"Wireheading, even variable multi-emotional wireheading, assumes that emotions are a goal-oriented objective, and thus takes first-order control of one’s emotional state."
I think that per your very examples it is the exact opposite. Wire heading is a process that you experience, not a goal that you want to just get to the end of.
You want to actively experience wire heading, you don't want to be at the end of the wire heading.
I think the old game was so trivially easy to win as the Gatekeeper if you actually wanted to win, that I don't know that any additional rules are needed. It really only makes it harder for terrible Gatekeepers that aren't playing to win anyway.
Edit: I assume the downvotes are from people who disagree with my claims on gatekeepers. If you do disagree I would like to hear why. Keep in mind I am talking about this as a game.
"This is true; however keeping a website running is still very, very cheap compared to almost anything else the government does, including functions that are continuing as usual during the shutdown."
This is literally irrelevant when the non-essential services have to be shut down. If your techs get furloughed, shutting down the site is appropriate.
The twitter accounts are "shut down" in the sense that the employee who would have done the tweeting is now furloughed and can't. Putting out a tweet explaining the upcoming lapse makes a whole lot of sense to me.
This is actually a terrible example of Washington Monument Syndrome.
" Hi, Server admin here... We cost money as does our infrastructure, I imagine a site that large costs a very good deal, we aren't talking five bucks on bluehost here.
I am private sector, but if I were to be furloughed for an indeterminate amount of time you really have two options. Leave things on autopilot until the servers inevitably break or the site crashes at which point parts or all of it will be left broken without notice or explanation. Or put up a splash page and spin down 9...
"Suppose your opponent has thrown paper N (or X%) times and won every time they did. Is that evidence for, or evidence against, the proposition that they will play paper in the next trial? (or does the direction of evidence vary with N or X?)"
All of this is irrelevant.
So I will admit I am frustrated here. I don't think that your analogy is even close to equivalent,
I think you are thinking about this in the wrong way.
So let's say you were an adviser advising one of the players on what to choose. Every time you told him to throw rock over the las...
Here is another way to think about this problem.
Imagine if instead of Omega you were on a futuristic game show. As you go onto the show, you enter a future-science brain scanner that scans your brain. After scanning, the game show hosts secretly put the money into the various boxes behind stage.
You now get up on stage and choose whether to one or two box.
Keep in mind that before you got up on the show, 100 other contestants played the game that day. All of the two-boxers ended up with less money than the one-boxers. As an avid watcher of the show, you c...
So I was planning on doing the AI gatekeeper game as discussed in a previous thread.
My one stipulation as Gatekeeper was that I could release the logs after the game, however my opponent basically backed out after we had barely started.
Is it worth releasing the logs still, even though the game did not finish?
Ideally I could get some other AI to play against me, that way I have more logs to release. I will give you up to two hours on Skype, IRC, or some other easy method of communication. I am estimating my resounding victory with a 99%+ probability. We can put karma, small money, or nothing on the line.
Is anyone up for this?
I would still love to gatekeep against anyone with the stipulation that we release the logs.
I have offered in the past, but every AI backed out.
I will genuinely read everything you write, and can give you up to two hours. We can put karma, cash, or nothing on the line. Favorable odds too.
I don't think I will lose with a probability over 99% because I will play to win.
EDIT: Looks like my opponent is backing out. Anyone else want to try?
I deny that the study had people all "doing it right". In Eliezer's case, I gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was intelligent enough to avoid obvious confounders.
If someone gets sick (for example) towards the end of the study and then shows a "negative 8 percent " fitness level then their data is crap.
If the study did not control for intensity then it is crap.
The difference between someone actually doing an effortful workout and someone just being present at the gym for a period of time is astronomical, and an extremely common occurrence.
The study had an age range from 40 and 67...
This study is garbage.
Since you seem to have forgotten what you were arguing, let us review. Eliezer wrote:
I saw no discernible effect on my weight or my musculature from aerobic exercise and strength training 2 hours a day 3 times a week
You wrote:
it would imply that Eliezer's body functions differently then literally every other person (myself included) I have ever known
And implied it must be impossible, hence Eliezer must be doing something wrong.
I linked a study showing that people 'doing it right' could see their fitness go down, empirically refuting your universali...
The fact that people respond to exercise differently to weight training and exercise non uniformly depending on their genetics and other factors is no big surprise. But showing no gains at all is something altogether.
I can think of several questions I would ask about the study you linked. For example: "In the combined strength-and-endurance-exercise program, the volunteers’ physiological improvement ranged from a negative 8 percent (meaning they became 8 percent less fit) " implies to me that the researchers didn't control for a host of other factors.
Anecdotes ARE data. Especially a life time of several of them all accumulating in one way.
" [1] Somewhat to my own shame, I must admit to ignoring my own observations in this department - even after I saw no discernible effect on my weight or my musculature from aerobic exercise and strength training 2 hours a day 3 times a week, I didn't really start believing that the virtue theory of metabolism was wrong [2] until after other people had started the skeptical dogpile."
I am extremely skeptical of this portion, it would imply that Eliezer's body functions differently then literally every other person (myself included) I have ever known to make a serious attempt at working out.. 2 Hours 3 times a week? How long did you try this?
That thread is Bayesian evidence against the new poorly thought out rule. The objections that have been raised to it have not even come close to being met. That fact that your own post is a hair breadth away from inflicting negative karma on me should be enough to give you pause.
The reaction to the new rule should not be surprising. If it was surprising, then you should update your model.
This rule is asinine.
If I see a post at -3 that I desire to reply too, I am incentivized to upvote it so that I may enter my comment.
Furthermore, it stifles debate.
Look at this post of Eliezer's at -19 In the new system, the worthwhile replies to that post are not encouraged.
In the new system, instead of people expressing their disagreement, they will not want to reply. The negatives of this system grossly override any upsides.
I have not noticed a worsening trolling problem. Does anyone have any evidence of such a claim?
Trump is pretty clearly narcissistic. People just don't actually care as long as said person is wearing their tribal colors.
What the media was wrong about is how much people cared.