at a four way stop sign we go one at a time clockwise around the intersection
NO! At a four way stop sign, the driver who arrived at the front of the intersection first goes first.
I dont know Ameeican driving laws on this (i live in the UK), but these two.descriptions dont sound mutually incomptabile.
The clockwise rule tells you everything except who goes first. You say thats the first to arrive.
No, I think I'm actually just wrong here and River is correct. I don't know how I wound up with the clockwise rule in my head but I just checked the new driver's pamphlet and it's first to the intersection. Updated.
Prerequisites: Graceful Degradation. Summary of that: Some skills require the entire skill to be correctly used together, and do not degrade well. Other skills still work if you only remember pieces of it, and do degrade well.
Summary of this: The property of graceful degradation is especially relevant for skills which allow groups of people to coordinate with each other. Some things only work if everyone does it, other things work as long as at least one person does it.
The important detail of these examples I'm trying to point at is that it doesn't matter if you're amazing at the skill if other people aren't. No amount of individual practice will make ASL a fluid tool for being understood in a loud concert or in spite of being hard of hearing. It's fundamentally a stag hunt, where it's only worth doing if other people are going to do it to.
What are some counterexamples?
ASL, football plays, and encrypting your email do not socially degrade gracefully. Literacy, data backups, and inference vs observation do.
Sometimes it's good to build a small test into the skill.
Climbing calls are pretty great. That's the thing rock climbers do when checking if the ropes are attached correctly. "Ready to climb." "Belay on." "Climbing." "Climb on." It's a quick little sequence to cover minor things like "hey, if I fall thirty feet, is this neat rope gizmo actually going to catch me?"
A useful feature of climbing calls is that if your partner does know them, your partner probably also knows what to check and if they don't then this will be audible and obvious. If you call "Ready to climb" and your partner says "sure, sounds good" then this is a good sign that they don't know how to belay. It's not definitive proof — they could be really good at it and just happened not to use the right response — but it's enough that I would stop and go over things with them. In other words, the call and response of climbing calls is a kind of check sum or warning indicator.
This generalizes. If there's some mechanism or tool that you want to use to work well with other people, which doesn't work well if only some people are doing it, having a handshake protocol is a good start. This kind of thing doesn't help if there's a reason someone might try and fake the signal, but there's not a lot of incentive to just learn the call and response part of rock climbing. That's not what gets you invited to the cool rock climbers club.
Other times, it's good to carve out a space where everyone does actually know the skill.
I used to work on a moderately complicated piece of software. Not just the programming, I mean the user interface had lots of submenus and fiddly bits. Thing is, we as a company offered a training course where we spent a week or two teaching whole customer teams how to use the software. Week long training periods make up for many an unintuitive UI.
The first thing that you learn in most martial arts dojos is how to fall. This isn't because falling is crucially important in a fight (though it does help.) It's because every other lesson the dojo teaches can now assume that obviously the students know how to fall. An instructor can safely throw a student to demonstrate an advanced move, knowing that they would roll with it. Koshi Nage and Seoi Nage don't degrade particularly gracefully (I can't think of any throw that does) but in dojo situations they really don't socially degrade gracefully.
For an obvious example, take driving. There's the simple mechanics of turning the car or getting it into gear, the kind you'd need if you were the only person in the world after the zombie apocalypse. There's also the whole social expectations and conventions; red light means stop, at a four way stop sign we go one at a time in order of first to the intersection, we drive on the right hand side of the road[1]. Having a correct side of the road to drive on only works if you can get everyone in the country on the same page. Because this is important, we make everyone in the country take a test before they're allowed to drive.
This concept is important for conflict resolution.
Contrast with techniques that help even if you're the only one doing them.
Voting, lawsuits, and mistake theory do not socially degrade gracefully. Counting to ten, contracts, and appreciations do.
In Yudkowsky and Lintamande's Planecrash, there's a discussion of fairness and negotiation. It starts with this —
(emphasis mine)
— before continuing to talk about incremental steps building up to two ways to calculate what's fair. Picking the most relevant parts —
(emphasis mine again.)
(There's another bit about Shapeley values for when you have more than two people, but this excerpt is plenty.)
This is a lovely bit of math, and I can see how it would set up the correct incentives. However, it has a crucial problem, which is that approximately nobody in the world uses it, and few will know what you're talking about if you try to use it. How "approximately" is that "nobody in the world"? I'm the ACX Meetup Czar, I sometimes negotiate with Lightcone (the people who run LessWrong) and we haven't used this between us. If anyone is actually doing this in the real world, I'm going to guess that they work for MIRI.
If I tried to do this when negotiating my salary with a company during an interview, I do not expect it to work well for me. It's probably wouldn't be the worst possible failure case, but most of the companies I've worked for have been software companies and they're generally tolerant of eccentric weirdos. I don't think they'd immediately fail me out of the interview, but I'd lose points. If I tried it with a sandwich shop or a freelance client? Yeah, I think they hire someone else.
I think there's a general lesson here.
Being an eccentric weirdo costs points in lots of situations. Many communication rules do not work well if imposed on others. Whether it's Non-violent Communication, Radical Honesty, Crocker's Rules, or some other communication method, it's worth considering whether this degrades gracefully if only a few people (or just you) are using it.
Postel's law states "be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others." I view this as an attempt to make a system that degraded gracefully, not because it was failing, but because other parts of the network were failing. Postel was talking about the internet[3], and the internet being the internet a later update suggested to "assume that the network is filled with malevolent entities that will send in [messages] designed to have the worst possible effect." Obviously that's a silly amount of overkill and redundancy that we could skip if everyone would just be nice and learn how to do it right.
Ah. Nuts.
If you're thinking about a safety protocol, try and model what might happen if not everyone read the memo. If you advocate for a radical new governance structure, have you evaluated how it would work for people who don't understand or even disagree with it? Does it still work even if not 100% of the people around you are on the same page?
Will it socially degrade gracefully? Is that true only of ordinary mistakes, or adversarial action as well?
In the USA anyway.
Amusing if fuzzily remembered childhood anecdote: when my family played Scrabble, I initially tried to make the highest scoring individual word I possibly could, while my brother tried to help everyone make lots of words. We both lost badly to my dad, who tried to win. This was where I learned the quote "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
TCP you pedants