The host has requested RSVPs for this event
17 Going3 Maybe1 Can't Go
Shoshannah Tekofsky
Amin Farzanehnia
Eowyn Dean
Alexandra Bos
Tomáš Turlík
Igor Bakutin
Wim ten Berge
Jelle Donders

Edit: we have reached 15 sign-ups. If you would like to attend then please fill out this the sign-up form before Friday, October 20. People who are accepted in to the workshop will receive an email to that effect. 

John Steidley from CFAR is joining us in Utrecht on October 21, 2023 for a mini impromptu workshop on Goal Factoring and Double Crux.

John completed CFAR instructor training in 2019, helped run the 2022 Prague Workshop Series, and also recently was an instructor at the Atlas Fellowship. He’ll be providing his takes on these two classic CFAR classes with personal examples and style. There will also be lots of time for practice.

This is not a CFAR workshop, but a fun-shop to get a taste of what workshops on Applied Rationality may be like. If you've been curious about Applied Rationality, would like to meet John, or would like to improve your decision-making abilities, this workshop is worth checking out!

The entire thing is running on can-do, fun-maximizing improvisation. If you are excited to learn and excited to proactively engage, then hi! _

We'll be meeting in room Bol 1.070 at the Utrecht Science Park at 13:30 on Saturday, October 21. The participant number is capped at 20 people. I'm not sure how many are going to sign up, so here is the load-balancing algorithm:

First, if you want to go and are 90% sure you'll be there, set yourself to going on this LW event. If we hit 15 attendants, then I'll send out sign-up forms (gauging motivation/interest/investment). Fill one out if you receive it. I'll email back to say if you got in.

If you skip any steps, we'll refuse you at the door so the Chaos Gods don't win and drive us all insane. Naturally.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Location: Bolognalaan 101, Utrecht Room Bol 1.070

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The ACX meeting on the same day is unfortunately cancelled. For that reason we are extending the deadline for sign up:

If you have a confirmation email, then you can definitely get in.

Otherwise, fill out the form and we'll select 3 people for the remaining spots. If people show up without signing up, they can get in if we are below 20. If we are on 20 or more, then no dice :D

(Currently 17)

We are moving to Science Park Library

Update: So far 11 people have been confirmed for the event. If you filled out the sign up form, but did not receive an email with confirmation, and you think you should, please DM me here on LW.

The last review cycle will be Friday morning, so if you want to attend, be sure to fill out the form before then.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Here is the sign-up form. Please fill it out before Friday. People who are accepted in to the workshop will receive an email to that effect. 

We have hit 15 signups!

Keep an eye on your inboxes for the signup form.

If this event is full at some point, there's a meetup in Eindhoven on the same day :)

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