Ich suche ob es eine vorgegeben Sprache auf LessWrong.com gibt. Bisher habe ich lediglich die Beschreibung der Community auf Wikipedia gefunden und nicht soffizielles. Ich muss daher von ausgehen, dass ich auch Beiträge in Deutsch schreiben könnte.
I am looking for the site rule defining language on LessWrong.com. So far I have only found the description of the community on Wikipedia and nothing official. I must therefore assume that I could also write posts in german.
LessWrong doesn't have a centralized repository of site rules, but here are some posts that might be helpful:
We do currently require content to be posted in English.
GPT 4o prompt: please translate the following into German:
There aren't many (in fact, none that I know of) crisp legible rules on the topic. If you don't provide a translation, I expect you'll fail to get much engagement, and perhaps see things downvoted more than they otherwise would be. This is true of topics and content as well - there aren't a lot of rules, but there is a lot of opinion and reaction to non-standard topics or approaches. The best thing is usually to read quite a bit, and if what you have to say seems to fit well, try it out with a few small-ish posts and see what feedback you get.
Note that LLMs are VERY good at translation of this sort of thing. Posting in German with English translation might work just fine. Or it might not - it depends more on the content than anything else, but quality of presentation isn't completely irrelevant.
Es gibt nicht viele (tatsächlich kenne ich überhaupt keine) klaren, gut lesbaren Regeln zu diesem Thema. Wenn du keine Übersetzung bereitstellst, erwarte ich, dass du nur wenig Resonanz erhalten wirst und möglicherweise mehr Downvotes sehen wirst, als es sonst der Fall wäre. Dasselbe gilt für Themen und Inhalte: Es gibt nicht viele Regeln, aber es gibt viele Meinungen und Reaktionen auf unkonventionelle Themen oder Ansätze. Am besten liest du zunächst einiges, und wenn das, was du sagen möchtest, gut passt, probiere es mit ein paar kleineren Beiträgen aus und schau, welches Feedback du bekommst.
Beachte, dass LLMs SEHR gut darin sind, so etwas zu übersetzen. Beiträge auf Deutsch zusammen mit einer englischen Übersetzung könnten durchaus funktionieren. Oder auch nicht – das hängt mehr vom Inhalt ab als von allem anderen, aber auch die Qualität der Präsentation ist nicht völlig irrelevant.
No one is explicitly giving a link to the rules or stating an answer otherwise so let me word out what I gathered from the nonverbal feedback.
I have received -7 agreement within a few minutes of posting this. Me assuming "when not defined it must be free game" was tagged as locally invalid and I can see how this is true. In other words: English is the de facto language of the LessWrong forum if not only due to policy then at least due to custom.
I like the LW community and the feature of ForumMagnum/LW2 they developed a lot and I didn't even knew one can tag logical fallacies. I have a very specific goal in mind (not stated above) of publishing essays / longer ramblings that I sometimes happen to produce and usually pester my friends with. After considering a few alternatives I thought that this forum software is the most beautiful and most feature-rich place to post such things. The mismatch of language, tone, content and polish was something I was not sure how much of an issue it would be. The answer: yes it would be an issue.
Perhaps there's a personal space similar to Confluence where can publish longer essays not related to LW at all for the time being I move my ramblings to mataroa.blog/ and use this account only for LW realted things
English is the de facto language of the LessWrong forum
The existing texts are in English, so naturally the website is visited by people who speak English.
I think you can post in German, but then most readers will not understand it. Are you okay with that? One problem is that if you won't get a positive response, you will not know how much of that is because of the language, and how much is because of the content.
use this account only for LW realted things
Yeah, using a different language and post on topics unrelated to LW would definitely be a bad idea.
Ich suche ob es eine vorgegeben Sprache auf LessWrong.com gibt. Bisher habe ich lediglich die Beschreibung der Community auf Wikipedia gefunden und nicht soffizielles. Ich muss daher von ausgehen, dass ich auch Beiträge in Deutsch schreiben könnte.
I am looking for the site rule defining language on LessWrong.com. So far I have only found the description of the community on Wikipedia and nothing official. I must therefore assume that I could also write posts in german.
LessWrong doesn't have a centralized repository of site rules, but here are some posts that might be helpful:
We do currently require content to be posted in English.