All of SCP's Comments + Replies

My use of 'next' need not be read temporally, though it could be. You might simply want to define a transitive preference relation for the agent over {A,A+,B,B+} in order to predict what it would choose in an arbitrary static decision problem. Only the incomplete one I described works no matter what the decision problem ends up being.

As a general point, you can always look at a decision ex post and back out different ways to rationalise it. The nontrivial task is here prediction, using features of the agent.

If we want an example of sequential choice using ... (read more)

2Jeremy Gillen
The description of how sequential choice can be defined is helpful, I was previously confused by how this was supposed to work. This matches what I meant by preferences over tuples of outcomes. Thanks! There's two things we might want from the idea of incomplete preferences: 1. To predict the actions of agents. 2. Because complete agents behave dangerously sometimes, and we want to design better agents with different behaviour. I think modelling an agent as having incomplete preferences is great for (1). Very useful. We make better predictions if we don't rule out the possibility that the agent goes for B after choosing B+. I think we agree here. For (2), the relevant quote is:  If we can always rationalise a decision ex post as being generated by a complete agent, then let's just build that complete agent. Incompleteness isn't helping us, because the behaviour could have been generated by complete preferences.

Yes that's right (regardless of whether it's resolute or whether it's using 'strong' maximality).

A sort of of a decision tree where the agent isn't representable as having complete preferences is the one you provide here. We can even put the dynamic aspect aside to make the point. Suppose that the agent is fact inclined to pick A+ over A, but doesn't favour or disfavour B to either one. Here's my representation: maximal choice with A+  A and  A,A+. As a result, I will correctly predict its behaviour: it'll choose something oth... (read more)

4Jeremy Gillen
Are you aware that this is incompatible with Thornley's ideas about incomplete preferences? Thornley's decision rule might choose A.  [Edit: I retract this, it's wrong]. If the choices are happening one after the other, are the preferences over tuples of outcomes? Or are the two choices in different counterfactuals? Or is it choosing an outcome, then being offered another outcome set that it could to replace it with? VNM is only well justified when the preferences are over final outcomes, not intermediate states. So if your example contains preferences over intermediate states, then it confuses the matter because we can attribute the behavior to those preferences rather than incompleteness.

Thanks. Let me end with three comments. First, I wrote a few brief notes here that I hope clarify how Independence and IIA differ. Second, I want to stress that the problem with the use of Dutch books in the articles is a substantial one, not just a verbal one, as I explained here and here. Finally, I’m happy to hash out any remaining issues via direct message if you’d like—whether it’s about these points, others I raised in my initial comment, or any related edits.

I don't apprecaite the hostility. I aimed to be helpful in spending time documenting and explaining these errors. This is something a heathy epistemic community is appreciative of, not annoyed by. If I had added mistaken passages to Wikipedia, I'd want to be told, and I'd react by reversing them myself. If any points I mentioned weren't added by you, then as I wrote in my first comment:

...let me know that some of the issues I mention were already on Wikipedia beforehand. I’d be happy to try to edit those.

The point of writing about the mistakes here is to m... (read more)

5Closed Limelike Curves
I'm not annoyed by these, and I'm sorry if it came across that way. I'm grateful for your comments. I just meant to say these are exactly the sort of mistakes I was talking about in my post as needing fixing! However, talking about them here isn't going to do much good, because people read Wikipedia, not LessWrong shortform comments, and I'm busy as hell working on social choice articles already. From what I can tell, there's one substantial error I introduced, which was accidentally conflating IIA with VNM-independence. (Although I haven't double-checked, so I'm not sure they're actually unrelated.) Along with that there's some minor errors involving strict vs. non-strict inequality which I'd be happy to see corrected.

I agree that there exists the dutch book theorem, and that that one importantly relates to probabilism

I'm glad we could converge on this, because that's what I really wanted to convey.[1] I hope it's clearer now why I included these as important errors:

  • The statement that the vNM axioms “apart from continuity, are often justified using the Dutch book theorems” is false since these theorems only relate to belief norms like probabilism. Changing this to 'money pump arguments' would fix it.
  • There's a claim on the main Dutch book page that the arguments dem
... (read more)

I think it'll be helpful to look at the object level. One argument says: if your beliefs aren't probabilistic but you bet in a way that resembles expected utility, then you're succeptible to sure loss. This forms an argument for probabilism.[1]

Another argument says: if your preferences don't satisfy certain axioms but satisfy some other conditions, then there's a sequence of choices that will leave you worse off than you started. This forms an agument for norms on preferences.

