Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Don't worry, there won't be future posts like this, so you don't have to delete my LessWrong account, and anyway I could make another, and another.
But since you've dared to read this far:
Credibility. Should you maximize it, or minimize it? Have I made an error?
Don't be shallow, don't just consider the obvious points. Consider that I've thought about this for many, many hours, and that you don't have any privileged information. Whence our disagreement, if one exists?
I get the impression that he's often more concerned with signaling interestingness, intelligence, and contrarianism than figuring out what's true.
Note: I also get that impression from Michael Vassar. But I have lots of respect for the current Singularity Institute director.
I don't get that impression from Michael Vassar, possibly because I've talked with him in person. Asking repeatedly for examples makes it fairly possible to find out what he means.
I have no such hope with Will Newsome.