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In HPMOR, Draco Malfoy thinks that either Harry Potter was lucky enough to be able to come up with a bunch of great ideas in a short period of time, or he, for some unimaginable reason, has already spent a bunch of time thinking about how to do it. The real answer to this false dilemma is that Harry just read a book as a kid where its author came up with all these for the book's needs.

In How to Seem (and Be) Deep Thought, Eliezer Yudkowsky says that the Japanese often portray Christians as bearers of incredible wisdom, while the opposite is true of the "eastern sage" archetype in the western midst. And the real answer is that both cultures have vastly different, yet meaningful sets of multiple ideas, so when one person meets another, and he immediately throws at him 3 meaningful and highly plausible thoughts that the first person has never even heard of, and then does so again and again, the first person concludes that he is a genius.

I've also seen a number of books and fanfics whose authors seemed like incredible writing talents and whose characters seemed like geniuses, fountaining so many brilliant ideas. And then each time it turned out that they really just came from a cultura... (read more)

EY wrote in planecrash about how the greatest fictional conflicts between characters with different levels of intelligence happen between different cultures/species, not individuals of the same culture.
Yeah. I reread today and thought that it could be replaced by link to it and phrase "then if you see that somebody is very smart and spits out brilliant new looks on things, it may be question of cumulative/crystalized intelligence, not only fluid".  (But when I tried to find part about TPOT by using keywords like "Carissa Ri-Dul TPOT Oppara", I found out... the search giving me nothing. So today I didn't have hope to find a fragment in reasonable time)
Object level 2y later comments Now I though think it should be derived apriori, like, as toy model: LET there is 1B people, average can have 1 idea/day, 1 of 1K 100 idea/day, 1 of 1B 1M idea/day, you have 84000s/day and need 84s/idea for comprehension. THEN 1 of 1K has only 1/10 his ideas created by him, so priors to meet somebody with more created ideas than read are lower than 1/1K, AND just the average people create 1M times more ideas than can be read, at best you will know 0.0001% of ideas your world has. 
Wow. I look at it again 2y later and as exception of sort of my personal absolute rule it doesn't look absolutely terrible, it looks almost good. I am not sure about the reasons. Mb I managed to wrote it for external reader, not just spit out thought. I doubt it's because I "acquired decent level of rationality". 

That's sort of Welcome (Back) Post. My mistakes analysis. Or confession.

I probably solved a problem that iirc I had my whole life: being VERY upset by losing at all, like, school grades, losing games (even to AI) etc. By posting on LW I could ever get down votes. And did. But I was trying post still, I had ideas I wanted to publish.

And as a full surprise, reinforcement turned out to work such way, that if you overcome it in end-step of thought-action sequence, it will just strike your earlier steps. Eg I became less able to think about posting. And I didn'... (read more)

"We are more often frightened than hurt; and we suffer more from imagination than from reality." (Seneca)
Update: I am certainly lost some writing skills... Or, more precisely, I can't at the same time use my old writing skills and successfully think new thoughts, they are too distant in mental space. That makes things harder, I am not sure what to do with that.   One of very important problems here is that my old wring skills are to tightly weaven as a habit. Do someone know solution for such problems?
Somehow I manage to be dismissing/condescending even to myself. Like "oh, this old just didn't thought about writing his reasoning to LW". When actually systematically it turns out that I or someone else thought, even tried, but. This. Thought. Had. Failed. To. Work.  I actually HAD wrote a post with a significant part of my reasoning: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/zbSsSwEfdEuaqCRmz/eniscien-s-shortform?commentId=mv3YpuL6tDTtTF7Dv 

I noticed here that Eliezer Yudkowsky in his essays (I don't remember exactly which ones, it would be nice to add names and links in the comments) says that the map has many "levels", and the territory has only one. However, this terminology itself is misleading, because these are not close to "levels", these are "scales". And from this point of view, it is quite obvious that the scale is a purely property of the map, the territory does not just have one scale, the smallest, and it cannot even be said that it has all the scales in one, it simply does not... (read more)

"Map isn't the territory" comes out of Science and Sanity from Alfred Korzybski. Korzybski speaks about levels of abstraction. In the photography case, there's the subject, then there's light going from the subject to the camera (which depends on the lighting conditions), then the camera sensor translates that light into raw data. That raw data then might be translated into a png file in some color space. These days, the user might then add an AI based filter to change the image. Finally, that file then gets displayed on a given screen to the user. All those are different levels of abstraction. The fact that you might take your photo from different distances and thus have a different scale is a separate one.
But does Yudkowsky mention the word "abstraction"? Because if not, then it is not clear why the levels. And if you mention it, then as in the case of scale, I don’t really understand why people would even think that different levels of abstraction exist in the territory. Edited: I've searched in Reductionism 101 and Physicalism 201 and didn't find mention of "abstraction", so I save my opinion that using just word "level" doesn't create right picture in the head.
2the gears to ascension
for one major way scale is in the territory, search for "more is different".
The main issue is that people often make mistakes that come out of treating maps like they have one level. Yudkowsky, doesn't go much into the details of levels but I don't think "scale" gives a better intuition. It doesn't help with noticing abstraction. Level might not help you fully but scale doesn't either.

Despite the fact that this is only an "outward attribute of a smart character", and not something rational, but I calculated that if you study for 15 minutes a day (in the morning, in the evening and at lunch, one lesson, 5 minutes), then for You can learn a language in 5 years, which is 12 languages ​​in a lifetime, which is usually perceived as something incredibly big that only a polyglot genius can do. Yes, given the development of AI, languages ​​​​are far from being needed, but it seems that constantly learning something new develops the brain and ... (read more)

I must say, I made the mistake of thinking that it was enough to make a habit to get a result. At that time, I was interested, so I did not notice that interest was required here. But now I realize that only some part of the crystallized intellect, and not dynamic, can be made into a habit, learning anything, including languages, is not the activation of already learned neural connections, but the creation of new ones, this requires straining the intellect and this cannot be to do purely out of habit, some kind of emotional motivation is needed, for example, interest. So now I don’t study any one particular language, but switch between English, German, Greek, Latin and Italian as my interest fades / grows, in order to constantly keep it at a high level for at least one language.
'Spending time well' is optimal.
Maybe. I just thought that LessWrong doesn’t just turn into a standard site with “ten tips on how to improve your life”, on the other hand, explicitly posing the question gives at least two answers: send about ready-made to other sites, and here give non-standard / new tips, talk about things that no one has noticed yet.
The obvious upgrade is having 'life improvement' be more experimental. People try things out and see how well they work, etc. (I'm not saying there has to be 'peer review' but 'peer experimentation' does seem like a good idea.) Another approach is grouping things together, and having tools so that those things can be filtered out. (This won't be perfect because short form 'posts' don't have tags.) Also issues around content sticking around, versus floating down the river of time.
Self review 2 There is a difference between "better than default option" and "the best of all moderately easily searchable options". And I doubt I've done the second search at all, not just done first and congratulated myself. I definitely wasn't asking "which language is more useful/pleasant to learn - English, German, Japanese, Greek, Latin, Esperanto etc" or "which exercises are the most useful/pleasant - language, mnemonic, speedreading, mental arithmetic etc"  Edit: actually, now I think it would be better to learn speedreading instead of German, then learn English at x5 speed and for read-writing only purpose, and even next learn some conlang, not German. And do it not in "an app which is better than school", but in "the app which is the best from all apps I found". 

