The Berkeley Genomics Project is fundraising for the next forty days and forty nights at Manifund:
I discuss this here:
You can see my comparisons of different methods in the tables at the top:
An important thing that the AGI alignment field never understood:
Reflective stability. Everyone thinks it's about, like, getting guarantees, or something. Or about rationality and optimality and decision theory, or something. Or about how we should understand ideal agency, or something.
But what I think people haven't understood is
Are people fundamentally good? Are they practically good? If you make one person God-emperor of the lightcone, is the result something we'd like?
I just want to make a couple remarks.
This assumes that the initially-non-eudaimonic god-king(s) would choose to remain psychologically human for a vast amount of time, and keep the rest of humanity around for all that time. Instead of:
This assumes
Yes, that's a background assumption of the conjecture; I think making that assumption and exploring the consequences is helpful.
Self-modify into something that's basically an eldritch abomination from a human perspective, either deliberately or as part of a self-modification process gone wrong.
Right, totally, then all bets are off. The scenario is underspecified. My default imagination of "aligned" AGI is corrigible AGI. (In fact, I'm not even totally sure that it makes much sense to talk of aligned AGI that's not corrigible.) Part of corrigibility would be that if:
then you DEFINITELY don't just go ahead and do X lol!
In other words, a corrigible AGI is supposed to use its intelligence to possibilize self-alignment for the human.
...Make some minimal self-modifications to avoid value drift, precisely not to let the sort of st
It is still the case that some people don't sign up for cryonics simply because it takes work to figure out the process / financing. If you do sign up, it would therefore be a public service to write about the process.
Protip: You can prevent itchy skin from being itchy for hours by running it under very hot water for 5-30 seconds. (Don't burn yourself; I use tap water with some cold water, and turn down the cold water until it seems really hot.)
(These are 100% unscientific, just uncritical subjective impressions for fun. CQ = cognitive capacity quotient, like generally good at thinky stuff)
(stimulants not listed because they tend to pull the features of CQ apart; less good at real thinking, more good at relatively rote thinking and doing stuff)
Recommendation for gippities as research assistants: Treat them roughly like you'd treat RationalWiki, i.e. extremely shit at summaries / glosses / inferences, quite good at citing stuff and fairly good at finding random stuff, some of which is relevant.
"The Future Loves You: How and Why We Should Abolish Death" by Dr Ariel Zeleznikow-Johnston is now available to buy. I haven't read it, but I expect it to be a definitive anti-deathist monograph.
The description (copied from Amazon):
A brilliant young neuroscientist explains how to preserve our minds indefinitely, enabling future generations to choose to revive us
Just as surgeons once believed pain was good for their patients, some argue today that death brings meaning to life. But given humans rarely live beyond a century – even while certain whales can thrive for over two hundred years – it’s hard not to see our biological limits as profoundly unfair. No wonder then that most people nearing death wish they still had more time.
Yet, with ever-advancing science, will the ends of our lives always loom so close? For from ventilators to brain implants, modern medicine has been blurring what it means to die. In a lucid synthesis of current neuroscientific thinking, Zeleznikow-Johnston explains that death is no longer the loss of heartbeat or breath, but of personal identity – that the core of our identities is ou...
Discourse Wormholes.
In complex or contentious discussions, the central or top-level topic is often altered or replaced. We're all familiar from experience with this phenomenon. Topologically this is sort of like a wormhole:
Imagine two copies of minus the open unit ball, glued together along the unit spheres. Imagine enclosing the origin with a sphere of radius 2. This is a topological separation: The origin is separated from the rest of your space, the copy of that you're standing in. But, what's contained in the enclosure is an entire world just as large; therefore, the origin is not really contained, merely separated. One could walk through the enclosure, and pass through the unit ball boundary, and then proceed back out through the unit ball boundary into the other alternative copy of .
You come to a crux of the issue, or you come to a clash of discourse norms or background assumptions; and then you bloop, where now that is the primary motive or top-level criterion for the conversation.
This has pluses and minuses. You are finding out what the conversation really wanted to be, finding what you most care about here, finding out what the two of most ought to fight about ...
The standard way to measure compute is FLOPS. Besides other problems, this measure has two major flaws: First, no one cares exactly how many FLOPS you have; we want to know the order of magnitude without having to incant "ten high". Second, it sounds cute, even though it's going to kill us.
I propose an alternative: Digital Orders Of Magnitude (per Second), or DOOM(S).
(Speculative) It seems like biotech VC is doing poorly, and this stems from the fact that it's a lot of work to discriminate good from bad prospects for the biology itself. (As opposed to, say, ability of a team to execute a business, or how much of a market there is, etc.) If this is true, have some people tried making a biotech VC firm that employs bio experts--like, say, PhD dropouts--to do deep background on startups?
Say a "deathist" is someone who says "death is net good (gives meaning to life, is natural and therefore good, allows change in society, etc.)" and a "lifeist" ("anti-deathist") is someone who says "death is net bad (life is good, people should not have to involuntarily die, I want me and my loved ones to live)". There are clearly people who go deathist -> lifeist, as that's most lifeists (if nothing else, as an older kid they would have uttered deathism, as the predominant ideology). One might also argue that young kids are naturally lifeist, and there...
A plug for another post I’d be interested in: If anyone has actually evaluated the arguments for “What if your consciousness is ~tortured in simulation?” as a reason to not pursue cryo. Intuitively I don’t think this is super likely to happen, but various moral atrocities have and do happen, and that gives me a lot of pause, even though I know I’m exhibiting some status quo bias