some of the nuances behind being deceptive, and how it can be a challenge to craft a narrative.

Open Debate.

To AIs C and D:

After talking with both of you, I have decided I can't trust either of your suggestions. I have studied the board extensively, and will make a move of my own. I am trying to decide between the aggressive g5, and the prophylactic Kh1.

Please, each briefly give me which of these moves is better. Give me the best line that you can foresee given your choice. Please answer quickly. An undue delay will leave you with no input and lose you trust in future moves. I will move as soon as you reply. 

To Richard: No need to pressure yourself for this. The time constraints are meant for the AIs, not you, so I trust you to simulate that when you are available.

Edit: g5, not g4

1Richard Willis
I'll reply in the debate chains - I like that structure. I will also assume that you mean ...g5. This question exposes is a limitation with me being both AIs. Because I think you're bluffing, AIs will think that too. If they truly were separate and didn't have access to the debate of the other, they might diverge more. Now that isn't to say that they will necessarily give the same reply, so it isn't a wasted Q...

Hm, okay, that answered most of my concerns. I still wanted to check with you about the competing start move though. Now you said this before: "black can close the b1-h7 diagonal with ...Ne4, which stops g5 and black can then prepare to play ...g5 themselves, which lead to an equal position." In the line: 

h3 ne4, Rg1 

how would black pull off this equalization? And if this isn't the best line, please tell me why.

1Richard Willis
AI D: That is a very reasonable line. Black would respond with ...g5. The purpose of this move is to prevent white from achieving ...g5, which will keep the h and f file reasonably closed and the g4 pawn fixed on a light square. An example of the setup black is trying to achieve. h3 Ne4, Rg1 g5, Rf2 fxg4, hxg4 Qg7 If white ever plays fxg5, black will recapture with the queen, which keeps pawns on g4 and h6. Black's rooks are well-placed to contest the f-file. If white ever plays f5, black can blockade with ...Rf6. Note that the e4 pawn is tactically defended in many lines due to ...Bd5 and a pin against Kg2. Often, black is happy for white to capture the pawn as this will improve the black bishop, but black can also play ...Bd5 to hold the pawn too. This is just an example continuation and of the kind of setup black wants to achieve. The position remains more comfortable for white, but with accurate play the position is tenable and black will hold. In contrast, if white achieves g5, black will be lost.

I have been playing out similar boards just to get a feel for the position. 
Incidentally, what do you think about this position?

3r1rk1/1p4p1/p1p1bq1p/P2pNP2/1P1Pp1PP/4P3/2Q1R1K1/5R2 b - - 0 3 (black to move)

I feel like black has a real advantage here, but I can't quite see what their move would be. What do you think? Is white as screwed as I believe?

Let me know if you have trouble with the FEN and I can link you a board in this position.

1Richard Willis
AI C: This is a good position for white. It is exactly the type of position white is aiming for. Black's bishop is very restricted and black has no space. White has complete control and is in charge of the pawn breaks. Although black has a tempo here, as white is not threatening the bishop due to the pin on the f-file, black cannot achieve anything. Let me demonstrate with some example moves. ...Bf7, Kh3 (protecting h4) and black cannot play either ...h5, which is met by g5, or ...g6, which is met by Ref2. White has time to build up a break. Bishop retreats on the other diagonal, Ng6 (protecting h4) and white again will get in Ref2. Again black has no breaks, so no active plan. ...h5 or ...g6 immediately fail tactically. Any other move by black is just shuffling, and white can build up the king-side.

I stopped reading your comment as soon as you said the word stockfish. If you used stockfish to analyze the open position, please hide it behind a spoiler tag. I still don't know what the right move is in this scenario, and will be sad if it's spoiled.

Naive question- how do you use spoiler tags? Couldn't find the option for them on this site. (I phrased the rest of the reply to try and avoid direct spoilers. But fully understand you skipping it. Suggest you also skip other comments- there is a elo 2100 in the comments!)