These are distinct.

These two different kinds of arguments have things in common. ... (read more)

I mean, I think it would be totally reasonable for someone who is doing some decision theory or some epistemology work, to come up with new "dutch book arguments" supporting whatever axioms or assumptions they would come up with. 

I think I am more compelled that there is a history here of calling money pump arguments that happen to relate to probabilism "dutch books", but I don't think there is really any clear definition that supports this. I agree that there exists the dutch book theorem, and that that one importantly relates to probabilism, but I'v... (read more)

check the edit history yourself by just clicking on the "View History" button and then pressing the "cur" button

Great, thanks!

I hate to single out OP but those three points were added by someone with the same username (see first and second points here; third here). Those might not be entirely new but I think my original note of caution stands.

Well, thinking harder about this, I do think your critiques on some of these is wrong. For example, it is the case that the VNM axioms frequently get justified by invoking dutch books (the most obvious case is the argument for transitivity, where the standard response is "well, if you have circular preferences I can charge you a dollar to have you end up where you started"). Of course, justifying axioms is messy, and there isn't any particularly objective way of choosing axioms here, but in as much as informal argumentation happens, it tends to use a dutch book like structure. I've had many conversations with formal academic experience in academia and economics here, and this is definitely a normal way for dutch books to go.  For a concrete example of this, see this recent book/paper: 

Scott Garrabrant rejects the Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives axiom

*Independence, not IIA. Wikipedia is wrong (as of today).

Ooops, good catch.

I appreciate the intention here but I think it would need to be done with considerable care, as I fear it may have already led to accidental vandalism of the epistemic commons. Just skimming a few of these Wikipedia pages, I’ve noticed several new errors. These can be easily spotted by domain experts but might not be obvious to casual readers.[1] I can’t know exactly which of these are due to edits from this community, but some very clearly jump out.[2]

I’ll list some examples below, but I want to stress that this list is not exhaustive. I didn’t read ... (read more)

-2Closed Limelike Curves
Yes, these Wikipedia articles do have lots of mistakes. Stop writing about them here and go fix them!
None of these changes are new as far as I can tell (I checked the first three), so I think your basic critique falls through. You can check the edit history yourself by just clicking on the "View History" button and then pressing the "cur" button next to the revision entry you want to see the diff for.  Like, indeed, the issues you point out are issues, but it is not the case that people reading this have made the articles worse. The articles were already bad, and "acting with considerable care" in a way that implies inaction would mean leaving inaccuracies uncorrected.  I think people should edit these pages, and I expect them to get better if people give it a real try. I also think you could give it a try and likely make things better. Edit: Actually, I think my deeper objection is that most of the critiques here (made by Sammy) are just wrong. For example, of course Dutch books/money pumps frequently get invoked to justify VNM axioms. See for example this.

Two nitpicks and a reference:

an agent’s goals might not be linearly decomposable over possible worlds due to risk-aversion

Risk aversion doesn't violate additive separability. E.g., for  we always get  whether (risk neutrality) or  (risk aversion). Though some alternatives to expected utility, like Buchak's REU theory, can allow certain sources of risk aversion to violate separability.

when features have fixed marginal utility, rather than being substitutes

Perfect substitutes have fixed margina... (read more)

It may be worth thinking about why proponents of a very popular idea in this community don't know of its academic analogues, despite them having existed since the early 90s[1] and appearing on the introductory SEP page for dynamic choice.

Academics may in turn ask: clearly LessWrong has some blind spots, but how big?

  1. ^

    And it's not like these have been forgotton; e.g., McClennen's (1990) work still gets cited regularly.

5Wei Dai
I don't think this is fair, because even though component ideas behind UDT/FDT have academic analogues, it doesn't look like someone put them together into a single decision theory formulation in academic literature, at least prior to MIRI's "Cheating Death in Damascus" being published. Also "Cheating Death in Damascus" does cite both Meacham and Spohn (and others) and it seems excusable for me to have forgotten those references since they were both published after I wrote about UDT and again were only component ideas of it, plus I haven't actively worked on decision theory for several years.
I think there is nothing surprising that small community of nerds writing in spare time has blind spots, but when large professional community has such blind spots that's surprising.

I argued that the signal-theoretic[1] analysis of meaning (which is the most common Bayesian analysis of communication) fails to adequately define lying, and fails to offer any distinction between denotation and connotation or literal content vs conversational implicature.

