1 min read


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4 comments, sorted by Click to highlight new comments since:

What if we understood hyperbolic geometry and axiomatic thinking and didn't all immediately believe physicists when they conceptualize the universe as [    ] what if it's (   ).

Oh and btw my name is Marco Antonio Hernandez Muniz. I went to UMass Amherst and studied everything, but especially Computer Science. Physicists can suck my dick by emailing me at marcohmuniz at gmail dot com.

Please email me with questions that are well formed. They contain good writing and links to actual research papers.

All love the fruit of their labor, but the wise savor their labor.

Please let me know, loudly and obviously, if I've helped you in ANY WAY. I need it during these troubling times.

Thank you!

This site and world is full of beautiful people, and I don't doubt that ANY MORE.

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