I think the best way to cash in on the fun side of the fun/status tradeoff is probably mostly rooted in adopting a disposition and outlook that allows you to. I think most people self limit themselves like crazy to promote a certain image and that if you're really trying to extract fun-bang for your status-buck, then dissolving some of that social conditioning and learning to be silly is a good way to go. Basically, I think there's a lot of fun to be had for those who are comfortable acting silly or playful or unconventional. If you can unlock some of that as your default disposition, or even just a mode you can switch into, then I think practically any given activity will be marginally more fun.
I think that most people have a capacity to be silly/playful in a way that is really fun, but that they stifle it mostly for social reasons and over time this just becomes a habitual part of how they interact with the world. I don't expect this point to be controversial.
One of the main social functions of things like alcohol and parties seem to be to give people a clear social license to act silly, playful, and even ~outrageous without being judged harshly. I think that if one is able to overcome some of the latent self-protective psychological constraints that most people develop and gain a degree of genuine emotional indifference towards status, then they can experience much more playfulness and joy than most people normally permit themselves.
I know this isn't really a self contained "Friday night activity" in itself, but I think that general mindset shifts are probably the way to go if you're not terribly status-concerned and looking for ways to collect fun-rent on it. I think there's a lot to be said for just granting yourself the permission to be silly and have fun in general.
For specific activities, I would suggest doubling down on activities that you already like to do or have interest in, but which you implicitly avoid "getting into" because they are considered low status. For example: improve your masturbation game, improve your drug game (as in plan fun companion activities or make it a social thing; not just saying do more/stronger drugs), get really into that fringe sub-genre that ~only you like, experiment with your clothes/hair style, explore your own sexual orientation/gender identity, just straight up stop doing any hobbies that you're only into for the status, etc.