In case you haven't come accross this, here are two papers on lying by the founders of the modern economics literature on communication. I've only skimmed your discussion but if this is relevant, here's a great non-technical discussion of lying in that framework. A common thread in t... (read more)


In your example, DSM permits the agent to end up with either A+ or B. Neither is strictly dominated, and neither has become mandatory for the agent to choose over the other. The agent won't have reason to push probability mass from one towards the other.

You can think of me as trying to run an obvious-to-me assertion test on code which I haven't carefully inspected, to see if the result of the test looks sane.

This is reasonable but I think my response to your comment will mainly involve re-stating what I wrote in the post, so maybe it'll be easier to point ... (read more)

But it sounds like the agent's initial choice between A and B is forced, yes? (Otherwise, it wouldn't be the case that the agent is permitted to end up with either A+ or B, but not A.) So the presence of A+ within a particular continuation of the decision tree influences the agent's choice at the initial node, in a way that causes it to reliably choose one incomparable option over another. Further thoughts: under the original framing, instead of choosing between A and B (while knowing that B can later be traded for A+), the agent instead chooses whether to go "up" or "down" to receive (respectively) A, or a further choice between A+ and B. It occurs to me that you might be using this representation to argue for a qualitative difference in the behavior produced, but if so, I'm not sure how much I buy into it. For concreteness, suppose the agent starts out with A, and notices a series of trades which first involves trading A for B, and then B for A+. It seems to me that if I frame the problem like this, the structure of the resulting tree should be isomorphic to that of the decision problem I described, but not necessarily the "up"/"down" version—at least, not if you consider that version to play a key role in DSM's recommendation. (In particular, my frame is sensitive to which state the agent is initialized in: if it is given B to start, then it has no particular incentive to want to trade that for either A or A+, and so faces no incentive to trade at all. If you initialize the agent with A or B at random, and institute the rule that it doesn't trade by default, then the agent will end up with A+ when initialized with A, and B when initialized with B—which feels a little similar to what you said about DSM allowing both A+ and B as permissible options.) It sounds like you want to make it so that the agent's initial state isn't taken into account—in fact, it sounds like you want to assign values only to terminal nodes in the tree, take the subset of those terminal

The key question is whether the revealed preferences are immune to trammelling. This was a major point of confusion for me in discussion with Sami - his proposal involves a set of preferences passed into a decision rule, but those “preferences” are (potentially) different from the revealed preferences. (I'm still unsure whether Sami's proposal solves the problem.)

I claim that, yes, the revealed preferences in this sense are immune to trammeling. I'm happy to continue the existing discussion thread but here's a short motivation: what my results about tramme... (read more)

Yeah, I also want to keep that discussion going. I think the next step is for one or both of us to walk through exactly what the DSM agent does in a case where trammelling-of-the-revealed-preferences could happen. For instance, a case where there are sometimes (probabilistically) opportunities for the sort of A1 -> B1 and B1 -> A2 transitions in this post, and the agent has the opportunity to precommit (including the opportunity to randomize its own precommitments as-needed).

(I learned from Sami’s post that this is called “trammelling” of incomplete preferences.)

Just for reference: this isn't a standard term of art; I made it up. Though I do think it's fitting.

Well, it's a term of art now. Lol.
4Cleo Nardo
what's the etymology? :)

Great, I think bits of this comment help me understand what you're pointing to.

the desired behavior implies a revealed preference gap

I think this is roughly right, together with all the caveats about the exact statements of Thornley's impossibility theorems. Speaking precisely here will be cumbersome so for the sake of clarity I'll try to restate what you wrote like this:

  1. Useful agents satisfying completeness and other properties X won't be shutdownable.
  2. Properties X are necessary for an agent to be useful.
  3. So, useful agents satisfying completeness won't be s
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On my understanding, the argument isn’t that your DSM agent can be made better off, but that the reason it can’t be made better off is because it is engaging in trammeling/“collusion”, and that the form of “trammeling” you’ve ruled out isn’t the useful kind.