Some time ago, I noticed that the concepts of fairness and fair competition were breaking down in my head, just as the concept of free will once broke down. All three are not only wrong, they are meaningless. If you go into enough detail, you will not be able to explain how this should work in principle. There is only determinism and chance, only upbringing and genetics, there is simply no place for free will. And from this it follows that there is also no place for fair punishment and fair competition, because either your actions and achievements are ... (read more)

Be careful with thinking a phenomenon is meaningless or nonexistent just because it's an abstraction over an insanely complex underlying reality.  Even if you're unsure of the mechanism, and/or can't calculate how it works in detail, you're probably best off with a decision theory that includes some amount of volition and intent.  And moral systems IMO don't have an objective real cause, but they can still carry a whole lot of power as coordination points and shared expectations for groups of humans.
It seems that you didn’t understand that my main problem is that every time in my thoughts I rest on the fact that within the framework of a better understanding of the world, it becomes clear that the justifications why competitions are good do not make any sense. It is as if you have lived well all your life because you were afraid of hell, and now the previous justifications why it is worth living well do not make sense, because you have learned that hell does not exist, now it is not clear what is the point of behaving well and whether in general, is it worth it to continue to honor his father, not to steal other people's things and other people's slaves, to stone women for betraying her husband and burn witches? Maybe these rules make sense, but I don't know if they have it, and if so, which one. I mean, I wondered what role do, say, sports olympiads play, but my only answer was that they force athletes to overexert their bodies or dope, and also spend a lot of money on such extremely expensive entertainment in exchange for releasing better films or let's say the scientific race "who will be the first to invent a cure for aging." Well, I've been recently thinking about how to organize the state according to the principle of "look at the economic incentives" and I seem to finally understand what sense competition can sometimes have. Those incentives. Competitions are one of the types of competition, so they allow not only to give an incentive to someone to go towards a certain goal, they can create an arms race situation when you need to not only achieve the goal, but do it faster/better than other participants. However, the key word is "goal", and in sports olympiads the goal clearly does not make sense, like beauty contests, in science olympiads with a better goal, they allow you to determine the smartest participants for further use of their intellect, which does not make sense in sports olympiads, because machines have long been faster, stronger and more res
Self review (I've already wrote here something about meaningfulness of competition, but it's hard to parse, so just rewrite) less try to follow usual society justifications of why thing "makes sense" and more wonder for "which multiple forces conjure thing into reality". Eg: different stimuli make people perform different behaviour you need vengeance to be proportional to harm so people will not eg try hide lesser crimes as stealing by making bigger crimes like killing (those who knew about lesser crimes) competing with somebody of achievable level make people apply efforts into optimising thing of competition to seize it's prizes

Some time ago I was surprised that narrow professional skills can significantly change your thinking, and not just give you new abilities to specialize. Changes you, not just allowing you to cast a new spell.

Something like not scientific, but professional rationality, but definitely not just the ability to make origami. (Specifically, I had this with the principles of good code, including in object-oriented programming) I had never heard of this before, including here on LessWrong.

But it makes me think that the virtue of learning is more than being able ... (read more)

Self review 1 I was wrong before OP observation, but in "narrow professional skills can't give you Rationality" it wasn't OP's update of "narrow can't", it was "professional skills are narrow". They aren't. Our world just can't systematically define premises on which professional skill works, optimise it to abstract non narrow principle and then teach to everybody who frequently mets these premises. 

I think I finally got clear understanding of Newcomb-like problems. I am afraid that I again will think about some EY's post which I read and forgot. But just write it will be faster, than search.

I think the cause of why people stuck with these problems are wrong intuitions that your decisions "change the future". Which are obviously wrong if you think about it, it's not like in Past there was one Future, but now now in Present and Future there are another Future.

It's wrong like think that if you run computer program, in the process of calculation it will ... (read more)

A lot of free will confusions are sidestepped by framing decisions so that the agent thinks of itself as "I am an algorithm" rather than "I am a physical object". This works well for bounded individual decisions (rather than for long stretches of activity in the world), and the things that happen in the physical world can then be thought of as instantiations of the algorithm and its resulting decision, which the algorithm controls from its abstract headquarters that are outside of physical worlds and physical time. For example, this way you don't control the past or the future, because the abstract algorithm is not located at some specific time, and all instances of it at various times within the physical world are related to the abstract algorithm in a similar way. For coordination of multiple possible worlds, an abstract algorithm is not anchored to a specific world, and so there is no additional conceptual strangeness of controlling one possible world from another, because in this framing you instead control both from the same algorithm that is not intrinsically part of either of them. There are also thought experiments where existence of an instance of the decision maker in some world depends on their own decision (so that for some possible decisions, the instance never existed in the first place), and extracting the decision making into an algorithm that's unbothered by nonexistence of its instances in real worlds makes this more straightforward.
Somewhat similarly, one of the most useful shifts in identity to apply it to more cases usefully is to take the view that "My identity is an algorithm/function" as the more fundamental primitive/general case, and view the idea that "My identity is a physical object" is a useful special case, but the physicalist view of identity cannot hold in certain regimes. The shift from a physical view to an algorithmic view of an identity answers/dissolves/sidesteps a lot of confusing questions about what happens to identity. (It's also possible that identity in a sense is basically a fiction, but that's another question entirely)
I am suspicious to and don't like using some weird sidesteppings, instead of not being confused while looking on the question from the position of "how it will actually look in the world/situation" (though they can be faster, yeah). I mean, causes are real, future was caused by you, may be say controlled, and it less feels like controlling something if somebody predicts by wishes and performs them before I can think about their fulfilling. But these are probably just trade-offs of trying to explain these things to people in plain English. When I first thought that picking actions by conditional expected utility was obviously correct, I was very confused about the whole DTs situation. So link was very useful, thanks. 

(It's vague, but I'll try it broad right NOW. And then elaborate if necesssary.)


I've just noticed comments of Raemon, Gwern and Vladimir_Nesov on my old post and it struck me that maybe I was wrong and LW community is much tinier than I thought. It explains a lot. Flaws of site design, lack of any galactic ideas I momentarily internally spit out seeing things, whole tiny success of rationality and alignment missions.

