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How long till someone, in the vain of state assisted suicide, intentionally commits a capital offence in-order to be executed by a state?
For instance, there are few barriers to an individual entering Singapore, then using the dark net to buy a great deal of drugs, then being caught and executed for it.
The principle barrier I see is: having sufficient capital to fund the project.
Potentially, suicidal individuals could partner with drug entrepreneurs who could loan the suicide candidate's the funds to purchase the drugs, which are then passed off to the drug entrepreneurs. The profit from the venture could fund more capital intensive lifestyle interventions to improve the suicidal individuals mental health.
Alternatively, the drug entrepreneurs could rent the 'red herring' services of the suicide candidate, to take their place if there is heat from law-enforcement.
An altruistic suicide candidate may accept the risk of execution in exchange for the opportunity to make massive amounts of profit to then donate to LessWrong's upkeep!
How often do they actually execute those arrested for buying drugs, as opposed to other punishments? Is the chance of "success" even bigger than that of suicide by hanging, for example? Because ending up imprisoned is not necessarily better than ending up mutilated. On the other hand, if someone is going to purchase illegal drugs for an overdose, is there any reason not to do it in a country with capital punishment as opposed to one in which they'd definitely face years in prison? (OK, those aren't the only two options...)