Page's title should always be capitalized

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Having this as policy rather than something enforced by software seems better. I think Wikipedia did it with software because it was easier than redirecting links from lowercase words (e.g. for [[page]] to go to "Page" they would need a redirect at "page") or writing it to automatically redirect, and that early design decision causes problems to this day (including making it impossible to register lowercase first usernames).

From this paper's abstract: "Further, the community’s formal mechanisms for norm articulation are shown to have calcified against changes – especially changes proposed by newer editors." So I'm updating somewhat towards more relaxed guidelines.

{{lowercase title}} is for things like eBay and iPod, IIRC -- which arbital should support eventually, but perhaps within an auto-capitalize-first-letter-of-titles model (as Wikipedia does).

I think Wikipedia does it pretty well. Defaulting to capitalizing with the option to disable it looks like the best choice here. But since that takes work, and the current domains support it well, enforcing it for now and adding the option later would work nicely.