Probably there are just not enough people for all of that? And I was wrong estimating by EY's 140K twitter, count of readers of HPMoR. And S... (read more)

Social media will make you overestimate a lot. When I share a LW post on Facebook, it gets 10 likes. When I invite those people to a local LW meetup, no one comes. Clicks are cheap; even people who don't like rationality are happy to click if the article seems interesting.
(I will consider it as getting some evidence, so, thanks) I mean, I just thought in the way of "yeah, not all of people on twitter will come to LW", but I was on LW even though I wasn't on twitter. And there are also Facebook, Reddit, SSC and other PBlogs, and people who prefer to meetup instead of using online, and people in other countries. And also so much people read HPMoR. And I personally, if look back on my life story, don't see any division moments where I was prone even a little to change my direction in which I was going after reading HPMoR, way could be different, but direction is the same. May be, I was just wrong that I am not unusual. Like, I was probably the best pupil in my class, but that just gives sort of lower bound. What is after that? May be I should take IQ or SAT. But it's long, hard and has side effects. The most close thing that I've done was to take Vocabulary tests. And I actually found just one (1) site that wasn't terrible. https://www.myvocab.info/ In difference with all the other, it uses adaptive testing, so it takes just like 20 questions and 2 minutes, and author says "Bayes" in description, which are, in the surface, good signs. And I've got 99.9% for my age. (which is just knowing twice as many words as average, not so much). And I can't remember specifically doing something that could optimise over vocab test. I don't know, may be almost everyone on LW will get 99.9% for their age or something? (Though, of course I took the test in my native Russian, and for English it's different).
Unusual is not a binary, it is a "more or less" thing, but yes, you may be much more unusual in some regards than you expected. Actually, looking at your bio, it may be a cultural taboo for you to admit that you are exceptional. I grew up in communist Czechoslovakia, and the thought "I may be different from most other people, in a good way" went completely against all my conditioning. That's not what you are supposed to ever say, unless you want to get in deep trouble. It's not just about intelligence, although high intelligence may be a prerequisite. Most people, even the intelligent ones, simply don't give a fuck about many things that we value at LW, such as having a correct model of the world as opposed to merely winning verbal battles., or preferring to know the truth even if it makes you sad as opposed to just enjoying happy thoughts no matter how unrelated to reality they are. Most people just don't click with this, because... I guess they don't see a reason why. Why do things, if they don't make you happy? (Yeah, in theory, looking reality in its face could save your life or something, but in practice, it's not like rationalists are famous in the outside world for actually winning at life, so maybe this all is just our version of wishful thinking.) So, yeah, actual rationalists are very rare. I couldn't find ten of them in my country. (And I am not familiar with the Bay Area community, but sometimes I suspect that many people are there simply for the vibes. Some people enjoy hanging out with rationalists, even if they don't share the fundamentals. It's just another social activity for them.) Then there is also the fact that people are busy. Not everyone who has the potential to become a rationalist also has time to spend on LW website. Such people usually have a lot of work they could do instead. Maybe, I guess you won't know until you try.
I think I written my bio in some biased way. But yeah, even in modern Russia it's not a very popular frame that you are so unique and exceptional. And our teacher said us "not to run faster than a whole train". And modesty is a virtue, but admitting how very excellent are is not at all. And in part it were things like my parents were trying to make me less perfectionist about grades by saying that "grades doesn't really matter", then I continued be a perfectionist, but now just thought that grades are not at all a measure of intelligence. Or that I was programming at 9y because it was interesting and then saying to myself that it's not a reason to be proud by my interests, if they were interested they obviously could too. Or that I've seen that prideful people in fiction were just doing some stupid short termed or evil things, like beating people because someone said something wrong, and next I concluded that whole emotion of pride is something awful. And also it young me's failure of putting myself into others shoes. Like, obviously most of kids were not invited to the stage at every end of year, but for me it was just something that happened from the beginning of the time. And I was very distrusting to people who were saying things like "oh, you know, you are not like the other kids, you are smarter than your age" etc, of course they were just trying to flatter you. A lot of such things. I actually ended up almost full blown Modest Epistemology by my own.   And that an interesting observation. I somehow missed THAT as a part of my rationalist leanings, but yeah, I can remember reading about Pollyanna (it was before HPMoR) and being outraged about her attitude "how glad I am about crutches as a gift, I don't need them" because... Doesn't she see how bad everything around her is? She can't see reality. Blind. Lobotomisedly happy not being able to internally react on environment. For me it felt like something worse than death. And not surprisingly, I was al
From inside, almost everything I can do is "easy". Otherwise I wouldn't be able to do it, right? The trick is noticing that many things that are "easy" for me are actually quite difficult for other people. And even there, who do you compare yourself to? If you are constantly surrounded by experts, the things that are considered "easy" by your entire bubble can still be a mystery for 99.9% of population. Both of that. There are probably some people out there, who would be a great fit for LW, but instead they are busy doing research or making money or changing the world somehow. Also, some people who have formerly spent a lot of time on LW are now doing something more efficient with their time. Yeah, but 99.9% of those people won't remember what you wrote the next day, so the actual impact can be very small. Also, instead on LW you could post on your own blog, or maybe write a book, those are also ways to approach many people. Some of those may be more efficient. It's good that we have the LW books for busy people; selection of the best articles instead of having read all of that. That is a great starting position (much better than having no free time -- then it is very difficult to think about your life or try to improve it, if there is no time to do that). But if you use that free time to figure out what you want to do and actually start doing it, then... probably in a year, you will have less free time. Not necessarily in a bad way; you can be busy doing things that you totally love. But you won't have so much time to read LW anymore. This is a paradox of self-improvement groups (and LW kinda belongs to that category). If you actually keep improving, at some moment you will probably leave the group, because some other action will be more useful for you than staying at the group. That's the entire point -- the group is supposed to make you more efficient at the life outside the group. If it fails to achieve that, then the group is not really good at its stated
(There was some errors, message hadn't sent before now) Becoming stronger feels like things became lighter. But a lot of things I trying to do are not "just easy"? Also I thought about it more like finding things which you found too hard and gave up. And I am not sure how to just pinpoint easy things, it's like finding details of how you are moving. (Though I probably should expect that for a lot of people it's actually hard to from the first try read/remember even single time new long words like "cefoperazone" and "ceftazidime" and that wasn't just a trope) 99.9%??? Are you serious? I thought I have a bad memory, but I don't think I will forget more than 70% of what I read THE NEXT DAY. Like, I can remember which tweets and shortforms I've read in the last few days, just trying to remember what I read, not because I found myself in relevant situation. And that is for random post which I didn't considered important to me like "what to do with AI for a layman?". I remember much better posts which I did considered important, like the one LW about effectively explaining things in the way of "it's like airbnb, but for boats". I think about it in the way of "which time I can spare if I will find something really important", it's not like now I am going and saying "oh, again I have no idea what to do with my time". It's just that I am not compelled to work, don't have kids etc. I don't think about it quite that way. Isn't the sense in sharing ideas? You have have ideas, some are more important, and share them is easier than invent and different people find different ideas. So you have a benefit from sharing with each other. So if it was like that I'd expected more like 30K of people showing with great ideas on lesswrong once a week each.
If LW is tiny, I think I understand much better why no one wrote AGI Ruin before EY. I thought about that, but just for a few seconds. I also thought that LW is full of smart people, then if it isn't done yet, not mentioned as "needed task", then probably it's not that good idea, or there are much more important things to spend time on.

