Your beloved 34 year old author is never hungry

I often joke I’m the only traditional rationalist left. The original pitch was that you could radically improve your life by being more strategic. Huge piles of expected value were available. Everyone else seems to have given up, but I’m still a believer. For example in 2017 Scott Alexander explained how to effortlessly lose weight. All you have to do is eat a sufficiently simple diet and your body's natural feedback loop will keep you very lean. No need to be unpleasantly hungry. Nor drowsy from stuffing yourself. I was sold on the Boring Food Diet in 2017 and I remain sold today. 

Here is another picture of me:

That’s pretty thin if you ask me. Im not getting on any bodybuilding stages but I’m very pleased with the results. 

What Makes a Diet Simple

The TLDr of “The Hungry Brain” is that your body tries to maintain a healthy weight by releasing hormones that make you feel hungry or full. Your body is quite good at estimating the calories you eat. But even very small discrepancies add up over time; one hundred extra calories a day is about ten pounds of weight gained in a year! A modern diet messes up the process. Eating a rich, varied, processed diet makes you hungrier! To become lean, without fighting hunger, you simplify your diet until your bodies natural process once again functions well enough for your goals. This is highly unlikely to require eating solely tasteless nutrient paste. Stop simplifying once you are thin enough. What factors are involved?

Variety - By far the most important factor in my opinion. People have lost weight eating only McDonald burgers or even Twinkies. The more monotonous your diet the less hungry you will be. This trades off against nutritional goals. Luckily humans don’t need that much variety. Tribes have been healthy getting most of their calories from a single nut. The Inuit do well on a diet absurdly concentrated in Seal. And low calorie fruits and vegetables can be consumed freely. So you actively want to eat a variety of those! This principle also implies the more variety of tasty fruits and vegetables the more you will eat. 

Taste - The more bland your diet the less you will eat. In my opinion its possible to eat solely tasty food. But you absolutely must avoid sweeting anything substantially caloric. Real sugar is of course dangerous. But I would be careful about adding zero calorie sweeteners to something like a “diy meal square” or protein pancake. Make sure you can afford it. Conversely I am much less worried about adding sweeteners, even real sugar, to coffee or protein shakes which are very low calorie.

Complex - Complex food makes you hungrier. In my opinion the mix of carbs AND fat makes the food much more fattening. For example I eat my Taco/Chili meat without any pasta/tortilla/bread. Processed “junk food” is the epitome of this.

Two Specific Versions:

A very cheap and simple version I used back in 2017-2018 was consuming mostly:
— Peanut Butter on Potato Buns
— Protein Powder mixed with Water
— Fresh Fruit
— Microwaved Frozen Vegetables

People commonly think I am contradicting myself when I say I often ate normal Skippy peanut butter. It has sugar! It is processed! I ate it with bread which mixes carbs and fat! It is correct all of those things increased my appetite and resulting weight. However I was thin enough using this diet. If I had further simplified I would have been even thinner, which was not desirable! The goal is not to starve yourself to the minimum sustainable weight nor to eat a diet so bland you have to exert willpower to keep your weight up.

In 2025 I am richer so I mostly eat the following diet:
— Delicious Boy Slop (Roughly Taco/Chili meat with lots of Vegetables)
— Chunky Salsa (Usually mango or pineapple based. Or both)
— Coffee with A Lot of Almond Milk (or similar coffee drinks)
— Protein Shakes
— Fresh Fruit

A few times a week I cook a different meal. I usually make something fairly healthy. Im relatively muscular so I can afford the decadent coffees. If I needed a lower bodyweight I would be stricter.

Exactly as predicted by rationality 101 this has worked great for me. Im a fan of the boy slop so I will describe it in more detail. But please remember rationality works great. You too can be effortlessly thin.

Delicious Boy Slop:

With Pineapple Mango Salsa

Ingredient ratios:

1 Pound Ground Beef 95% Lean / 5% Fat
1 Can San Marzano Tomatoes (28oz Can, but I discard a lot of the sauce)
0-1 Tb butter 

Diced Vegetables:
Onions 7oz
Carrot 5oz
Peas 5oz
Celery 3.5oz
Bell Peppers 2oz

[By Volume the Tomatoes are by far the most numerous]

You can make the dish with no added butter/oil/spray, the 95/5 beef has enough fat for a non-stick pan.

Easy Mode Recipe:

0 - Use Frozen Vegetables. Thaw them. Break up the tomatoes a bit and drain off some of the sauce.

1 - Brown the beef over medium-high heat

2 - Add the tomatoes, stir, cook a bit more

3 - Add all the remaining vegetables. Add about 0.75 cups of water per pound of beef, just enough to cover everything.

4 - Stir in one pack of Old El Paso Taco seasoning per pound. Bring to a boil.

5 - Reduce heat to low/low-medium. Simmer for awhile. Season and continue simmering to taste

I caramelized the onions and celery, which involved some butter. But if you are willing to do that you don't need my advice on other ways to modify and try hard the recipe. It's quite flexible. 

You can make Delicious Boy Slop in Huge Quantities. 

Will Freeze the stuff left in pot. Yield is both pictures plus the bowl. Quite a bit. 

Heading off some points:

1 - Anyone can post an edited picture of themselves:

I will show you my tummy at manifest/lessonline if you want. 

2 - Is this really worth it to eat such a monotonous diet?

Only you can decide for yourself. But imo fighting your body on a daily basis is miserable. Its much more fun to not have to expend willpower. If you are hungry eat more nutritious boy slop.

3 - Weren't You out of shape for awhile?

I was on estrogen for a few years. During that era I was trying different things, including with my weight. Now thats im back on my natural hormones I have returned to the Boring diet. Works just as well as when I tried it in 2017.

4 - What happens when you run out of losable body fat? Men can't stay below ~8-10% long term. 

If you are already extremely lean and you simplify your diet you usually lose muscle. Very few people are at 8% so they usually lose some fat along with the muscle. This can be advantageous in some situations. For example professional rock climbers often want to stay very light. Perhaps 130-135 pounds at 5 foot 8. It is not surprising many of them eat a diet very low in animal products. Vegan or near-vegan diets cut out many food types and lead to lower bodyweight. 


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How to square these claims with the GLP-1 drug consumption you've stated in a previous post? I'd wager this powers the pareto majority of your perceived ease of leanness vs average population, and that you are somewhat pointlessly sacrificing the virtues of variety in reverse-pareto fashion. 

This pretty much checks out with my experience.  Boring and bland is annoying, but the alternative is eating an entire box of lucky charms in six hours, so boring and bland it is.

I don't do it because it's fun; I do it because it's necessary.  This (biological) hardware sucks so much.

I'm also interested in what I see as the most important part of any diet, how you resist temptations. As noted in your Scott Alexander link, almost any diet works as long as you stick to it, the hard part is sticking to it. I'm assuming that even if the boring diet reduces hunger you will still be tempted when offered a cookie or a bacon and egg roll. 

It felt a bit strange reading through the evidence that willpower is not important and that CICO doesn't work when that's the exact approach I used to lose 30kgs and keep it off for over 10 years now. I did combine it with intermittent fasting and generally high protein intake but to maintain my weight I rely on calorie minimalisation. CICO had a lot of advantages to me but it's possible it just clicked with my personality. I think it's fairly likely that the boring diet clicks with your personality and that it wouldn't work for me (I'm the sense I would quickly give up). 

It's an interesting and plausible claim that eating plain food is better than fighting your appetite. I tend to believe it. I'm curious how you handle eating as a social occasion; do you avoid it or go ahead and eat differently when there's a social occasion without it disrupting your diet or appetite?

Your boy slop also happens to follow my dietary theory.

I'm embarassed to share my diet philosophy but I'm going to anyway. It's embarassing because I am in fact modestly overweight. I feel it's still worth sharing as a datapoint for its strengths: I am only modestly overweight despite aging (50), doing nearly no exercise since lockdown, and most importantly eating whatever I want whenever I want - absolutely no fighting my own appetite. And I haven't put much effort into optimizing it, so there are probably easy gains if somebody did. With the caveats out of the way:

Eat more vegetables and fewer carbs than you're offered by default.

The theory here is that all calories are equal WRT raw weight gain, but carbs are processed quickly so you feel hungrier sooner. Nutrition science is a mess but this appears to be highly plausible given the data. I haven't dug down, but this matches my experience.

Eating veggies is compensated for by being allowed as much fat, salt, and spices as you want to make them flavorful. Salads are amazing with lots of dressing, cheeses and nuts and maybe some happy meat (better yet without the cruel joke of greens). Cook those veggies and they're even better: Vegetable-based stir fries, curries and soups are easy: add butter/oil salt and spices until they tast good. (and some happy meat if your voracity has overcome your ethics, as mine often does). It is hard to find this while eating out, but the point is to just trend in this direction when it's easy. So I crave veggie-rich dishes as much as anything else, and often choose them.

There's my embarrassing $.02 on rationalist eating.

Thank you for sharing this! Does it scale well with varying levels of physical activity for you? Some dietary things tend to be great at higher activity levels and fall apart at lower ones, and vice versa. I'm curious roughly what your current activity level is looking like and whether the boy slop diet thing has worked well at higher/lower levels as well.

Since this post seems a potential gathering place for other extremely easy and nutritionally adequate recipes, I'll also leave my boring-food go-tos here -- these aren't as cheap as yours but they're similarly easy:

  • Bachelor bowls: can of black beans, rinsed. Can of sweet corn. Optional, tiny can of olives. Optional, thaw some frozen hummus or guac (costco sells single serves fresh, both of which freeze great). Mix, heat if desired, add salsa (canned is fine). I find that 2 cans makes 2 16oz mason jars of food, and one of those jars is a meal for me. A jar of this is my go-to when I have to pack a lunch.

  • Oatmeal. Put a bit of butter and a cup or so of steel cut oats in a pot, toast them till they smell nice. Add some salt at some point -- start with about a half teaspoon per cup of oats if you like measuring things. Add 3-4 cups water per cup of oats (I add boiling water, because it's easy to make in the electric kettle and parallelizes the "heat water" and "toast oats" steps, but you can add cold water and let it take longer). Optionally, add some amount of dried fruit. Simmer, stirring occasionally, for 20-30mins until you like the texture. Refrigerate it right in the pot. When hungry, scoop some into a bowl, add a bit of milk or water, microwave till hot. This is my favorite dish to eat as a brain reset for a couple days when I lose track of the difference between feeling hungry and feeling bored.

  • The instant pot thing: Put whatever vegetables like being well cooked (potatoes, carrots, etc) into instant pot. Add whatever cut of lean meat was on sale. Dump in a can of enchilada sauce. Cook on the meat cycle. Canned enchilada sauce gets the seasoning right and still tastes good after being exposed to high heats. I've tried it with other canned sauces and some of them are ruined by the heat.

One aspect common to all these easy foods is that they don't require much management of perishables. Your tomatoes are canned; the beef can be frozen; the veggies should be frozen. I think people who talk about healthy eating tend to underestimate the difficulty that some people have managing perishables, especially when cooking for 1, so I appreciate that you've tacitly circumvented the whole problem in your advice :)