PhD Student at Umass Amherst
From what I understand, reviewing used to be a non-trivial part of an academic's reputation, but relied on much smaller academic communities (somewhat akin to Dunbar's number). So in some sense I'm not proposing a new reputation system, but a mechanism for scaling an existing one (but yeah, trying to get academics to care about a new reputation metric does seem like a pretty big lift)
I don't really follow the market-place analogy - in a more ideal setup, reviewers would be selling a service to the conferences/journals in exchange for reputation (and possibly actual money) Reviewers would then be selected based on their previous reviewing track-record and domain of expertise. I agree that in the current setup this market structure doesn't really hold, but this is in some sense the core problem.
Yeah this stuff might helps somewhat, but I think the core problem remains unaddressed: ad-hoc reputation systems don't scale to thousands of researchers.
It feels like something basic like "have reviewers / area chairs rate other reviewers, and post un-anonymized cumulative reviewer ratings" (a kind of h-index for review quality) might go a long way. The double-bind structure is maintained, while providing more incentive (in terms of status, and maybe direct monetary reward) for writing good reviews.
does anyone have thoughts on how to improve peer review in academic ML? From discussions with my advisor, my sense is that the system used to depend on word of mouth and people caring more about their academic reputation, which works in a fields of 100's of researchers but breaks down in fields of 1000's+. Seems like we need some kind of karma system to both rank reviewers and submissions. I'd be very surprised if nobody has proposed such a system, but a quick google search doesn't yield results.
I think reforming peer review is probably underrated from a safety perspective (for reasons articulated here - basically bad peer review disincentivizes any rigorous analysis of safety research and degrades trust in the safety ecosystem)
yeah I was mostly thinking neutral along the axis of "safey-ism" vs "accelerationism" (I think there's a fairly straight-forward right-wing bias on X, further exasperated by Bluesky)
Two common failure modes to avoid when doing the legibly impressive things
1. Only caring instrumentally about the project (decreases motivation)
2. Doing "net negative" projects
Yeah it does seem unfortunate that there's not a robust pipeline for tackling the "hard problem" (even conditioned to more "moderate" models of x-risk)
But (conditioned on "moderate" models) there's still a log of low-hanging fruit that STEM people from average universities (a group I count myself among) can pick. Like it seems good for Alice to bounce off of ELK and work on technical governance, and for Bob to make incremental progress on debate. The current pipeline/incentive system is still valuable, even if it systematically neglects tackling the "hard problem of alignment".
still trying to figure out the "optimal" config setup. The "clean code" method is roughly to have dedicated config files for different components that can be composed and overridden etc (see for example, But I don't like how far away these configs are from the main code. On the other hand, as the experimental setup gets more mature I often want to toggle across config groups. Maybe the solution is making a "mode" an optional config itself with overrides within the main script
yeah fair - my main point is that you could have a reviewer reputation system without de-anonymizing reviewers on individual papers
(alternatively, de-anonymizing reviews might improve the incentives to write good reviews on the current margin, but would also introduce other bad incentives towards sycophancy etc. which academics seem deontically opposed to)