There are no common words upvote/downvote in Russian, so I just said like/dislike. And it was really a mistake, these are two really different types of positive/negative marks, agree/disagree is third type and there may be any amount of other types. But I named it like/dislike, so I so thought about it like it means your power of liking it in form of outcome to author, not just adjusting the sorting like "do I want to see more posts like that higher in suggestions".

And actually it looks for me like a more general tendency in my behaviour to avoid finding s... (read more)

Word use, especially short phrases with a LOT of contextual content, is fascinating.  I often think the ambiguity is strategic, a sort of motte-and-bailey to smuggle in implications without actually saying them. "like" vs "upvote" is a great example.  The ambiguity is whether you like that the post/comment was made, vs whether you like the thing that the post/comment references.  Either word could be ambiguous in that way, but "upvote" is a little clearer that you think the post is "good enough to win (something)", vs "like" is just a personal opinion about your interests.

I've read, including on lesswrong (https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/34Tu4SCK5r5Asdrn3/unteachable-excellence), that often listening to those who failed is more useful than those who succeeded, but I somehow missed if there was an explanation somewhere as to why? And the fact is that there are 1000 ways to be wrong and only 1 way to do something right, so if you listen to a story about success, it should be 1000 times longer than a story about failure, because for the latter it is enough to make one fatal mistake, while for the former you have to not make th... (read more)

fwiw I don't think I've heard this particular heuristic from LessWrong. Do you have a link for a place this seemed implied? I think there's a particular warning flag about "selection effects from successes" (i.e. sometimes a person who succeeded just did so through luck). So, like, watch out for that. But I remember hearing a generalized thing about learning more from failure than from success.
I added link to comment: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/34Tu4SCK5r5Asdrn3/unteachable-excellence
In truth, listen to everybody. But recognize that different stories have different filters and distortions. Neither success nor failure storytellers actually understand the complexity of why things worked or didn’t - they will each have a biased and limited view.

One of my most significant problems is that I do not like to read, although it is generally believed that all "smart" people must adore it. And accordingly to overcome my dislike of reading, the book itself has to be very interesting for me, and such are rare and difficult to find them for me (I was thinking that it would be nice to have some kind of recommendation service on your previous evaluations, which there are for movies, but for books I do not know such).

And accordingly, another problem follows from this. I didn't read a collection of science fict... (read more)

LibraryThing has a great book recommendation feature.
I tried it. Unfortunately, I was trying to set marks on books by all parameters of being good book, instead of accessing just pleasure of reading, which was the only actually important thing to access, because recommendations for others I can get by other ways. And it ended up that now I don't know how to clear my profile. 
Can you rephrase this? Having a hard time parsing this sentence.

I am extremely dissatisfied with the phrase "he lives in another world" to understand him that he does not agree with you, because we all live in the same world.

But a good option is "he sees that the world is different (perhaps falsely)", exactly so, because "he sees the world differently / in a different way" has connotations of just an opinion to which everyone is entitled, and "he sees a different world" again creates the feeling that there are other worlds in which some people may not live, but look exclusively at them.

The same glasses of perception. ... (read more)

Perhaps somewhere on LessWrong this is already noticed, but judging by how much space there is not occupied by life, how much useless particles there are in physics, it seems that our universe is just one of the random options in which intelligence appears somewhere in order to you could see the universe. And how different it is from the universe, which was specially designed for life, even more than one planet would be enough, only 100 meters of the earth's crust would be enough. As primitive people actually imagined, until science appeared, so that re... (read more)

Relevant: http://hoaxes.org/archive/permalink/the_great_moon_hoax https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Principle_of_plenitude https://80000hours.org/podcast/episodes/tom-moynihan-prior-generations/

I noticed some problems with LW interface, quick list

(Ep status: follow my intuition, by saying "you" instead of "I" mean that I expect that these intuitions will be shared by a lot of other users)

Priority for me of these are such items where using is still very inconvenient, not just hard to understand for new users. There are: 1 - reactions, 2 - markdown OR colours (I don't know, mb obsidian solves markdown)

On android

  • I have no Intercom on Android, property checked, on PC I do have
  • Reactions
    • inline reaction button shows up outside of page bounds, so I need
... (read more)

Oh. It looks like I just understood what was EY's point in "Keltham wrote first version of [text] and than rewrote it". I just accidentally did this and it seems that it is much more effective and quick to do not any fixes at all on the first writing, just write out thoughts for yourself, and next write version with all the obvious fixes, than to constantly erase and make local fixes. It's just important not to start trying to do second order fixes on "for publication" version. 

(Context: earlier he wrote that he has problem with constant fixing/rewriting. I guess it may be representation of his found out fix.)

I haven't encountered this technique anywhere else, so I started using it based on how associations work in the brain:

If I can't remember a word, instead of just continuing to tell myself "think, think, think," I start going through the letters alphabetically and make an effort over each one "what are the words for that letter, is that word by any chance?" And that almost always helps.

Do someone know something like "synesthesia" browser extension for better legibility? It should paint black-and-white letters into colored, probably saving intensity.

The most useful my ideas to write in details:

  • Thinking is the most powerful human ability which differ us from animals
  • You can develop any aspect of your brain/thinking/neurons by training
    • You don't need to be restricted by existing ones, you can invent them
  • You can develop your thinking and next invent by it better ways to develop thinking
  • Introspection is really important, because it's really hard to develop thinking blindly
  • Ordinary processes of learning are INCREDIBLY ineffective, you can do better
    • eg, anki, pomodoro timed learning, remembering images, not wo
... (read more)

Whole my life I hated reading. Now I have a better understanding why and what to do with that.

I read slow because I am pronouncing things, I pronounce things because I want to have emotions from intonations, I need that because I don't imagine a lot. And as a bonus I am pronouncing things, not just perceiving audibly, so reading for me is an effort, in comparison with listening.

Unfortunately pronouncing also is a very stable habit, it's really hard to not pronounce things. I will try to use rhythms for speed reading.