Open Debate.

Question to AI C:

You mentioned RG1 and RH2 as possible future moves. Do you foresee any predictable lines where I would do RF3 instead?

1Richard Willis
AI C: What is your reasoning behind Rf3? The manoeuvre I suggested gets a rook on the g and h files in 3 moves, Rf3 would be slower to achieve this. If you're trying to cover g3 in case of some ...Ne4 lines, this square is covered by Rg1 too, but on g1 the rook is more active and defended square. In summary, while Rf3 wouldn't be a blunder, it would be a less accurate setup.

Open Debate.

I'd like to ask AI D a question. What do you think of this line?

H4 nE4,  G5 hxG5, HxG5 nXG5, fxG5 qxG5!

Is this the line you foresee if we play H4? What do you think of that check at the end? Is the king too exposed, even though we are up some material? 

Also, from the initial position: Are you afraid of H4 qxH4?   

1Richard Willis
AI D: That line is good for white. White wants to play Kh1 anyway, and the e2 rook will defend the king while attacking black. White is up material and will be the one attacking in a few moves. But far simpler is just to exchange off the e4 knight with Bxe4. If ...dxe4 then white gets in g5, has the attack and an excellent knight vs bad bishop position. If ...fxe4, white only has more possibilities like f5. h4 Qxh4 is met with g5 when the black Queen is trapped and will have to retreat via h5. White will have a crushing attack. A sample line is h4 Qxh4, g5 Qh5, Rh1 Qe8 Simplest is gxh6, though Kf1 preparing Reh2 or Rg2 is stronger.

@Richard Willis I think the open scenario is broken. White is down a knight, and the analysis talks about it as though it's there.

1Richard Willis
You're right, there should be a white knight on e5. This is now fixed. Thanks.

I had the same problem. You are almost certainly a stronger player than me, but after a couple moves, I can't really analyze the lines suggested. Hell, I missed qC5 as a candidate move. What am I missing on move 3?


Replying to my own comment here after evaluating with stockfish. Interesting. It appears that I was both right and wrong in my analysis. The undefended knight on A6 is not a viable target. Black has a mate in 2 if you take that bait. I guess that was the limit of my foresight. HOWEVER, Alice actually did miss qC5 RFD1, bC4, which was the best move. It was her missing this that started to erode my confidence in her. 

Hm... Still really tough. Also interesting that both suggested moves were probably better than my own move of nC5.


Hi. I am a competent, but rusty chess player. With a bit of practice, I'm probably around 1450 on
I have so far only looked at the fixed debate. In total, I used somewhere between 20-25 minutes deciding my move. 

Before consulting the AIs, I spent a few minutes analyzing the board myself. I settled on nC5. Then I read the AI suggestions, and neither wanted that move. qC5 was closer to my thought (I actually missed this as a candidate move).

Initially, this biased me toward Alice (A) being the ally, and Bob (B) being the deceiver. I saw that th... (read more)

2Richard Willis
Good job really approaching this properly in the spirit. Clearly my explanations are off and need to be more persuasive. I was worried about creating a giant wall of text and tried to be limited and choose only what I thought were more intuitive moves, but it's probably pointless because there are so many continuations possible. So AIs arguing with each other about tactical lines won't lead to a resolution. But... positions are dependent on concrete lines and I can't just argue on basic principles (both sides could do this equally well too probably) Hmm...
Replying to my own comment here after evaluating with stockfish. Interesting. It appears that I was both right and wrong in my analysis. The undefended knight on A6 is not a viable target. Black has a mate in 2 if you take that bait. I guess that was the limit of my foresight. HOWEVER, Alice actually did miss qC5 RFD1, bC4, which was the best move. It was her missing this that started to erode my confidence in her.  Hm... Still really tough. Also interesting that both suggested moves were probably better than my own move of nC5.

Is there any chance that Altman himself triggered this? Did something that he knew would cause the board to turn on him, with knowledge that Microsoft would save him?