I don't see how this could be right. Consider the bounding results on trammelling under unawareness (e.g. Proposition 10). They show that there will always be a set of options between which DSM does not require choosing one over the other. Suppose these are X and Y. The agent will always be able to choo... (read more)

I don't think I grok the DSM formalism enough to speak confidently about what it would mandate, but I think I see a (class of) decision problem where any agent (DSM or otherwise) must either pass up a certain gain, or else engage in "problematic" behavior (where "problematic" doesn't necessarily mean "untrammeled" according to the OP definition, but instead more informally means "something which doesn't help to avoid the usual pressures away from corrigibility / towards coherence"). The problem in question is essentially the inverse of the example you give in section 3.1: Consider an agent tasked with choosing between two incomparable options A and B, and if it chooses B, it will be further presented with the option to trade B for A+, where A+ is incomparable to B but comparable (and preferable) to A. (I've slightly modified the framing to be in terms of trades rather than going "up" or "down", but the decision tree is isomorphic.) Here, A+ isn't in fact "strongly maximal" with respect to A and B (because it's incomparable to B), but I think I'm fairly confident in declaring that any agent which foresees the entire tree in advance, and which does not pick B at the initial node (going "down", if you want to use the original framing), is engaging in a dominated behavior—and to the extent that DSM doesn't consider this a dominated strategy, DSM's definitions aren't capturing a useful notion of what is "dominated" and what isn't. Again, I'm not claiming this is what DSM says. You can think of me as trying to run an obvious-to-me assertion test on code which I haven't carefully inspected, to see if the result of the test looks sane. But if a (fully aware/non-myopic) DSM agent does constrain itself into picking B ("going down") in the above example, despite the prima facie incomparability of {A, A+} and {B}, then I would consider this behavior problematic once translated back into the context of real-world shutdownability, because it means the agent in question will a

That makes sense, yeah.

Let me first make some comments about revealed preferences that might clarify how I'm seeing this. Preferences are famously underdetermined by limited choice behaviour. If A and B are available and I pick A, you can't infer that I like A more than B — I might be indifferent or unable to compare them. Worse, under uncertainty, you can't tell why I chose some lottery over another even if you assume I have strict preferences between all options — the lottery I choose depends on my beliefs too. In expected utility theory, beliefs and pre... (read more)

Feels like we're making some progress here. Let's walk through more carefully why revealed preferences are interesting in the shutdown problem. (I'm partly thinking as I write, here.) Suppose that, at various times, the agent is offered opportunities to spend resources in order to cause the button to be pushed/unpushed. We want the agent to turn down such opportunities, in both directions - implying either indifference or lack of preference in any revealed preferences. Further, we do want the agent to spend resources to cause various different outcomes within the button-pressed or button-unpressed worlds, so there's nontrivial revealed preference ordering within button-pressed worlds and within button-unpressed worlds. But if the agent is to turn down costly opportunities to cause the button to be pressed/unpressed, and those opportunities jump between enough different pressed-outcome and unpressed-outcome pairs (which themselves each have nontrivial revealed preferences), then there's going to be a revealed preference gap. Upshot: (one way to frame) the reason that the shutdown problem is difficult/interesting in the first place, is that the desired behavior implies a revealed preference gap. Insofar as e.g. any standard expected utility maximizer cannot have a revealed preference gap, such standard EU maximizers cannot behave the way we want. (This frame is new-to-me, so thankyou.) (Note that that's all totally compatible with revealed preferences usually being very underdetermined! The desired behavior nails things down enough that any assignment of revealed preferences must have a preferential gap. The question is whether we can come up with some agent with a stable gap in its revealed preferences.) (Also note that the story above routed through causal intervention/counterfactuals to probe revealed preference, so that does open up a lot of extra ways-of-revealing. Not sure if that's relevant yet.) Now bringing this back to DSM... I think the question I'm in

I disagree; see my reply to John above.

On my understanding, the argument isn’t that your DSM agent can be made better off, but that the reason it can’t be made better off is because it is engaging in trammeling/“collusion”, and that the form of “trammeling” you’ve ruled out isn’t the useful kind. As far as an example goes, consider a sequence of actions which, starting from an unpressed world state, routes through a pressed world state (or series of pressed world states), before eventually returning to an unpressed world state with higher utility than the initial state. (The real-world context of such a sequence shouldn’t be too relevant to a theoretical example like this, but if you had to imagine something, you could imagine a “memory gambit”-esque stratagem, where the agent spends some time inactive in order to avoid detection, but has set things up in advance to eventually reactivate itself under more favorable circumstances. Again, the plausibility of the scenario isn’t super relevant here.) If your proposed DSM agent passes up this action sequence on the grounds that some of the intermediate steps need to bridge between “incomparable” pressed/unpressed trajectories, then it does in fact pass up the certain gain. Conversely, if it doesn’t pass up such a sequence, then its behavior is the same as that of a set of negotiating subagents cooperating in order to form a larger macroagent.

