All of simulacra.exe's Comments + Replies

Epistemic Fluidity: A Mediation of What We Know and Believe

In the age of misinformation, "post-truth," and with a major election on the horizon in a certain part of the world, there's an increasing need for tools that help us apply rigorous evaluation to our mental models. This is what I call Epistemic Fluidity—a method that mediates between what we know and believe, with the flexibility to adjust these beliefs when necessary.

By being aware of how our values have been shaped—through upbringing, experience, and emotion—we can examine our core beliefs and po... (read more)

That's a good point! I feel it ultimately comes down to the motive of the simulator in this assumed power asymmetry - is the intention for the simulatees to work out that they're in a simulation? In that case, the reset function is probably a protective measure for them specifically e.g. if they're on the verge of self annihilation. Or maybe it's to protect them from the truth for their own sanity? Or if the simulator is malevolent, then a reset could exist if the situation is too peaceful or that the simulated find the mechanism to escape their current reality. In any case, the mechanism's presence would be expected.

The Save State Paradox: A new question for the construct of reality in a simulated world

Consider this thought experiment - in a simulated world (if we do indeed currently live in one), how could we detect an event similar to a state “reset”? Such events could be triggered for existential safety reasons or one unbeknownst to us? If this was the case, how would we become aware of such occurrences if we were reverted to a time before the execution; affecting memories, physical states and environmental continuity?  Imagine if seemingly inexplicable concep... (read more)

I would not search for smart ways to detect it. Instead look at it from the outside - and there I don't see why we should have large hope for it to be detectable: Imagine you create your simulation. Imagine you are much more powerful than you are, to make the simulation as complex as you want. Imagine in your coolest run, your little simulatees start wondering: how could we trick Suzie so her simulation reveals the reset?! I think you agree their question will be futile; once you reset your simulation, surely they'll not be able to detect it: while setting up the simulation might be complex, reinitialize at a given state successfully, with no traces within the simulated system, seems like the simplest task of it all. And so, I'd argue, we might well expect it to be also in our (potential) simulation, however smart your reset-detection design might be.

Thank you for the clarification! That does seem plausible - it's particularly interesting to read his perspective as one involved in both Science Fiction and Academia (imaginative foresight with scientific grounding)