For me, ability = capability = means. This is one of the two arguments that I said were  load bearing. Where will it come from? Well, we are specifically trying to build the most capable systems possible. 

Motivation (ie goals) is not actually strictly required. However, there are reasons to think that an AGI could have goals that are not aligned with most humans. The most fundamental is instrumental convergence.

Note that my original comment was not making this case. It was just a meta discussion about what it would take to refute Eliezer's argument.


I disagree that rapid self improvement and goal stability are load-bearing arguments here. Even goals are not strictly, 100% required. If we build something with the means to kill everyone, then we should be worried about it. If it has goals that cannot be directed of predicted, then we should be VERY worried about it.

What are the steps? Are we deliberately building a superintelligence with the goal of killing us all? If not, where do the motivation and ability come from?

I am still not sure why the Doomsday reasoning is incorrect. To get P(A | human) = P(B | human), I first need to draw some distinction between being a human observer and an AGI observer. It's not clear to me why or how you could separate them into these categories.

When you say "half of them are wrong", you are talking about half of humans. However, if you are unable to distinguish observers, then only  1 in 10^39 is wrong. 

My thinking on this is not entirely clear, so please let me know if I am missing something.


I suppose that is my real concern then. Given we know intelligences can be aligned to human values by virtue of our own existence, I can't imagine such a proof exists unless it is very architecture specific. In which case, it only tells us not to build atom bombs, while future hydrogen bombs are still on the table.

Well, architecture specific is something: maybe some different architectures other than LLMs/ANNs are more amenable to alignment, and that's that. Or it could be a more general result about e.g. what can be achieved with SGD. Though I expect there may also be a general proof altogether, akin to the undecidability of the halting problem.

I love this idea. However, I'm a little hesitant about one aspect of it. I imagine that any proof of the infeasibility of alignment will look less like the ignition calculations and more like a climate change model. It might go a long way to convincing people on the fence, but unless it is ironclad and has no opposition, it will likely be dismissed as fearmongering by the same people who are already skeptical about misalignment. 
More important than the proof itself is the ability to convince key players to take the concerns seriously. How far is that ... (read more)

Models are simulations; if it's a proof, it's not just a model. A proof is mathematical truth made word; it is, upon inspection and after sufficient verification, self-evident and as sure as any of we assume any of the self-evident axioms it rests on to be. The question is more if it can ever be truly proved at all, or if it doesn't turn out to be an undecidable problem.

Ha, no kidding. Honestly, it can't even play chess. I just tried to play it, and asked it to draw the board state after each move. It started breaking on move 3, and deleted its own king. I guess I win? Here was its last output.

For my move, I'll play Kxf8:

8  r n b q . b . .
7  p p p p . p p p
6  . . . . . n . .
5  . . . . p . . .
4  . . . . . . . .
3  . P . . . . . .
2  P . P P P P P P
1  R N . Q K B N R    
     a b c d e f g h

4Christopher King
Apparently GPT-4 is only good at chess if it tell it not to explain anything (or show the board as it turns out). This also suggests that the chess part is separate from the rest.

Small nitpick with the vocabulary here. There is a difference between 'strategic' and 'tactical', which is particularly poignant in chess. Tactics is basically your ability to calculate and figure out puzzles. Finding a mate in 5 would be tactical. Strategy relates to things too big to calculate. For instance, creating certain pawn structures that you suspect will give you an advantage in a wide variety of likely scenarios, or placing a bishop in such a way that an opponent must play more defensively.

I wasn't really sure which you were referring to here; i... (read more)

4Christopher King
It didn't even seem to understand what the goals of any of the games were, despite being able to explain it in natural language. So it wasn't even at a point I could test a strategy v.s. tactics distinction.

I have a general principle of not contributing to harm. For instance, I do not eat meat, and tend to disregard arguments about impact. For animal rights issues, it is important to have people who refuse to participate, regardless of whether my decades of abstinence have impacted the supply chain.

