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There can be no consequentialist argument for lying to yourself or allies1 because without truth you can’t make accurate utility calculations2.

Seems false.

"Can crimes be discussed literally?":

  • some kinds of hypocrisy (the law and medicine examples) are normalized
  • these hypocrisies are / the fact of their normalization is antimemetic (OK, I'm to some extent interpolating this one based on familiarity with Ben's ideas, but I do think it's both implied by the post, and relevant to why someone might think the post is interesting/important)
  • the usage of words like 'crime' and 'lie' departs from their denotation, to exclude normalized things
  • people will push back in certain predictable ways on calling normalized things 'crimes'/'lies', related to the function of those words as both description and (call for) attack
  • "There is a clear conflict between the use of language to punish offenders, and the use of language to describe problems, and there is great need for a language that can describe problems. For instance, if I wanted to understand how to interpret statistics generated by the medical system, I would need a short, simple way to refer to any significant tendency to generate false reports. If the available simple terms were also attack words, the process would become much more complicated."

Does it bother you that this is not what's happening in many of the examples in the post? e.g., With "the American hospital system is built on lies."


This post reads like it's trying to express an attitude or put forward a narrative frame, rather than trying to describe the world.

Many of these claims seem obviously false, if I take them at face value at take a moment to consider what they're claiming and whether it's true.

e.g., On the first two bullet points it's easy to come up with counterexamples. Some successful attempts to steer the future, by stopping people from doing locally self-interested & non-violent things, include: patent law ("To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries") and banning lead in gasoline. As well as some others that I now see that other commenters have mentioned.


In America, people shopped at Walmart instead of local mom & pop stores because it had lower prices and more selection, so Walmart and other chain stores grew and spread while lots of mom & pop stores shut down. Why didn't that happen in Wentworld?


I made a graph of this and the unemployment rate, they're correlated at r=0.66 (with one data point for each time Gallup ran the survey, taking the unemployment rate on the closest day for which there's data). You can see both lines spike with every recession.


Are you telling me 2008 did actual nothing?

It looks like 2008 led to about a 1.3x increase in the number of people who said they were dissatisfied with their life.


It's common for much simpler Statistical Prediction Rules, such as linear regression or even simpler models, to outperform experts even when they were built to predict the experts' judgment.


Or "Defense wins championships."


With the ingredients he has, he has gotten a successful Barkskin Potion:

1 of the 1 times (100%) he brewed together Crushed Onyx, Giant's Toe, Ground Bone, Oaken Twigs, Redwood Sap, and Vampire Fang. 

19 of the 29 times (66%) he brewed together Crushed Onyx, Demon Claw, Ground Bone, and Vampire Fang.

Only 2 other combinations of the in-stock ingredients have ever produced Barkskin Potion, both at under a 50% rate (4/10 and 18/75).

The 4-ingredient, 66% success rate potion looks like the best option if we're just going to copy something that has worked. That's what I'd recommend if I had to make the decision right now.

Many combinations that used currently-missing ingredients reliably (100%) produced Barkskin Potion many times (up to 118/118). There may be a variant on one of those, which he has never tried, that could work better than 66% of the time using ingredients that he has. Or there may be information in there about the reliability of the 6-ingredient combination which worked once.


Being Wrong on the Internet: The LLM generates a flawed forum-style comment, such that the thing you've been wanting to write is a knockdown response to this comment, and you can get a "someone"-is-wrong-on-the-internet drive to make the points you wanted to make. You can adjust how thoughtful/annoying/etc. the wrong comment is.

Target Audience Personas: You specify the target audience that your writing is aimed at, or a few different target audiences. The LLM takes on the persona of a member of that audience and engages with what you've written, with more explicit explanation of how that persona is reacting and why than most actual humans would give. The structure could be like comments on google docs.

Heat Maps: Color the text with a heat map of how interested the LLM expects the reader to be at each point in the text, or how confused, how angry, how amused, how disagreeing, how much they're learning, how memorable it is, etc. Could be associated with specific target audiences.

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