at a $100k valuation of a marriage
I don't think one can coherently value marriage 20 times as much as than a saved life ($5k as GiveWell says)? Indeed there is more emotional attachment to a person who's your partner (i.e. who you are emotionally attached to) than to a random human in the world, but surely not that much?
And if a marriage is valued at $10k, then the credit assignment 1%/10% would make the allocation $100/$1000 - and it seems that people really want to round the former towards zero
When rereading [0 and 1 Are Not Probabilities], I thought: can we ever specify our amount of information in infinite domains, perhaps with something resembling hyperreals?
When I tried exploring some more, I've validated that greater uncertainty (, communication of one real number) makes smaller ones () negligible, and that evidence for a natural number can presumably be squeezed into communication for a real value. That also makes the direction look unpromising.
However, there can be a continuation still: are there books/articles on how information is quantified given a distribution function?
Never say 'nothing' :-)
I guess I'm looking for questions of this family:
I feel like an important question is: how far does this generalize? We can estimate the IQ gap between the dumbest person who successfully uses the internet (probably in the 80's) and the smartest malware author (got to be at least 150+). Is that the limit somehow, or does this knack extend across even more orders of magnitude?
If imagine a world where 100 IQ humans are using an internet that contains malware written by 1000 IQ AGI, do humans just "avoid the bad parts"?
For reactive threats, the upper bound is probably at most "people capable of introspection who can detect they are not sure some action will be to net benefit, and therefore refuse to take it". For active threatening factors, that's an arms race (>=40% this race is not to infinity - basically, if more-cooperating DT strategies are any good).
Maybe the subject is researched more in biology? Example topic: eating unknown food (berries, nuts) in forest, and balance of lifetime adaptation vs evolutionary adaptation (which involves generations passing).
It would be nice to see at least three questions which would demonstrate how person extracts evidence from others' words, how much time and emotions could they spend if they needed to communicate a point precisely, etc.
I'll have to sleep on that, actually. Will return tomorrow, presumably with more concrete ideas)
99.9% of all cryptocurrency projects are complete scams (conservative estimate).
On first skim, I agree with the estimate as stated and would post a limit order for either side. I'd also like to note that "crypto in general is terrible" instead of "all crypto is terrible", as there have been applications developed that do not allow you to lose all funds without explicit acknowledgement.
Similarly, Cyber Security is terrible. Basically every computer on the internet is infected with multiple types of malware.
It is presumably terrible (or, 30%, result of availability bias), and I've observed bugs happen because functionality upgrade did not consider its interaction with all other code. However, I disagree that every computer is infected; probably you meant that it is under constant stream of attack attempts?
The insecure domains mainly work because people have charted known paths, and shown that if you follow those paths your loss probability is non-null but small. As a matter of IT, it would be really nice to have systems which don't logically fail at all, but that requires good education and pressure-resistance skills for software developers.
I think TMS doesn't rewrite anything, instead activating neural circuits in another pattern? Then, new pattern is not depressed, brain can notice that (on either conscious or subconscious level) and make appropriate changes to neural connections.
Basically, I believe that whatever resulting patterns (including "other parts of you changed into something non-native and alien") you dis-endorse, are "committed" with significantly lower probability.
P(Bitcoin) What is the probability that the price of one bitcoin will be higher on July 1st, 2025, than it was on December 1st, 2024? ($???)
Probably best to include "what price of one bitcoin do you expect on July 1st, 2025, given that it was $??? on December 1st, 2024?" as well.
You could also include P(weak EMH) - instead of P(GPT-5 Release) if there's not enough space.
Overall, the questions seemed insufficiently checking social skills to me, instead preferring testing large, "impactful" beliefs.
I've started writing a small research paper on this, using mathematical framework, and understood that I had long conflated Shapley values with ROSE values. Here's what I found, having corrected that error.
ROSE bargaining satisfies Efficiency, Pareto Optimality, Symmetry*, Maximin Dominance and Linearity - a bunch of important desiderata. Shapley values, on other hand, don't satisfy Maximin Dominance so someone might unilaterally reject cooperation; I'll explore ROSE equilibrium below.
So, why yes or why no?
By the way, Shapley values suggest paying a significant sum! Given value of a relationship of $10K (can be scaled), and four options for finding partners (0:p0=0.03 -- self-search, α:pα=0.09 -- friend's help, β:pβ=0.10 -- dating sites, γ:pγ=0.70 -- the specialized project suggested up the comments), the Shapley-fair price per success would be respectively $550, $650 and $4400.
P.S. I'm explicitly not open to discussing what price I'd be cheerful to pay to service which would help to build relationships. In this thread, I'm more interested in whether there are new decision theory developments which would find maximin-satisfying equilibria closer to Shapley one.