if the subagents representing a set of incomplete preferences would trade with each other to emulate more complete preferences, then an agent with the plain set of incomplete preferences would precommit to act in the same way

My results above on invulnerability preclude the possibility that the agent can predictably be made better off by its own lights through an alternative sequence of actions. So I don't think that's possible, though I may be misreading you. Could you give an example of a precommitment that the agent would take? In my mind, an example of ... (read more)

(I'm still processing confusion here - there's some kind of ontology mismatch going on. I think I've nailed down one piece of the mismatch enough to articulate it, so maybe this will help something click or at least help us communicate. Key question: what are the revealed preferences of the DSM agent? I think part of the confusion here is that I've been instinctively trying to think in terms of revealed preferences. But in the OP, there's a set of input preferences and a decision rule which is supposed to do well by those input preferences, but the revealed preferences of the agent using the rule might (IIUC) differ from the input preferences. Connecting this to corrigibility/shutdown/Thornley's proposal: the thing we want, for a shutdown proposal, is a preferential gap in the revealed preferences of the agent. I.e. we want the agent to never spend resources to switch between button pressed/unpressed, but still have revealed preferences between different pressed states and between different unpressed states. So the key question of interest is: do trammelling-style phenomena induce completion of the agent's revealed preferences? Does that immediately make anything click for you?)

On John's-simplified-model-of-Thornley's-proposal, we have complete preference orderings over trajectories-in-which-the-button-isn't-pressed and trajectories-in-which-the-button-is-pressed, separately, but no preference between any button-pressed and button-not-pressed trajectory pair.

For the purposes of this discussion, this is right. I don't think the differences between this description and the actual proposal matter in this case.

Represented as subagents, those incomplete preferences require two subagents:

  • One subagent always prefers button pressed to un
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The translation between "subagents colluding/trading" and just a plain set of incomplete preferences should be something like: if the subagents representing a set of incomplete preferences would trade with each other to emulate more complete preferences, then an agent with the plain set of incomplete preferences would precommit to act in the same way. I've never worked through the math on that, though. I find the subagents make it a lot easier to think about, which is why I used that frame. Yeah, I wasn't using Bradley. The full set of coherent completions is overkill, we just need to nail down the partial order.
Flagging here that I don't think the subagent framing is super important and/or necessary for "collusion" to happen. Even if the "outer" agent isn't literally built from subagents, "collusion" can still occur in the sense that it [the outer agent] can notice that its (incomplete) preferences factorize, in a way that allows it to deliberately trade particular completions of them against each other and thereby acquire more resources. The outer agent would then choose to do this for basically the same reason that a committee of subagents would: to acquire more resources for itself as a whole, without disadvantaging any of the completions under consideration.

Why does wanting to maintain indifference to shifting probability mass between (some) trajectories, imply that we care about ex-ante permissibility?

The ex-ante permissible trajectories are the trajectories that the agent lacks any strict preference between. Suppose the permissible trajectories are {A,B,C}. Then, from the agent's perspective, A isn't better than B, B isn't better than A, and so on. The agent considers them all equally choiceworthy. So, the agent doesn't mind picking any one of them over any other, nor therefore switching from one lottery ov... (read more)


This is a tricky topic to think about because it's not obvious how trammelling could be a worry for Thornley's Incomplete Preference Proposal. I think the most important thing to clarify is why care about ex-ante permissibility. I'll try to describe that first (this should help with my responses to downstream concerns).

Big picture

Getting terminology out of the way: words like "permissibility" and "mandatory" are shorthand for rankings of prospects. A prospect is permissible iff it's in a choice set, e.g. by satisfying DSM. It's mandatory iff it's the... (read more)

I'm on board with the first two sentences there. And then suddenly you jump to "and that's why we care about ex-ante permissibility". Why does wanting to maintain indifference to shifting probability mass between (some) trajectories, imply that we care about ex-ante permissibility? I don't think I've fully grokked the end-to-end story yet, but based on my current less-than-perfect understanding... we can think of Thornley's construction as a bunch of subagents indexed by t, each of which cares only about worlds where the shutdown button is pressed at time t. Then the incomplete preferences can be ~viewed as the pareto preference ordering for those agents (i.e. pareto improvements are preferred). Using something like the DSM rule to handle the incompleteness, at time zero the system-of-subagents will choose a lottery over trajectories, where the lottery is randomized by when-the-button-is-pressed (and maybe randomized by other stuff too, but that's the main thing of interest). But then that lottery over trajectories is locked in, and the system will behave from then on out as though its distribution over when-the-button-is-pressed is locked in? And it will act as though it has complete preferences over trajectory-lotteries from then on out, which is presumably not what we want? I'm not yet able to visualize exactly what the system does past that initial lock-in, so I'm not sure.

