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That's quite cool. thanks.


I've been reading a bit about drone warfare. The best first source is this video by the military youtuber Perun. Here is my quick summary:

  • developments
    • cheaper and more common thermal sights
    • increasing range
      • better physical performance
      • repeaters, "queen systems
  • ai assistance in targeting
  • Increasing Lethality
    • 2022: light payloads <1kg
    • more anti-armor options
    • trend 1: larger and larger payloads
    • trend 2: more specialised payloads
      • e.g. thermobaric for fortifications, shrapnell for anti-personne;
  • trend 3: payloads built and optimised specifically for drones
  • e.g. less casing, more explosive
  • Countermeasures
    • omni-present jamming
    • response:
      • different frequencies, constant switching
      • sensor redundancy
      • inertial guidance backup
      • terrain matching navigation as backup
  • Massively increased production
    • repurposed civilian equipment replaced by purposely designed systems
    • ukraine 2024 goal: 1 million domestic production + 1 million import
  • Implication
    • battlefield becomes even more deadly
    • biggest effect are the measures the enemy is forced to implement in adaptation


Things not included i think are worth mentioning:


Cool documentary about a Ukrainian drone pilot.