"then rationality doesn't demand that I stop spending money on myself in order to be good." Well, yes, because whether you're "being" good is somewhat irrelevant. Objective conditions of the world don't change based on what you're "being" ontologically, reality is affected by what you do.
My terminal goals involve the alleviation of suffering, with the minimization of bad habits being an instrumental goal. It so happens that spending money on cryogenics is unlikely to be the best way to solve this goal (or so it appears. No st...
"By the same reasoning, the marginal utility of any amount used to improve your health is greater than the marginal utility of using it on malaria nets (except insofar as improving your health lets you survive to produce more money for malaria nets). In fact, the same could be said about any expenditure on yourself whatsoever, whether health-related or not."
Your point being?
"Cryonics is not special in this regard compared to all the other ways of spending money on yourself, which you do do."
I spend money on myself (less than you think, ...
It's not at all obvious to me that the marginal utility of $120/year (at a time where I'm extremely healthy, as part of a demographic that's exceptionally long-lived) is greater than that of eg. 20 malarial nets (which is an absolute lower bound for any decision, there are ways that I think can leverage my donations significantly further). Can somebody clarify this intuition for me?
Note that many rationalists/LW'ers have taken the Giving What We Can pledge, the most famous of whom is Scott Alexander (Yvain):
"You just said that you doubt that "more than a third" of EAs identify as LW-rationalist. Even aside from the fact that you can be one without identifying as one, one third shows a huge influence. I wouldn't find that one third of vegetarians are LW-rationalists, or 1/3 of atheists, for instance, even though those are popular positions here." I feel like you're making a pretty elementary subset error there...
"Ther very fact that you're asking how to reconcile cryonics with EA shows that cryonics is not in the category of psycholog... (read more)