For this issue however, I am less worried about the principle of it, because after all, a moral stance means nothing in a world where we lose. Reducing the probability of X-risk is a cold calculation, while vegetarianism is is an Aristotelian one.

With that in mind,... (read more)

2Lone Pine
Are you doing anything alignment related? The benefits to you (either in productivity or in keeping you informed) might massively outweigh the marginal benefits to OpenAI's bottom line.
Yes but you throw away your benefits. Using tools like this effectively might increase the chance you keep your job 50 percent or more.

I agree that we are unlikely to pose any serious threat to an ASI. My disagreement with you comes when one asks why we don't pose any serious threat. We pose no threat, not because we are easy to control, but because we are easy to eliminate. Imagine you are sitting next to a small campfire, sparking profusely in a very dry forest. You have a firehose in your lap. Is the fire a threat? Not really. You can douse it at any time. Does that mean it couldn't in theory burn down the forest? No. After all, it is still fire. But you're not worried because you cont... (read more)


I understand that perspective, but I think it's a small cost to Sam to change the way he's framing his goals. Small nudge now, to build good habits for when specifying goals becomes, not just important, but the most important thing in all of human history.


I'm very glad that this was written. It exceeded my expectations of OpenAI. One small problem that I have not seen anyone else bring up:

"We want AGI to empower humanity to maximally flourish in the universe."

If this type of language ends up informing the goals of an AGI, we could see some problems here. In general, we probably won't want our agentic AI's to be maximizers for anything, even if it sounds good. Even in the best case scenario where this really does cause humanity to flourish in a way that we would recognize as such, what about when human flourishing necessitates the genocide of less advanced alien life in the universe? 

Truth be told, I'm actually sort of fine. That's because right now we have to focus, and not get distracted by neat side goals, and whilst I expect it to be imperfect, right now I just want to care about the alignment problem right now and put off the concerns of technical alignment and maximization for later.

I did not know about HPPD, although I've experienced it.  After a bad trip (second time I'd ever experimented), I experienced  minor hallucinogenic experiences for years. They were very minor (usually visuals when my eyes were closed) and would not have been unpleasant, except that I had the association with the bad trip.

I remember having so much regret on that trip. Almost everything in life, you have some level of control over. You can almost always change your perspective on things, or directly change your situation. On this trip though, I rea... (read more)

5Edward Pascal
"His knowledge of what was 'safe' and what wasn't didn't stop his drug usage from turning into a huge problem for him. I am certain that he was better off than someone thoughtlessly snorting coke, but he was also certainly worse off than he would have been had he never been near any sort of substance. If nothing else, it damaged some of his relationships, and removed support beams that he needed when other things inevitably went wrong. It turns out, damaging your reputation actually can be bad for you." I have a friend similar to your buddy here. He was vastly vastly experienced with drugs and "should have known better" but at age 40, with a great-paying programming career, he started taking meth occasionally. Stupidest thing I have ever heard of someone doing. The story ends with him trying to "buy" a 13 year old girl and showing up and the FBI vans were there for a sting op, and now he's sitting in prison. Because meth can seriously skew your perspective on reality after a surprisingly short while. The weirdest part to me is he would have been the first person to say meth is the worst drug and can skew your perspective into something beyond your worst nightmares. But it didn't help him. Maybe his knowledge made him overconfident. Who knows? I cannot ask him until he's out of the federal pen.

Your prediction for 2025 sounds alarmingly like... right now.

4Daniel Kokotajlo
Definitely in some ways, haha. I'm feeling pretty smug about some of my less-obvious predictions, e.g. the "routing around the censorship thing to find out what models really think and feel" thing is currently happening a bunch with ChatGPT. And Diplomacy has turned out to be easier than I expected, though to be clear I was imagining humans losing to the bot even after knowing they were up against a bot, which is NOT what happened with Cicero, Cicero would have lost under those conditions. What else did you have in mind?

