I have considered automated mass-surveillance likely to occur in the future, and tried to prevent it, since about 20 years ago. It bothers me that so many people don't have enough self-respect to feel insulted by the infringement of their privacy, and that many people are so naive that they think surveillance is for the sake of their safety.
Privacy has already been harmed greatly, and surveillance is already excessive. And let me remind you that the safety we were promised in return didn't arrive.
The last good argument against mass-surveillance was "They cannot keep an eye on all of us" but I think modern automation and data processing has defeated that argument (people have just forgotten to update their cached stance on the issue).
Enough ranting. The Unabomber argued for why increases in technology would necessarily lead to reduced freedom, and I think his argument is sound from a game theory perspective. Looking at the world, it's also trivial to observe this effect, while it's difficult to find instances in which the amount of laws have decreased, or in which privacy has been won back (also applies to regulations and taxes. Many things have a worrying one-way tendency). The end-game can be predicted with simple exterpolation, but if you need an argument it's that technology is a power-modifier, and that there's an asymmetry between attack and defense (the ability to attack grows faster, which I believe caused the MAD stalemate).
I don't think it's difficult to make a case for "1", but I personally wouldn't bother much with "2" - I don't want to prepare myself for something when I can help slow it down. Hopefully web 3.0 will make smaller communities possible, resisting the pathelogical urge to connect absolutely everything together. By which time, we can get separation back, so that I can spend my time around like-minded people rather than being moderated to the extent that no groups in existence are unhappy with my behaviour. This would work out well unless encryption gets banned.
The maximization of functions lead to the death of humanity (literally or figuratively), but so does minimization (I'm arguing that pro-surveillance arguments are moral in origin and that they make a virtue out of death)
This seems like a problem of infinite regress.
"Solving it is easy, just do X"
"The problems is that people don't do X, how do we make them?"
"Just do Y"
"The problem is that people don't do Y, how do we make them?"
"Just do Z"
To name some power upstream factors, I'd say "Increase the social value of growth and maturity". I guess this is what we did in the past, actually. Then people started complaining that our standards were harsh because it made losers low value, and then they gave power and benefits to the status of victim, and then people started competing in playing the victim rather than in improving their character to something worthy of respect.
By the way, another powerful influence in the worsening of society seems to be large companies who play on social norms, personal needs, and social perception in order to make money. "Real men do ___", "___ is pretentious", "Doing ___ is cringe". Statements like this influence how people behave and what they strive for, since the vast majority of people want to appear in a way that others approve of. We must have fallen a long way as a society, for the only positive pressure I can think of is neo-nazis who encourage others to improve themselves (to read old books and lift weights)
Let's see .. People are doing away with family core values, claiming that it's getting in their way of freedom (but I think that it's an immature dislike of responsibility and obligation, with a dash of narcissism which makes people avoid actions which do not benefit them personally). Family bonds also seem to be weakning because of politics, some families split apart because of disagreements on who to vote for, and this is a new problem to me, I don't recall hearing of such things before 2016.
Another factor making things worse is that the media reports on the absolutely stupidest people that they can find, in order to make the "political enemy" look as bad as possible. But this has the side-effect of people overestimating themselves. If somebody felt they were a math genius for knowing basic trig functions, they'd walk around feeling smug, never pushing themselves into university-level maths.
Here's a quote from a book from 2005 (it's a book on dating by the way):
"TO GIVE you an impression of how much things have been dumbed down, consider the Lord of the Rings. Today, people treat it as an epic adult story that is a bit 'too long'. When it was published, it was a simple children's story. A simple children's story is now an adult epic! And is Alice in Wonderland now considered 'literature'? Perish the thought."
Youtube videos is not a bad idea, by the way!
That's a shame. When I search "web 3.0" the results seem to hint that people understand the problem they're trying to fix, and fixing the problem leads to structures which are resistant against giant companies, and this must improve privacy (if it doesn't, then the design will be the same as what it's replacing, just with somebody else in charge. So over time, corruption will kick in, and we'll be back where we started. The structure itself must be corruption-resistant)
There are people in the world who enjoy privacy and freedom and such, and it's not just criminals. But their products are not as mainsteam as they used to be, the only privacy-oriented one I frequently hear about is protonmail. Mega.io also claims to be pro-privacy... But somehow piracy is against its rules? If it can detect if I upload copyrighted content to my private storage, then it's not a private storage. I'm not sure how that works. Many services who claim to be secure and pro-privacy seem to be lying, or at least using these words loosely or in a relative rather than absolute sense.