All of Sinityy's Comments + Replies

there are various proposals (not from Tyler!) for ‘succession,’ of passing control over to the AIs intentionally, either because people prefer it (as many do!) or because it is inevitable regardless so managing it would help it go better. I have yet to see such a proposal that has much chance of not bringing about human extinction, or that I expect to meaningfully preserve value in the universe. As I usually say, if this is your plan, Please Speak Directly Into the Microphone.

[Meditations on Moloch]( (read more)

@gwern wrote am explanation why this is surprising (for some) [here](

Open Philanthropy (OP) only had that board seat and made a donation because Altman invited them to, and he could personally have covered the $30m or whatever OP donated for the seat [...] He thought up, drafted, and oversaw the entire for-profit thing in the first place, including all provisions related to board control. He voted for all the board members, filling i

... (read more)

That is not an argument against “the robots taking over,” or that AI does not generally pose an existential threat. It is a statement that we should ignore that threat, on principle, until the dangers ‘reveal themselves,’ with the implicit assumption that this requires the threats to actually start happening.


File:scientific briefing.png

A lot of people will end up falling in love with chatbot personas, with the result that they will become uninterested in dating real people, being happy just to talk to their chatbot.


Good. If substantial number of men do this, dating market will become more tolerable, presumably.

Especially in some countries, where there are absurd demographic imbalances. Some stats from Poland, compared with Ireland (pics are translated using some online util, so they look a bit off):

Ratio of unmarried men / women within a given age bracket (20-24: 1.1; 25-29: 1.33; ... (read more)

Maybe GPT-3 could be used to find LW content related to the new post, using something like this:

Unfortunately, I didn't get around to doing anything with it yet. But it seems useful:

You can convert money into height, through limb lengthening surgery. About $50K USD for additional 8cm in Europe. Double (or close) that price for the US. Also the process takes 1-1.5 years (lengthening alone - about 3m).

1Tim Liptrot
Hahahaha that sounds like the worst value for money intervention I could possible do to become sexier. I've heard the surgery is super painful and debilitating when you do it.

For a more realistic example, consider the DNA sequence for smallpox: I'd definitely rather that nobody knew it, than that people could with some effort find out, even though I don't expect being exposed to that quoted DNA information to harm my own thought processes. it weird that I saved it in a text file? I'm not entirely sure if I've got the correct sequence tho. Just, when I learned that it is available, I couldn't not do it.