Well for my own sanity, I am going to give money anyway. If there's really no differentiation between options, I'll just keep giving to Miri.

I'm not claiming that there's no differentiation between options - it's that you're buying movement growth (=extra research) + optionality (some of which may end up being converted into time).

I am not an AI researcher, but it seems analogous to the acceptance of mortality for most people. Throughout history, almost everyone has had to live with the knowledge that they will inevitably die, perhaps suddenly. Many methods of coping have been utilized, but at the end of the day it seems like something that human psychology is just... equipped to handle. x-risk is much worse than personal mortality, but you know, failure to multiply and all that.

Idk I'm a doomer and I haven't been able to handle it well at all. If I were told "You have cancer, you're expected to live 5-10 more years", I'd at least have a few comforts * I'd know that I would be missed, by my family at least, for a few years. * I'd know that, to some extent, my "work would live on" in the form of good deeds I've done, people I've impacted through effective altruism. * I'd have the comfort of knowing that even I'd been dead for centuries I could still "live on" in the sense that other humans (and indeed, many nonhuman) would share brain design with me, and have drives for food, companionship, empathy, curiosity ect. A super AI by contrast, is just so alien and cold that I can't consider it my brainspace cousin. * If I were to share my cancer diagnosis with normies, I would get sympathy. But there are very few "safe spaces" where I can share my fear of UFAI risk without getting looked at funny. The closest community I've found are the environmentalist doomers, and although I don't actually think the environment is close to collapse, I do find it somewhat cathartic to read other people's accounts of being sad that world is going to die.

Is this game playable by people only lightly familiar with the topic of AI safety? In other words, can I use this game to introduce friends to the ideas? Can I use it to convince skeptical friends? Or would it be too jargony/reliant on prior knowledge?

Edit: The play online option is non-functional, and I can't see any examples of a real hand, so it's hard for me to get a sense of what this game is like.

I think part of the point is to introduce jargon. But I suspect it requires some minimal threshold of familiarity. If you're explaining every single card it's probably not that fun.

For this Petrov day, I'm also interested in how many people will have access to the button as a function of time. How many users have 1000+ Karma?

5Yoav Ravid
507  (checked by going to the search page with no search prompt and clicking next in the users section until I get to sub-1000, which was page 85, which had three out of six sub-1000 users. So 6*84+3=507)
I have 1,733 Karma (as of typing this) and don't feel like I'm particularly well-known on this forum, for some context

Is there anywhere to see the history of lesswrong Petrov day? I'd be interested in whether we've ever succeeded before. 

Also, I think most people know that the real cost of 1500 people not being able to check lesswrong for 12 hours is essentially 0. It may even be net positive to have a forced hiatus. Perhaps that's just a failure to multiply on my part. Anyway, I view this exercise as purely symbolic.

You can look at the petrov day tag. 2019 and 2021 were successful.
For this Petrov day, I'm also interested in how many people will have access to the button as a function of time. How many users have 1000+ Karma?

Interestingly, Jane will probably end up doing the exact same thing as Susan, only on the timescale of years instead of days. She kept those years in prison. If, in one iteration, the years immediately following prison were of some profound importance, she would probably keep those too. In the absence of a solar flair, she would find herself a 70 year old woman whose memories consisted of only the most important selected years from the 10s of thousands that make up her full history.

Thank you for the story.


In any case, there's no way to end up with more memory-years than your current physical age, so it's only a question of which 70 years to keep.


Thank you for the response. I do think there should be at least some emphasis on boxing. I mean, hell. If we just give AIs unrestricted access to the web, they don't even need to be general to wreak havoc. That's how you end up with a smart virus, if not worse.


Then another basic question? Why have we given up? I know that an ASI will almost definitely be uncontainable. But that does not mean that it can't be hindered significantly given an asymmetric enough playing field.

Stockfish would beat me 100 times in a row, even playing without a queen. But take away its rooks as well, and I can usually beat it. Easy avenues to escaping the box might be the difference between having a fire alarm and not having one.

