Nicolas Villarreal

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I don't think your dialectical reversion back to randomista logic makes much sense considering we can't exactly do random control trials to figure out any of the major questions of the social sciences. If you want to promote social science research, I think the best thing you could do is collect consistent statistics over long periods of times. You can learn a lot about modern societies just by learning how national accounts work and looking back at them many different ways. Alternatively, building agent based simulations allows you to test in flexible ways how different types of behavior, both heterogenous and homogenous, might effect macroscopic social outcomes. These are the techniques that I use and they've proven very helpful. 

If there's one other thing you're missing is this, epistemology isn't something you can rely on others for, even trying to triangulate between different viewpoints. You always have to do your own epistemology, because every way of knowing you encounter in society is a part of someone's ideological framework trying to adversarially draw you into it. 

(The specifics of your postulated definition, especially that recursion->intelligence, seems like a not-very-useful way to define things, since Turing completeness probably means that once you clear a fairly low bar, your amount of possible recursion is just a measure of your hardware, when we usually want 'intelligence' to also capture something about your software. But the more standard information-theoretic notion of coding for a goal within a world-model would also say that bigger world models need (on average) bigger codes.)

So it might be a bit confusing, but by recursion here I did not mean like how many loops you do in a program, I meant what order of signs you can create and store, which is a statement of software. Basically, how many signs can you meaningfully connect to another. Not all hardware can represent higher order signs, easy example is a single layer vs multilevel perceptron. Perhaps recursion was the wrong word, but at the time I was thinking about how a sign can refer to another sign that refers to another sign and so on, creating a chain of signifiers which is still meaningful so long as the higher order signs refer to more than one lower order sign. 

When we're taking the human perspective, it's fine to say "the smarter agent has such a richer and more complex conception of its goal," without that implying that the smarter agent's goal has to be different than the dumber agent's goal.

The point of bringing semiotics into the mix here is to show that the meaning of a sign, such as a goal, is dependent on the things we associate with it. The human perspective is just a way of expressing that goal at one moment in time with our specific associations with it

a) Actions like exploration or "play" could be derived (instrumental) behaviors, rather than final goals. The fact that exploration is given as a final goal in many present-day AI systems is certainly interesting, but isn't very relevant to the abstract theoretical argument.

In my follow up post I actually show the way in which it is relevant. 

b) Even if you assume that every smart AI has "and also, explore and play" as part of its goals, doesn't mean the other stuff can't be alien.

The argument about alien values isn't the logical one but the statistical one, any AI situated in human culture will have values that are likely to be related to the signs created and used by that culture, although we can expect outliers. 

As for the orthogonality thesis, my first goal was to dispute its logic, but I think there are also some very practical lessons here. From what I can tell, the limit on intelligence created by an inability to create higher order values kicks in at a pretty basic level, and relate to the limits all current machine learning and LLM based AI that we see emerge on out of distribution tasks. Up till now, we've just found ways to procure more data to train on, but if machine agents can never be arbitrarily curious like humans are through making higher order signs our goals, then they'll never be more generally intelligent than us. 

I think we're seeing where that relationship is breaking down presently, specifically of compute and intelligence, as, while it's difficult to see what's happening inside of top AI companies, it seems like they're developing new systems/techniques, not just scaling up the same stuff anymore. In principle, though, I'm not sure it's possible to know in advance when such a correlation will break down, unless you have a deeper model of the relationship between those correlations (first order signs) and the higher level concept in question, which, in this case we do not. 

Yes. And in one sense that is trivial, there's plenty of algorithms you can run on extremely large compute that do not lead to intelligent behavior, but in another sense it is non-trivial because all the algorithms we have that essentially "create maps" as in representations of some reality need to have that domain specified that they're supposed to represent or learn, in order to create arbitrary domains an agent needs to make second order signs their goal - see my last post.

You can reason about a topic without "the math", if anyone can poke actual holes in my logic I would love to hear a substantial objection. It also wasn't my intention to write nothing but an introduction to semiotics in terms of math.

Also, semiotics was deeply connected to information theory and cybernetics, the fundamental characteristics of signs I bring up here as being distinct come from the cybernetic construct of variety. 

Seems that Claude, besides not really understanding the arguments I'm making, argues from assertion much more than I do.