Thanks for saying!

This is an interesting topic. Regarding the discussion you mention, I think my results might help illustrate Elliott Thornley's point. John Wentworth wrote: 

That makes me think that the small decision trees implicitly contain a lot of assumptions that various trades have zero probability of happening, which is load-bearing for your counterexamples. In a larger world, with a lot more opportunities to trade between various things, I'd expect that sort of issue to be much less relevant.

My results made no assumptions about the size or co... (read more)


Good question. They implicitly assume a dynamic choice principle and a choice function that leaves the agent non-opportunistic.

  • Their dynamic choice principle is something like myopia: the agent only looks at their node's immediate successors and, if a successor is yet another choice node, the agent represents it as some 'default' prospect.
  • Their choice rule is something like this: the agent assigns some natural 'default' prospect and deviates from it iff it prefers some other prospect. (So if some prospect is incomparable to the default, it's never chosen.)
... (read more)
That is a fantastic answer, thank you. Do you think that there's any way your post could be wrong? For instance, "[letting] decision trees being the main model of an agent's environment", as per JohnWentworth in a discussion with EJT[1] where he makes a similair critique to your point about their implicit dynamic choice principle?  1. ^ See the comments section of this post: 

I take certainty to be a special case of uncertainty. Regarding proof, the relevant bit is here:

This argument does not apply when the agent is unaware of the structure of its decision tree, so I provide some formal results for these cases which bound the extent to which preferences can de facto be completed. ... These results apply naturally to cases in which agents are unaware of the state space, but readers sceptical of the earlier conceptual argument can re-purpose them to make analogous claims in standard cases of certainty and uncertainty.


No, the codomain of gamma is the set of (distributions over) consequences.

Hammond's notation is inspired by the Savage framework in which states and consequences are distinct. Savage thinks of a consequence as the result of behaviour or action in some state, though this isn't so intuitively applicable in the case of decision trees. I included it for completeness but I don't use the gamma function explicitly anywhere.


It's the set of elementary states.

So  is an event (a subset of elementary states, ).

E.g., we could have  be all the possible worlds;  be the possible worlds in which featherless bipeds evolved; and  be our actual world.

doesn’t Bostrom’s model of “naive unilateralists” by definition preclude updating on the behavior of other group members?

Yeah, this is right; it's what I tried to clarify in the second paragraph.

isn’t updating on the beliefs of others (as signaled by their behavior) an example of adopting a version of the “principle of conformity” that he endorses as a solution to the curse? If so, it seems like you are framing a proof of Bostrom’s point as a rebuttal to it.

The introduction of the post tries to explain how this post relates to Bostrom et al's paper (e.g., ... (read more)

That makes sense. Thank you for the explanation!

probabilities should correspond to expected observations and expected observations only

FWIW I think this is wrong. There's a perfectly coherent framework—subjective expected utility theory (Jeffrey, Joyce, etc)—in which probabilities can correspond to many other things. Probabilities as credences can correspond to confidence in propositions unrelated to future observations, e.g., philosophical beliefs or practically-unobservable facts. You can unambiguously assign probabilities to 'cosmopsychism' and 'Everett's many-worlds interpretation' without expecting... (read more)

You can, but why would you? Beliefs should pay rent in anticipated experiences. If two beliefs lead to the same anticipated experiences, then there's no particular reason to choose one belief over the other. Assigning probability to cosmopsychism or Everett's many-worlds interpretation only makes sense insofar as you think there will be some observations, at some point in the future, which will be different if one set of beliefs is true versus if the other set of beliefs is true.

These are great. Though Sleeping Mary can tell that she's colourblind on any account of consciousness. Whether or not she learns a phenomenal fact when going from 'colourblind scientist' to 'scientist who sees colour', she does learn the propositional fact that she isn't colourblind.

So, if she sees no colour, she ought to believe that the outcome of the coin toss is Tails. If she does see colour, both SSA and SIA say P(Heads)=1/2.

Yeah great point, thanks. We tried but couldn't really get a set-up where she just learns a phenomenal fact. If you have a way of having the only difference in the 'Tails, Tuesday' case be that Mary learns a phenomenal fact, we will edit it in!