The claim that pronouncing things is a bad reading habit that's frequently made but I have never seen good evidence for it. Why do you believe it?
But it depends which speed do you read? If it's 800-1000wpm (4000-5000 letter/min), then I maybe wrong.
The key problem here are your epistemics. My reading speed doesn't really matter for this discussion. You are dealing with a topic that has an existing discourse and instead of familarizing yourself with that discourse, you are reasoning with anecdotal data.  Scott H Young for example writes: It might be that Scott is wrong here, I don't think the kind of observation that you use to support your belief that subvocalization is bad are strong enough to doubt Scott here.  
I've heard about that and that looked like an evidence that you are able to untrain only things which are introspectively visible, not that it is somewhat important. Again, what about deaf-mute, what do they subvocalize? And "a bit faster"? 5000 phonemes/min, ~100/s, more looks like 1 phoneme per neuron activation. I doubt you can properly understand speech on 1000wpm. But in general, when I started, I failed to find existing discourse and decided that it will be quicker to just check. And than it just looked too clear than I actually can at least think just visually and much, much faster than speak. I'll check the link though. (It's existence explains why not more people checking this) PS Edit: okay, I've read and I didn't find anything new in this article. I will try to read link on "evidence" And also just to check, will you also say that it's impossible for ordinary human to read text and speak at the same time? PPS Edit: and no, second article also hasn't had any evidence. But still thanks, I've found some techniques of speed reading I've never heard before, only thought about by myself, so probably my ideas aren't new even if it's not something like math. And people converge in such topics, and end up having almost fully overlapping ideas, and I'm not exception. And the reason why such ideas aren't widely used probably isn't that no one discovered that, but because people are sceptical. Like I was. 1000wpm? 20000wpm? Looks like fake for credulous. But now I'm less sceptical even about such results because I was wrongly sceptical about such things like training of imagination, attention, intelligence, memory and willpower. And was clearly wrong. Btw, what you will say about these things? Also I was sceptical about thinking multiple thoughts in parallel, but that was mostly because of Feynman's and EY's claim, and now I'm just more doubt them, after I understood it's easily possible.
You are failing to distinguish the claim "It's possible to read faster" with "There's is single easy trick of removing subvocalization that will make you read faster without." A big aspect of why the article from Scott is noteworthy is because Scott used to make money with promoting speed reading (it was one of his top blog posts) and later changed his mind. He's not someone who started out skeptic. Today, we do have the ability to speed up podcast we hear by 4X and it's people can still process the audio. While following a podcast along at 4x isn't easy, it's possible.  Googling finds me: "The provided book at the 2021 championship consisted of total 15,823 words which Emma Alam read in 20 minutes and 4 seconds at 789 words per minute with the extraordinary comprehension of 97%" Given the way the human eye works 20000wpm seems implausible. That number suggests that people can read without being able to use the eye to focus to see individual letters. 
Some apriori reasoning like: pronoucing goes a consequences, one token at time, but brain is 200Hz is consequence, brain is better in being parallel with all these 80M neurons, and also words have meaning as a whole, so most of step by step letters don't even contain meaning. And next evidence from experience to this apriori reasoning: when I succeed to stop pronouncing I can see and understand three words at a moment. Also I wrote whole shortpost here about my experience with trying to replace usual speech into visual thinking. (you need "visual thinking" section)

EniScien's Bio thread

My knowledge state Read books: HPMoR x7, Sequences x3, planecrash x2, "You're joking Mr Feynman" x3, GEB 1/4, Fast and Slow Thinking 1/3 Didn't read: all the other rationalist books. And just almost no books, probably the one I can remember is Better Angels of Our Nature. Have read some Wikipedia pages. Have 99.9%, 110K words on Russian on https://myvocab.info  Watched a lot of popular science YouTube videos and lectures, mostly sciences, almost no the most useful ones like evolutionary/behavioral/cognitive psychology, neurobiology, information theory, probability, game theory, DT, or economics and programming, or at least physics, math and human biology. Almost fully illiterate in history, don't know anything except school course (and even my teacher said that schoolbooks we must use are very poor schoolbooks, probably it's Russian specifics). Have at least decent basic biology knowledge, I don't feel like our bodies are squashy but can regenerate because of vital power. Have sort of wide, but unrigorous and non-deep knowledge. Can't derive wave function of atom of hydrogen. Read really little of fiction, mostly fanfiction, mostly fantasy, almost no sci-fi. Have done some thinking in intuitive math on topics like connection between 1+i, Pyfagors theorem and level of curve of our space.
TLDR From Russia, hated reading, was grateful to science, liked clever things, cheats, computers, coded since 9y, was going to become a programmer, read HPMoR at 12, but didn't tried to solve any riddle, didn't read sequences until 16y, until 2023 didn't understood that rationality isn't about Truth, it's about Skills. Now trying to generate maximally useful thoughts, post some on LW.
Current Detailed I am from Russia. I liked to watch Discovery and other scientific channels from an age of ~7. I never liked to read, only listened sometimes, and when I have gone into school, I understood that books lied, we didn't have nicks, bullies, D-graders or A-graders (I got some As, but Bs too, and no one got only As), there were no any correlation between being a good student, wearing glasses, liking reading and playing chess. When I was 9 I learned some programming, I decided that I will work as a programmer when I grew up, because programmers do have really good salaries, can work from any point of the world with internet, and don't need to show a diploma, just their skills, so I will not need to go to university, so I will not need to go into last two classes of school, I will just need to practice my skills for next ~7 years. Also it was work with computers and I really liked computers. When I was 12 I found comment "it's not excellent fic, it's average, excellent is HP and Methods of Rationality". My favourite fictional universe + rationality?? And such characteristic... It even costed to read it, even if it didn't have an audiobook yet. And author was so dear that he said where actually you should drop it if you still don't interested. It said wait until 10th chapter where it starts to be really cool. But for me it was really cool from the first sentence. I was so interested in reading that one time I almost was late to school (which I never did even closely before). When I ended reading I decided that I will reread this precious treasure for whole my life, so it's better to reread it only once in few year, so it will not become boring, which would be awful, because I've never seen any book even close to that ever before. In the end there were said "it's only shadow of Sequences". I've "Fable of Science and Politics". And it was not even close that good. So I decided that I will check them all eventually. But not now. I've read them only when wa

Optimising internal dialogue

Never repeating thoughts technique

In planecrash EY shows technique of "never repeating same thoughts". And it can look useful, like what if you was repeating your thoughts for 10 times? You could get 10x more thoughts by that. Sort of like if you had 10 times more time for thinking, which looks really useful.

But when I actually started to practice it, I noticed, that actually a lot of time I spend on replacing last word by better synonym, a lot of time I rephrase the end of sentence, or whole sentence, or whole paragraph. That I... (read more)

What is the Sense of writing quick takes at the same page with worse editor if next you got kicked out to fast takes page?!

I've just found out Inflation Adjusted Karma Sorting and started to wish it be implemented into standard karma viewing system

What does that mean? It doesn't affect any recent content, and it's one of the most prominent options if you are looking through all historical posts.
I am not sure what is unclear. But I many times noticed that my brain is very confused seeing eg EY's recent post about Lies Told to Kids with 360 karma and comparing it some post of sequences that got "pitiful" 100+. And it looked like an example of inflation, that recent much less cool post gets a few times more karma. And I don't know how calibrate my brain, and using some software solution looks easier.

One of the problems is that if my contribution may be more valuable, then it may be also dangerous. I was trying to create techniques to generally increase intelligence, and it looks like I have at least some success. But they are not rational techniques, not an asymetrical weapon. (Ok, some may be at least a little, if I think)

I think like "may be their using can help with AI alignment", but I don't want to their using instead helped with destroying our world faster.

And probably nothing will happen... I just don't want to be careless and post Roko Basilis... (read more)

Firefox added tab groups! Finally! I'd joked that it's a sign of the end of the world, but it doesn't look very funny now. Unfortunately, the same with vertical tabs, it's on PC, where it's completely useless, where there are tree tabs add-ons which are just better.

