Dear Friends who Have Ascended the Mountains of Rationalism,
Our next meetup will be Saturday, March 15th from 1-4 pm at my apartment:
66/B/1 Ulloi Ut 6th floor, door 3 Ring 27
This meetup coincides with the Hungarian National Day, commemorating the 1848 Revolution – one of Hungary's many celebrated military defeats (but perhaps all of them were spiritual victories?)
For this session, we'll be discuss genetic engineering and intelligence enhancement:
"How to Make Superbabies" contends that creating babies far smarter than present humans is far more achievable than many believe.
Dear Friends who Have Ascended the Mountains of Rationalism,
Our next meetup will be Saturday, March 15th from 1-4 pm at my apartment:
66/B/1 Ulloi Ut
6th floor, door 3
Ring 27
This meetup coincides with the Hungarian National Day, commemorating the 1848 Revolution – one of Hungary's many celebrated military defeats (but perhaps all of them were spiritual victories?)
For this session, we'll be discuss genetic engineering and intelligence enhancement:
"How to Make Superbabies" contends that creating babies far smarter than present humans is far more achievable than many believe.
"Statistical Challenges with Making Super-IQ Babies" is a much shorter response that argues for significant practical limitations.
As a bonus topic: "Why I Don't Believe in the Placebo Effect," which says there is no placebo effect.
I look forward to a lively discussion where we
go around in circles but still have funthoughtfully examine these contrasting perspectives.Hope to see many of you there!
Best regards,
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