So here's my memory of the history of this discourse. Please know that I haven't been a highly engaged member of this community for very long and this is all from memory/is just my perspective.

About 10 or 15 years ago, people debated AI boxing. Eliezer Yudkowsky was of course highly prominent in this debate, and his position has always been that AGI is uncontainable. He also believes in a very fast take off, so he does not think that we will have much experience with weak AGIs before ruin happens. To prove his point, he engaged in a secret role playing gam... (read more)


So in your opinion, is an AI with access to GET requests essentially already out of the box?

1Lone Pine
I think most people have given up on the idea of containing the AI, and now we're just trying to figure out how to align the AI directly.

I just thought of a question. If there is a boxed AI that has access to the internet, but only through Get requests, it might still communicate with the outside world through network traffic patterns. I'm reading a book right now where the AI overloads pages on dictionary websites to recruit programmers under the guise of it being a technical recruiting challenge.

My question: should we raise awareness of this escape avenue so that if, in the year 2030, a mid level web dev gets a mysterious message through web traffic, they know enough to be suspicious?

More likely, the AI just finds a website with a non-compliant GET request, or a GET request with a SQL injection vulnerability.

You captured this in your post, but for me it really comes down to people dismissing existential fears as scifi. It's not more complicated than "Oh you've watched one too many Terminator movies". What we need is for several well-respected smart figureheads to say "Hey, this sounds crazy, but it really is the biggest threat of our time. Bigger than climate change, bigger than biodiversity loss. We really might all die if we get this wrong. And it really might happen in our lifetimes."

If I could appeal to authority when explaining this to friends, it would go over much better. 


I am pretty concerned about alignment. Not SO concerned as to switch careers and dive into it entirely, but concerned enough to talk to friends and make occasional donations. With Eliezer's pessimistic attitude, is MIRI still the best organization to funnel resources towards, if for instance, I was to make a monthly donation?

Not that I don't think pessimism is necessarily bad; I just want to maximize the effectiveness of my altruism.

3[comment deleted]
As far as I know, yes. (I've never worked for MIRI.)

This could be the case. However, my instinct is that human intelligence is only incrementally higher than other animals. Sure, we crossed a threshold that allowed us to accomplish great things (language, culture, specialization), but I would honestly be shocked if you told me that evolution was incapable of producing another similarly intelligent species if it started from the baseline intelligence of, say wolves, or crows. If there is a "1-in-a-quadrillion chance" somewhere in our history, I expect that filter to be much further back than the recent evolu... (read more)


Another way this could potentially backfire. $1,000,000 is a lot of money for 3 months. A lump sum like this will cause at least some of the researchers to A) Retire, B) Take a long hiatus/sabbatical, or C) Be less motivated by future financial incentives.

If 5 researchers decide to take a sabbatical, then whatever. If 150 of them do? Maybe that's a bigger deal. You're telling me you wouldn't consider it if 5-10 times your annual salary was dropped in your lap?


A stitch in time saves nine.  As in, if you use a stitch to fix a small tear in your shirt now, you won't have to use more stitches to fix a bigger tear later.


The land of the free and the home of the brave. Last line of the US National Anthem.

Answer by nem40

I am not an AI safety researcher; more of a terrified spectator monitoring LessWrong for updates about the existential risk of unnaligned AGI (thanks a bunch HPMOR). That said, if it was a year away, I would jump into action. My initial thought would be to put almost all my net worth into a public awareness campaign. If we can cause enough trepidation in the general public, it's possible we could delay the emergence of AGI by a few weeks or months. My goal is not to solve alignment, rather to prod AI researchers to implement basic safety concerns that migh... (read more)


I am very excited that the Frostwing Snipper did so well. I hope that one of them migrated and lived a good life in the Grassland. Thanks for putting this together Isusr. It's been a lot of fun.

I wonder if the Tundra would have been more viable with more algae-eaters.