Does somebody know, how to get features of Touch-To-Search and fast switching between bottom bar of tabs like in chrome, but with extensions like in Firefox, and with sync, so not kiwi?

The situation with that is so desperate, that I start to want to make VR glasses linux computer like some enthu... (read more)

I saw that a lot of people are confused by "what does Yudkowsky mean by this difference between deep causes and surface analogies?". I didn't have this problem, with no delay I had interpretation what he means.

I thought that it's difference between deep and surface regarding to black box metaphor. Difference between searching correlation between similar inputs and outputs and building a structure of hidden nodes and checking the predictions with rewarding correct ones and dividing that all by complexity of internal structure.

Difference between making step ... (read more)

Does the LessWrong site use a password strength check like the one Yudkowsky talks about (I don't remember that one)? And if not, why not? It doesn't seem particularly difficult to hook this up to a dictionary or something. Or is it not considered worth implementing because there's Google registration?

Hmm. Judging from the brief view, it feels like I'm the only one who included reactions in my brief forms. I wonder why?

It occurred to me that on LessWrong there doesn't seem to be a division of posts in evaluations into those that you want to promote as relevant right now, and those that you think will be useful over the years. If there was such an evaluation... Or such a response, then you could take a list not of karma posts, which would include those that were only needed sometime in a particular moment, but a list of those that people find useful beyond time.

That is, a short-term post might be well-written, really required for discussion at the time, rather than just r... (read more)

On the one hand, I really like that on LessWrong, unlike other platforms, everything unproductive is downgraded in the rating. But on the other hand, when you try to publish something yourself, it looks like a hell of a black box, which gives out positive and negative reinforcements for no reason at all.

This completely chaotic reward system seems to be bad for my tendency to post anything at all on LessWrong, just in the last few weeks that I've been using EverNote, it has counted 400 posts, and by a quick count, I have about 1500 posts lying in Google Ke... (read more)

A. I saw a post that reactions were added. I was just thinking that this would be very helpful and might solve my problem. Included them for my short forms. I hope people don't just vote no more without asking why through reactions.

Yudkowsky says that public morality should be derived from personal morality, and that personal morality is paramount. But I don't think this is the right way to put it, in my view morality is the social relationships that game theory talks about, how not to play games with a negative sum, how to achieve the maximum sum for all participants.

And morality is independent of values, or rather, each value system has its own morality, or even more accurately, morality can work even if you have different value systems. Morality is primarily about questions of jus... (read more)

There is convergently useful knowledge, and parameters of preference that could be anything, in a new mind. You don't need to align the former. There are no compelling arguments about the latter.

Yudkowsky says in one of his posts that since 0 and 1 for probabilities mean -∞ and +∞, you can't just add up all the hypotheses to get one. However, I don't see why this should necessarily follow. After all, to select one hypothesis from the hypothesis space, we must get the number of bits of evidence corresponding to the program complexity of that hypothesis.

And accordingly we don't need to have an infinite number of proofs to choose, as many as the number of bits in the longest hypothesis is sufficient, since any longer hypotheses will compete with shor... (read more)

Human language works primarily due to recognition in context, this works with individual words, but it can also work with whole phrases, the same word can be completely determined by its morphemes and only morphemes will have to be known from the context, but also a word can be and a single morpheme, and of course here you should also take into account words borrowed from other languages, which in the original language can be broken into morphemes, and in yours be known only from the context, and the same thing works not with whole words, but also with ph... (read more)

I recently read Robin Hanson saying that small groups that hold counter-intuitive beliefs tend to come from very specific arguments, some even invent their own terminology, and outsiders who reject those beliefs often they don't even bother to learn the terminology and review the specific arguments because they reject these beliefs on purely general grounds. And this is what I myself noticed, however, only from within such a group, I was outraged and annoyed by the fact that usually the arguments of those who reject FOOM or the danger of AI / AGI in gener... (read more)

I have never heard of this before, either here or elsewhere, but I myself notice that usually even the most unreasonable thing like religion has its grain of truth. Or rather, a lot of grains of truth. That is, knowledge, even in human society, almost never has a purely negative utility, a person who knows a certain cultural cluster will almost always have an advantage over a purely ignorant one. However, an important nuance, while a more knowledgeable one may turn out to be worse when they are both taught the correct rational methods, a pure mind will a... (read more)

An interesting consequence of combining the logical space of hypotheses, Bayes' theorem, and taking priors from Kolmogorov complexity is that any hypothesis of a certain level of complexity will have at least two opposite child hypotheses, which are obtained by adding one more bit of complexity to the parent hypothesis in one of two possible states.

And, conversely, you can remove one bit from the hypothesis, make it ambiguous with respect to which child hypothesis will fit your world, but then you will need fewer bits of evidence to accept it a priori.

And ... (read more)

I don't remember if I already wrote about this, but I was thinking about the space of hypotheses from first and second order logic, about where recursive reasoning hits the bottom and so on, and I came to the conclusion that if you actually find some mathematical formulation of the falsifiability criterion Popper, then it must be deeper than Bayes' Theorem. In other words, Bayes' Theorem shows not that positive cognition also exists, it's just weaker, but that negative cognition has indirect effects that can be mistaken for weak positive cognition. If we ... (read more)

Some time ago I saw an article here on the topic, but what do the words "deep causality" and "surface analogy" mean. For me personally, at that time it was intuitively obvious what the difference was, including for me it was obvious that the article was not about deep analogies, but only about the concentration of the probabilistic mass, which of course is a very important skill for a rationalist, actually key, but that's just not what I mean by deep causes, at least. However, despite this, I could not express my intuition in words at that time. I wasn'... (read more)

It occurred to me that looking through first-order logic could be the answer to many questions. For example, the choice of complexity by the number of rules or the number of objects, the formulas of quantum mechanics do not predict some specific huge combination of particles, they, like all hypotheses, limit your expectations compared to the space of all hypotheses/objects, so for at least complexity according to the rules, at least according to objects will be given one answer. At the same time, limiting the complexity of objects should be the solution... (read more)

The more I learn about the brain, the more the sense of integrity dissipates. Apparently, although we look at our mind from the inside, it, just like the body from the outside, at the same time ceases to be mysterious and also ceases to seem like something whole, a kind of fluid thinking. Ignorance creates not only a sense of derivativeness (chaos), but also a sense of wholeness.

I remember when I was a kid, if I heard two apparently conflicting opinions from two sources I liked, I would take great pains to suppress the cognitive dissonance, pull an owl on the globe, and convince myself that both were right. It seems that I was even proud of the work I did. So I can understand why some believers try to combine the theory of evolution with the idea of ​​divine creation. For them, there are simply two sources associated with positive emotions, and they do not want to experience unpleasant sensations, admitting that one of them is wrong at best.

