This Sunday at 1pm (PDT), we're running another session of "lightning talks" by curated LessWrong authors (see here for previous weeks' transcripts).

  • Each talk will be 3-5 minutes followed by discussion. Afterwards, we'll have a hangout in breakout rooms. The talks will be short and focus on presenting one core idea well, rather than rushing through a lot of content.
  • We want to give top LessWrong writers an interesting space to discuss their ideas, and have more fruitful collaboration between users. Think of it like a cross between an academic colloquium and some friends chatting by a whiteboard.

If you're a curated author and interested in giving a 5-min talk at a future event, which will then be transcribed and edited, sign up here.



When? Sunday August 9, 1pm (PDT)

Where? Zoom

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Dayumm that lineup is stacked.

Hi all,

I'm going to withdraw my talk for today — after doing some prep yesterday with Jacob and clarifying everyone's skill level and background, I put a few hours in and couldn't get to the point where I thought my talk would be great.

The quality level has been so uniformly high, I'd rather just leave more time for people to discuss and socialize than to lower the bar.

Apologies for any inconvenience, gratitude, and godspeed.

Thanks for letting us know lionhearted. You're welcome back another week if you have a talk you feel better about! :)

To all attendees -- the event will go ahead as planned with a replacement speaker (me!). 

Aww alas. Another time :)

I've been thinking myself "oh dear, how on Earth will I not drop the standard compared to Eli and Lionhearted??" <sweat bead emoji>

No pressure, but I expect for each of us our talks would be well-received.

Curated and popular this week