All of Osho's Comments + Replies


Is anyone interested in starting a small team (2-3 people) to work on this Kaggle dataset?


Is anyone interested in starting a small team (2-3 people) to work on this Kaggle dataset?


So are you going to actually explain why "freedom of speech" (not a negative right, but platform owners allowing users to post whatever they want) is a good thing?

Sniff... sniff... smells like a bad-faith question. You don't imagine you're setting a trap for me or anything like that?

Is there any reason to interpret the coefficient by itself, rather than relative to other coefficients of other areas/times? If you were comparing coefficients you would of course use the same real-adjusted currency. If you aren't comparing, I don't see the point of the coefficient nor the problem with it changing due to the income units used.

I'd have thought you'd want to be able to say things like "if the coefficient is at least 0.618033989 then you should give very serious thought to whether you have a problem". And it's all very well to say that if you were comparing then of course you would use a common currency for both -- but in practice I doubt it would work that way. If you compare two countries' GDPs, you look them both up, do a single currency conversion, and compare the numbers. You can't do that with logini; if you know that a country's logini is 0.739085133 when computed using pounds sterling in 2017, that is not enough information to convert it into US dollars in 2020 (even in 2020 when you know how much the dollar is worth then). I suppose that if logini coefficients took off then people computing them might pick some standard-for-all-time currency and convert to that. Which is more or less equivalent to my suggestion of using something like the price of a loaf of bread as a unit, except a bit more arbitrary.

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Sure can: subscribe to gwern's newsletter

Well that's why we have governments...

Yeah, but I don't think they're anywhere near reliable enough that no-one "should care about unnecessary uses of resources"...

The optimal AC setting in terms of comfort is subjective. I don't see any reason to speculate beyond the simple fact that he was hot. I don't think anyone should care about "unnecessary uses of resources"- that's why we have markets.

No, markets only work for services whose costs are high enough to participants to care and model their behavior accordingly. In my observation, specifically, these people behave this way for reasons other than their personal comfort, and the costs aren't high enough (or they're not aware that they're high enough) to influence their behavior. The 'reason to speculate' is that it's interesting to talk about it. That's all.
That would apply if there were no such things as subsidies or negative externalities -- if all of the costs associated with cooling a room to a given temperature were always paid by the person who decided the temperature.

I said there would be equity.

Equity is only useful if one consider a business to be a good idea. If you want someone to join and be payed in equity you need to convince them that working on your project with you makes sense.

I'm looking for an academic/science/technology enthusiast to cofound my new website with me.

Website is already built and nearing launch. I am looking for someone who can serve as an adviser and contribute directly to site content (I will explain the content in more detail to serious candidates). This will require knowing a lot about science, and a lot about how scientists think. He/she needs to be interested in new technologies and current events. From international affairs, economic policy, politics and ethical issues to cryptocurrency, biotech, physics a... (read more)

I would guess that you currently haven't said enough about your project to make anybody have serious interest to be part of your project.
Using the nick Osho is quite strange for a website about science. What's your background? What is the website supposed to be about? How does it differ from what is out there at the moment?
Using the nick Osho is quite strange for a website about science. What's your background? What is the website supposed to be about? How does it differ from what is out there at the moment?
Your post is all about what you want. What are you offering in exchange?

I think your denominator in your original equation is missing a second term. That is why you get a non-probability for your answer. See here: