All of VAuroch's Comments + Replies

I don't think I've ever used a text that didn't. "We have" is "we have as a theorem/premise". In most cases this is an unimportant distinction to make, so you could be forgiven for not noticing, if no one ever mentioned why they were using a weird syntactic construction like that rather than plain English.

And yes, rereading the argument that does seem to be where it falls down. Though tbh, you should probably have checked your own assumptions before assuming that the question was wrong as stated.

That would make it a terrible at being a medium of exchange or a store of value, though, wouldn't it? No one knows how much it's worth, and you have to acquire some, pass it off, and then (on their side) turn it into currency every time you use it.

That depends on how volatile it is. On the timescale of a single transaction, a certain level of volatility might not matter very much even if the same level of volatility would prevent you from wanting to set prices in BTC.

Will only matters for green lanterns.


If you can't succeed without first getting mass adoption, then you can't succeed. See the 'success' of Medium, and how it required losing everything they set out to do.

If Arbital has failed, Arbital has failed. Building neoTumblr and hoping to turn it into Arbital later won't make it fail any less, it will just produce neoTumblr.

Could you detail what you mean about Medium? This doesn't sound like a claim that is very easy to look up.

Arbital has vague positive affect from being an attempt to solve a big problem in a potentially really impactful way.

Yet Another Blogging Platform, without the special features envisioned originally, is not solving a big problem (or actually any problem), and has a maximum plausible impact of "makes you a bunch of money and you donate that somewhere". Re-using the name is a self-serving attempt to redirect the positive affect from the ambitious, failed, altruistic project to the mundane, new, purely-capitalistic project.

Why aren't you just admitting defeat and going on to build something different?

See my reply to gjm:

It seems disingenuous to call this new project Arbital.


I agree with Christian. Did Arbital ever even come out of closed beta? My impression was that it did not, and you still needed to be whitelisted to have the chance to contribute.

Absolutely, would move immediately. Inconveniently I am currently at the "impoverished App Academy student" level.

If this set of criteria classify Leverage as a cult, they are probably correct to do so; they're seen as cultish already and I don't think anyone outside Leverage would be too surprised. There are startups that would be classified as such as well; for many that is accurate.

What LW lingo did he use? I didn't see it.

Also, I know at least one person who wasn't born when the Jonestown cult panic ended and got into (and thankfully out of) a cult very much like the one described.

Things I am aware of: In original it's called "mystical manipulation", but it felt to me not obvious enough, especially if we talk about non-religious groups. Members of those groups would probably object that there is nothing "mystical", only someone being super smart. I tried to provide a description that a member of the group would have a chance to recognize. In original it's "doctrine over person", but the meaning is similar; or maybe 'group map over individual map' would be better in some situations.

From Funereal-disease on tumblr, in a previous discussion: It is usually better to talk about "spiritual abuse" rather than "being a cult". It emphasizes that the techniques of successful cults are techniques of successful abusers, and is better at being something that happens to a greater or lesser degree; cult is more binary.

I might prefer "social abuse" or "community abuse" to make clear that non-religious forms are possible.

I agree. This kind of abuse is a matter of degree, and exists also outside of religious communities. You can have a political cult that could be explicitly atheist, or an economical cult which is nominally about making money (i.e. an anti-religious or an a-religious group), which would still follow pretty much the same template. I don't want to debate the labels here. (Not that I deny the importance of good labels, but because such debate could get us far from the original topic, e.g. into discussing the trade-offs between labels that fit better but you need to explain them to everyone vs labels that just point approximately in the right direction but people quickly recognize them, etc.) But I'd like to mention that Robert Jay Lifton, whose model I used here, calls it "thought reform".

Eh, more the first than the second. Obedience to authority is something you can demonstrate by showing up and obeying; conscientiousness is mostly demonstrated when you do things while no one is watching and they are the things you'd do if someone was watching.

Do things while you believe falsely that no one is watching. Otherwise it's impossible to prove conscientiousness. Though, since beliefs aren't externally apparent… it gets complicated quickly.

I expect to find that random methods, which approach Bayes's Theorem in the limit of infinite computing resources but are different in finite cases, are superior for finite computing resources. Enough special cases of this are found to have speedups and nicer properties that a general-case proof seems to be true in the same way that P != NP seems to be true (though with lower confidence).

If you want the group to acquire a collective reputation among other people, a uniform is useful. If Boy Scouts never chose a uniform, it would have been very hard for them to get their reputation for above-average conscientiousness and obedience to authority.

If you want to get a reputation as being good at solving problems (which Ougi's group may), it is useful to have a shared appearance.

Especially the second one.

Why are almost all fire trucks red? They would work just as well if they were blue and yellow polka dots. But they are uniform because they are recognizable.The same with the blue-white-red lights on a police car and the sirens.

A nurse's uniform tells you that this is probably a nurse, even in contexts where the scrubs are not useful. A monk's or priest's robes tell you that this is a religious person who might give you religious advice. The act of picking a uniform for a group lets you begin to associate some properties of that group with the people in it, at a glance.

For an explicit derivation of why this is fair:

Say that you believe the event is likely with probability p, and your betting partner tells you that it will fail with probability q. Then I am going to modify my estimate by c before I tell it to the other person. So my expected value is:

p*(q^2-(1-(p+c))^2) - (1-p)((p+c)^2 - (1-q)^2)

Naturally I want to find the local maximum for variation in c, for a fixed value of p and assuming q is out of my control. So we take the derivative with respect to c. Using Wolfram Alpha shows this is -2c. So the only local maxima possible are telling someone 0, telling them 1, or telling them the true value of p.

How are qualia different from experiences? If experiences are no different, why use 'qualia' rather than 'experiences'?

Qualia means the specific way that you experience something. And if you don't experience something in any way at all, then you don't experience it. So if there are no qualia, there are no experiences. But they don't mean the same thing, since qualia means "the ways things are experienced", not "experiences."

I, also, still do not know what you're talking about. I expect to have experiences in the future. I do not really expect them to contain qualia, but I'm not sure what that would mean in your terms. Please describe the difference I should expect in terms of things I can verify or falsify internally.

"I will have experiences but do not expect them to contain qualia," as I understand it, means "I will have experiences but do not expect to experience things in any particular way." This is because qualia are just the ways that things are experienced. I do not know what it would mean to expect that to happen. Asking how you can verify it is like asking, "How do I verify whether or not 2 + 2 seems to be 4 but is not?"

In this case, "description of how my experience will be different in the future if I have or do not have qualia" covers it. There are probably cases where that's too simplistic.

That's easy to describe. If I have any experience in the future, I have qualia. If I have no experience in the future, I have no qualia. That's the difference.

No one defines qualia clearly. If they did, I'd have a conclusion one way or the other.

Do you have a clear definition of clear definition? Or of anything, for that matter?

I don't see any difference between me and other people who claim to have consciousness, but I have never understood what they mean by consciousness or qualia to an extent that lets me conclude that I have them. So I am sometimes fond of asserting that I have neither, mostly to get an interesting response.

Maybe your are phlizombie)) I think we should add new type p-zombies: epistemic p-zombies: The ones, who claim that they don't have qualia, and we don't know why they claim it. You are not only one who claimed absence of qualia. I think there are 3 possible solutions. a) You are p-zombie b) You don't know where to look с) You are troll. "So I am sometimes fond of asserting that I have neither, mostly to get an interesting response."

Nice to see someone taking the lead! I've been looking for something to work on, and I'd be proud to help rebuild LW. I'll send you a message.

Huh. I think I've been doing this at my current (crappy, unlikely to lead anywhere, part-time remote contract programming) job. Timely!

I have heard this discussed for at least the last year, well before Stuart started his series, and would be very surprised if it was not true. I'd put down $30 to your $10 on the matter, pending an agreed-upon resolution mechanism for the bet.

Well, no posts are deleted. If you look at Main and sort chronologically, you can go through and count articles per time and what fraction of them are math-heavy (which should be easy to check from a once-over skim).

I think this is pretty much accepted wisdom in the rationalsphere. Several people, online and in person, have said things to the effect of "Tumblr is for socializing, private blogs are for commenting on whatever the blogger writes about, and LessWrong is for math-heavy things, quotes threads, and meetup scheduling." But if you doubt it, you can absolutely check.

I know I could check; I was more wondering whether you, or someone you knew, had checked yourself/themselves. I think it's quite possible that Discussion has had a higher maths density over the last two or three months, mainly because of Stuart Armstrong posting his run of ideas from his AI risk retreat. Aside from that, though, I'm doubtful that LW's had a strong rise in maths density over the last few years. To me it feels like an idea that's probably more truthy than true. It's possible the LW diaspora has concrete evidence on this and I haven't encountered it. I look at rationalist Tumblr only intermittently and I don't have Facebook, so I would likely have missed it.

Yes, I agree completely. Honestly, I thought this line of reasoning was common knowledge in the rationalsphere, since I think I've seen it discussed a couple times on Tumblr and in person (IIRC, both in Portland, and in the Bay Area).

Back when LW was more active, there was much lower math density in posts here.

Is that true? How do we know?
Maybe because many people are not sure whether their topics are "LW-worthy", but when they do something mathematical they feel comfortable about posting it here. If I write my opinion about something, people will most likely disagree; but if I write an equation and solve it correctly, there is nothing to disagree with.
That's interesting. There's also less math density on the rationalist blogs and the rationalist Tumblr-space, which at this point have much more current activity than LW.

Point, but not a hard one to get around.

There is a theoretical lower bound on energy per computation, but it's extremely small, and the timescale they'll be run in isn't specified. Also, unless Scott Aaronson's speculative consciousness-requires-quantum-entanglement-decoherence theory of identity is true, there are ways to use reversible computing to get around the lower bounds and achieve theoretically limitless computation as long as you don't need it to output results. Having that be extant adds improbability, but not much on the scale we're talking about.


It's easy if they have access to running detailed simulations, and while the probability that someone secretly has that ability is very low, it's not nearly as low as the probabilities Kaj mentioned here.

It is? How much energy are you going to need to run detailed sims of 10^100 people?

Double-blind trials aren't the gold standard, they're the best available standard. They still don't replicate far too often, because they don't remove bias (and I'm not just referring to publication bias). Which is why, when considering how to interpret a study, you look at the history of what scientific positions the experimenter has supported in the past, and then update away from that to compensate for bias which you have good reason to think will show up in their data.

In the example, past results suggest that, even if the trial was double-blind, someon... (read more)

I can't say I disagree.

You can claim that it should have the same likelihood either way, but you have to put the discrepancy somewhere. Knowing the choice of stopping rule is evidence about the experimenter's state of knowledge about the efficacy. You can say that it should be treated as a separate piece of evidence, or that knowing about the stopping rule should change your prior, but if you don't bring it in somewhere, you're ignoring critical information.

No, it practical terms it's negligible. There's a reason that double-blind trials are the gold standard -- it's because doctors are as prone to cognitive biases as anyone else. Let me put it this way: recently a pair of doctors looked at the available evidence and concluded (foolishly!) that putting fecal bacteria in the brains of brain cancer patients was such a promising experimental treatment that they did an end-run around the ethics review process -- and after leaving that job under a cloud, one of them was still considered a "star free agent". Well, perhaps so -- but I think this little episode illustrates very well that a doctor's unsupported opinion about the efficacy of his or her novel experimental treatment isn't worth the shit s/he wants to place inside your skull.

Read the Tiffany Aching ones. They're not just for children, but especially read them if you have or ever expect to have children. These are the stories on which baby rationalists ought to be raised.

I have read the first three since I left that comment (so all but I Shall Wear Midnight,) and I thought they were, at least pretty good, as all the Discworld books were, but as far as younger-readers' Discworld books go, I rate The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents more highly.

It's something Eliezer talks about in some posts; I associate it mainly with The Twelve Virtues and this:

Some people, I suspect, may object that curiosity is an emotion and is therefore "not rational". I label an emotion as "not rational" if it rests on mistaken beliefs, or rather, on irrational epistemic conduct: "If the iron approaches your face, and you believe it is hot, and it is cool, the Way opposes your fear. If the iron approaches your face, and you believe it is cool, and it is hot, the Way opposes your calm."



un-GovCo, I believe?


Historically, this didn't work out well. You know, back when the snake oil salesmen were literal and selling real snake oil, cocaine, and various low-dose toxic extracts. (I believe similar things happen in China today, but it's more slanted toward traditional medicine and thus less likely to be toxic.)


Most likely cannot onboard volunteers quickly enough to be useful at this point; Thursday was the last day for volunteer signups, I believe.


Read that at the time and again now. Doesn't help. Setting threshold less than perfect still not possible; perfection would itself be insufficient. I recognize that this is a problem but it is an intractable one and looks to remain so for the foreseeable future.

But what about the quantitative way? :( Edit: Forget that... I finally get it. Like, really get it. You said: Oh, my gosh... I think that's why I gave up Christianity. I wish I could say I gave it up because I wanted to believe what's true, but that's probably not true. Honestly, I probably gave it up because having the power to impact someone else's eternity through outreach or prayer, and sometimes not using that power, was literally unbearable for me. I considered it selfish to do anything that promoted mere earthly happiness when the Bible implied that outreach and prayer might impact someone's eternal soul. And now I think that, personally, being raised Christian might have been an incredible blessing. Otherwise, I might have shared your outlook. But after 22 years of believing in eternal souls, actions with finite effects don't seem nearly as important as they probably would had I not come from the perspective that people's lives on earth are just specks, just one-infinitieth total existence.

Also not a QM expert, but this matches my understanding as well.


Enjoy your war on straw, I'm out.


A boxed AI won't be able to magically make it's creators forget about AI risks and unbox it.

The results of AI box game trials disagree.

t's trivial to propose an AI model which only cares about finite time horizons. Predict what actions will have the highest expected utility at time T, take that action.

And what does it do at time T+1? And if you said 'nothing', try again, because you have no way of justifying that claim. It may not have intentionally-designed long-term preferences, but just because your eyes are closed does not mean the room is empty.

That doesn't prove anything, no one has even seen logs. Based on reading what people involved have said about it, I strongly suspect the trick is for the AI to emotionally abuse the gatekeeper until they don't want to play anymore (which counts as letting the AI out.) This doesn't apply to the real world AI, since no one is forcing you to choose between letting the AI out, and listening to it for hours. You can just get up and leave. You can turn the AI off. There is no reason you even have to allow interactivity in the first place. But Yudkowsky and others claim these experiments demonstrate that human brains are "hackable". That there is some sentence which, just by reading, will cause you to involuntarily perform any arbitrary action. And that a sufficiently powerful AI can discover it. At time T+1, it does whatever it thinks will result in the greatest reward at time T+2, and so on. Or you could have it shut off or reset to a blank state.

By that reasoning, there's no such thing as a Friendly human.

True. There isn't.

I suggest that most people when talking about friendly AIs do not mean to imply a standard of friendliness so strict that humans could not meet it.

Well, I definitely do, and I'm at least 90% confident Eliezer does as well. Most, probably nearly all, of people who talk about Friendliness would regard a FOOMed human as Unfriendly.


A prerequisite for planning a Friendly AI is understanding individual and collective human values well enough to predict whether they would be satisfied with the outcome, which entails (in the logical sense) having a very well-developed model of the specific humans you interact with, or at least the capability to construct one if you so choose. Having a sufficiently well-developed model to predict what you will do given the data you are given is logically equivalent to a weak form of "control people just by talking to them".

To put that in perspe... (read more)

Having an accurate model of something is in no way equivalent to letting you do anything you want. If I know everything about physics, I still can't walk through walls. A boxed AI won't be able to magically make it's creators forget about AI risks and unbox it. There are other possible set ups, like feeding it's output to another AI who's goal is to find any flaws or attempts at manipulation in it, and so on. Various other ideas might help, like threatening to severely punish attempts at manipulation. This is of course only necessary for the AI who can interact with us at such a level, the other ideas were far more constrained, e.g. restricting it to solving math or engineering problems. Nor is it necessary to let it be superintelligent, instead of limiting it to something comparable to high IQ humans. Another super strong assumption with no justification at all. It's trivial to propose an AI model which only cares about finite time horizons. Predict what actions will have the highest expected utility at time T, take that action.
By that reasoning, there's no such thing as a Friendly human. I suggest that most people when talking about friendly AIs do not mean to imply a standard of friendliness so strict that humans could not meet it.

As was first proposed on /r/rational (and EY has confirmed that he got the idea from that proposal)


No voting system can deal with people who have arbitrary preferences. I've lost track of the first time I looked into this, but I'm pretty sure that if you map preference space, impose a metric, and say that each candidate and voter choose a location in that space and the votes go in proportion to the distance by that metric, it gets around Arrow by imposing the requirement "voters may only express a preference that their representatives share their preferences", which is reasonable but still violates the theorem's preconditions.


The ripple effect is real, but as in Pascal's Wager, for every possible situation where the timing is critical and something bad will happen if you are distracted for a moment, there's a counterbalancing situation where the timing is critical and something bad will happen unless you are distracted for a moment, so those probably balance out into noise.

I doubt this.

Yes, that's my issue with the paper; it doesn't distinguish that from actual catastrophes.


When someone is ignorant of the actual chance of a catastrophic event happening, even if they consider it possible, they will have fairly high EV. When they update significantly toward the chance of that event happening, their EV will drop very significantly. This change itself meets the definition of 'existential catastrophe'.

Sounds like evidential decision theory again. According to that argument, you should maintain high EV by avoiding looking into existential risks.
I don't know what you think you're saying - the definition no longer says that if you consider it to refer to E(V) as calculated by the agent at the first time (conditional on the "catastrophe"). ETA: "An existential catastrophe is an event which causes the loss of most expected value."
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