Somewhere in the comments it was written that rationality is not building a house, where the main thing is to lay a good foundation, no, it's more like trying to patch a hole in a sinking ship. In my opinion, this should be included in the fund of golden quotes

This phrase can also be called something like a projection of the concept of inadequate equilibria in civilization on a particular person or decision-making process. In other words, the process of attempting a better self-modification runs into self-reference, trying to test each of its elements with each of its elements, for an external object you can test it without prejudice, but you cannot test yourself, because prejudices can hide themselves.

In fact, I'm both worried and happy that in LessWrong I can influence the ratings of so many posts so much. That is, I can make the difference between two messages 6 points. And this means that not many people read the site and it will not be balanced. The factor of individuals with ordinary karma gets too much influence. But on the other hand, it is psychologically good for the voters themselves, since you can see that your votes are important, there is no feeling of “I don’t influence anything” and “a bunch of other smart people will decide better”

(I can’t find where it was, if I find it, I’ll move it there) Someone suggested in light of the problems with AI to clone Yudkowsky, but the problem is that apparently we don’t have the 18 years it takes for the human brain to form, so that even when solving all the other problems, it's just too slow. Well, with any means of accelerating the development of the brain, the problem is already clear.

It seems that in one of the chains Yudkovsky says that Newtonian mechanics is false. But in my opinion, saying that Newton's mechanics is false is the same as saying that Einstein's theory of relativity is false, well, we know that it does not work in the quantum world, so sooner or later it will be replaced by another theory, so you can say in advance that it is false. I think that this is generally the wrong question, and either we should indicate how much the percentage is false, somehow without confusing it with the probability that it is false. Or... (read more)

It occurred to me (didn't finish reading Inadequate Equilibria, I don't know if that comparison is made there) that the unusability of markets is similar to that very mutual entropy, thanks to which you can put your finger in boiling water and not get burned if you know the movements of atoms.

I'm not sure I get the analogy.  And in fact, I don't think that KNOWING the movements of atoms is sufficient to allow you to avoid heat transfer to your finger.  You'd need it to be true that there exists a place and duration sufficient to dip your finger that would not burn you.  I don't think this is true for any existing or likely-to-exist case. If you can CONTROL the movements of atoms, you certainly can avoid burning.  This is common and boring - either a barrier/insulator or just cooling the water first works well.
I expressed myself inaccurately. Firstly, of course, simple knowledge will not make water cold for you, you also need to move your finger very accurately and quickly in order to avoid hotter molecules, I just considered this insignificant, since you initially physically cannot fit into your brain weighing 1.5 kg information about 0.25 kg of water molecules. Secondly, to put it with my current best understanding, these systems are similar in that it is generally believed that the glass just has high entropy, so you can't help but get burned, so it is generally believed that the market is just efficient, just unpredictable, although in general - then these are all human-centric, relative categories (I don’t remember, they should be called “magical” or “unnatural” in Lessvrong), one way or another, the point is that you can’t talk about the entropy of the order book or the predictability of the market, as about object.property, just like subject.function(object), otherwise it would be support for making a mind projection error, there is no entropy of an object, there is only mutual entropy of two objects, and it doesn't matter if you are talking about heat dissipation or information prediction. (Then it just occurred to me that there is a difference in vision between an informed and an uninformed subject in both cases, that for one impenetrable chaos, for the other a transparent order)

I was once very interested in the question of what "time" is and what "entropy" is. The thing is, I watched popular science videos on YouTube, and nowhere was there a normal answer, at best it was some kind of circular argumentation. Also, nowhere was there a normal explanation of what entropy was, only vaguely stating that it was a "measure of disorder in the system".

In my head, however, the idea swirled around that it had something to do with the fact that there are more directions outward than inward in space. And I also twirled that it must be connecte... (read more)

I thought about the phenomenon when the monuments of all the great people are taken down, because they were slave owners. And I formulated why I do not like this trend. The fact is that the past will look extremely terrible from the point of view of the future anyway. That is, virtually anyone in the past has done at least one absolutely terrible thing by today's standards. If you continue this trend, it is very likely that in the future you will already be considered a monster, for some strange reasons from the point of view of today, such as the fact ... (read more)

I thought for a long time about what "contradictions" mean at all and how they can not exist in any world, if here they are, they can be written down on paper. And in the end, I came to the conclusion that this is exactly the case when it is especially important to look at the difference between the map and the territory. Thus an inconsistent map is a map that does not correspond to any territory. In other words, you usually see the area and then you make a map. However, the space of maps, the space of descriptions, is much larger than the space of terr... (read more)

It seems to me that the standard question on the conjunction error about "the probability of an attack by the USSR on Poland as a result of conflict X" and "the probability of an attack by the USSR on Poland" is inaccurate for this experiment, since it contains an implicit connotation that once in the first reason X is named, and in the second case, Y or Z is not indicated, then in the second case we evaluate the attack for no reason, and if we continue to show the person himself his answers to this question, the effect of hindsight comes into play, like ... (read more)

My feeling is that people's planning error stems from the illusion of control. When a person plans, it seems to him on a subconscious level that as he draws up a plan, it will be so, so a person tends to draw up a plan, taking into account the fact that everything went the worst way. You don't want to create a plan that says "I'm going to be wrong at this point" do you? After all, who will specifically plan to commit a mistake if he can plan that no mistake will be made? It's like writing a book. There, if you do not plan for the character to make a m... (read more)

Based on Yudkovsky's post about the aura of menacingness and the Level Above Yours, it would probably be nice to make some kind of rating with examples of books (like that list of the best textbooks, compiled from the comments of people who have read at least 3 pieces), so that you can assess what level you yourself are . At the same time, it will be possible to understand how objective this measure is. It seemed to me that, among other things, a community, lessvrong, is needed for such purposes.

If you think about it, there is nothing wrong with every person knowing everything that civilization knows now, on the contrary, this return to normality has already accumulated, it is overdue. Previously, there was just a scientist who was aware of all the achievements of science. Now two physicists will not understand each other, because they are from different fields. No one in the world knows how things are, no one sees the whole picture even remotely. One can imagine the horror of the post of a person who met someone who does not even fully know either the history of his planet or the laws of physics.

Surely someone has already pointed out this, but I have not seen such indications. It seems that humanism follows science, because the idea of ​​progress shows that everyone can win, there is enough for everyone, life is not a zero-sum game, where if you do not harm someone, then you yourself live worse. And the lack of discrimination probably comes from the greater consistency of your reasoning, you see that hating a certain group is a completely arbitrary thing that has nothing to do with it, and just as you could hate any other group. It can be said that you are aware that you cannot be said to be special just because you are, because everyone else may think the same, you have no special reason.

I came up with the idea that people can cheer for the protagonist of the book, even if he is a villain, because the political instincts of rationalizing the correctness of your tribe's actions are activated. You are rooting for Main Character, as for your group.

I noticed that some names here have really bad connotations (although I am not saying that I know which don't, or even that any hasn't).

"LessWrong" looks like "be wrong more rare" and one of obvious ways to it is to avoid difficult things, "be less wrong" is not a way to reach any difficult goal. (Even if different people have different goals)

"Rationality: from A to Z" even worse, it looks like "complete professional guide about rationality" instead of "incomplete basic notes about a small piece of rationality weakly understood by one autodidact" which it actually is.

Ehn.  Not sure what you expect, or where you think does it better.     i would recommend that you reframe “x has really bad connotations” to “I have these specific associations with X, which I think are negative”.

I've noticed that in everyday life, when you're testing some habit choices to see if they're working for you, it's better to leave a habit that doesn't seem to be working for you, to make it easier to determine that, because otherwise you won't be sure later if it turned out to work otherwise, habit one or habit two or habit three.

This reminds me of how I used to do mod compilations, it might seem like a good idea to add all the desired ones at once, but then if some mod is missing or some extra, you won't be able to figure out which one. So they should on... (read more)

For some reason until recently, nowhere I heard about programming did it explain that object-oriented programming is essentially a reverse projection of the human brain, everywhere I heard about programming before it said something like, at best, that procedural programming is ugh and object-oriented is cool, it did not explain that procedural programming is much closer to the language that reality thinks in, and inventing "objects" is just a crutch for the imperfect monkey brain

All this came to my mind when I noticed that people tend to think of drugs as ... (read more)

I used to have conflicting thoughts about death. Does death nullify the value of life, because you yourself are destroyed? Or maybe, on the contrary, immortality, because you will ever achieve everything? The first is false, because a person has other values ​​besides the state of his own brain. The second has nothing to do with life, because really by immortality we mean "not dying of old age" and not "living infinity of years", so you only have a trillion years ahead of you, and this is a very limited time. And any other finite time too. Thus, one s... (read more)

Again, I'm not sure if I already wrote, but when it comes to quantum mechanics, Born probabilities and why a square, then it's spinning in my head that if you square and take the root in the form of an equation back, then you will have from one square branching into two possible answers, positive and negative, in other words, with this operation you erase exactly one bit of information, the sign bit. And in turn, if you took a number to the first power, then you could directly compare each point of the past with each point of the future and then there wou... (read more)

This is not the first time it seems to me that Yudkowsky is hinting for us to understand this instead of writing directly. But on the other hand, he seems to write as if he doesn't really know the answer. Specifically in this case he says about qualia, that we should ask the question "what makes us think we have qualia?" At first I got that wrong, in the sense that qualia is just an illusion. But then I did a mental experiment about a neural network. What if we created a neural network that could similarly answer questions about the picture it recognized f... (read more)

It's hard to articulate why I dislike so much the views that change depending on what family you were born into (religion, nationalism, patriotism, etc.). It's like priors of one, fallacy of favoring an arbitrary hypothesis, lack of stability of your views under self-changes as in AI alignment, floating beliefs, and what is not truly part of you, unrecoverable knowledge instead of a knowledge generator. And it seems that all these points are connected, which is why Yudkovsky wrote about them all when trying to teach the creation of safe AI. Well, just a... (read more)

Do you dislike the meta-view that an individual cares about their family more than they care about distant strangers?  The specific family varies based on accident of birth, but the general assumption is close to universal. How many of the views you dislike are of that form, and why are they different?
I didn't quite understand what you mean. The family is not entirely relevant to the topic of that post. Usually it is treated somewhat more logically. And in the post, the conversation was more about beliefs than about duty. I am ready to pay the debt to the family or even the state, but only for what they really did good and partly how much it cost them, and not just for the fact of birth. "Honor your father" clearly does not deserve a place in the 20 commandments, because I was lucky, but my father could beat someone else. Your friends are not only just useful tools, you can also be grateful for what they have done in the past. But no unjustified unconditional love. Somewhere in here, it seems to be Scott Alexander, there was a chain where a person woke up in a virtual reality capsule in a world without a family, having failed his exam for excessive conformity. It largely reflects my views. It might make sense to prefer one's home country/family/gender/race/species, all other things being equal, but obviously not if the other option gives MORE (if expressed in numbers, then this is certainly not 0.01%, but let's say 3%).
More specifically, what I mean is that I find it extremely pointless to make something a moral value such as duty rather than a preference value such as taste if that attitude varies by region of birth. Which can probably be expressed as something like "I think it's a mistake to list anything other than the direct conclusions of game theory in the list of moral values of duty." Well, or else you can say that I believe that interpersonal relationships should not be regulated by someone's personal preferences, only by ways of finding a strategy for the game to achieve the maximum total. Well, maybe it's just a longer and more pompous way of saying "do not impose your preferences on others" or "the moral good for the other person should be determined by preferential utilitarianism."
Self review 1 Now I suspect that I completely wrongly projected my feelings on reasoning.  Maybe I am just less collectivist, more individual than most people.  Or maybe the question is that don't actually like their country of birth the most (eg I like my species of birth the most), but more On The Side Of Blue Country vs Red. And saying obviously wrong things like everybody going like "MY country is the best". And iirc I was even as a child when seen things like "mom, you're the best in the world" mentally going like "oh, really, by which qualities? And also, did you tried all of moms in the world before you stopped on current or just only the most?" (no, really, what's the people problem with making compliments without lies? "mom, I love you really much" is shorter)  And probably also because they next go into wars in the name of these flavors of ice-cream preferences differences. 

It occurred to me that the essence of the calculation process is optimization / removal of unnecessary information, because "shape transformation" is not the answer. Not only when you reduce the fraction, but also when you find the result of the equation, because, paradoxically, it carries more information, because it allows you to calculate all the other results. Does this mean that the calculation is just "entropy"? This would be "the answer to all the questions of the universe", but it looks wrong, too much of a fix idea. But it would explain why in the world of mathematics these things are the same, but in our world they are not, it's all about the presence of entropy and the passage of time.

2the gears to ascension
ooh this was starting to make sense at the beginning and then didn't - I was getting excited at the first line though. seems like if I had to guess, you're working on integrating concepts - try rephrasing into more formal terminology perhaps? I feel like if this is anything like how I think, you may have made reasonable jumps but not showed enough of your mental work for me to follow. calculation process of what? what do you refer to with "shape transformation"? what is it not the answer to? what fraction? result of what equation? etc etc.
Or, if I haven't written it down anywhere else, it occurred to me that since we live inside the Tegmark mathematical universe, in which case the universe is just a giant formula and the process of solving it step by step, each next part after the equal sign is the next moment in time, and the value of the expression itself, what is stored between the equal signs, is energy. The superposition is the subtraction inside the parentheses, which with each step adds another multiplier to both parts of the difference, and the different Everett branches are the same two halves of each difference, just with the parentheses open. Well, now it's not that I think this is wrong, but rather the opposite, too obvious, and therefore useless. Besides, it can also be presented in another form, in terms of the intersection of computer science and quantum mechanics, the universe, or rather, all universes in mathematics, is a bit string, which diverges into Everett branches, in the first sign you have 2 branches for 0 and 1, in the second you already have 4, in the third 8 and so on, each branch is a standard particular bit string, with each branch division the amount of information in this string grows, that is, entropy grows, and this direction of entropy growth in each individual branch is time. The law of conservation of energy, or even more broadly the law of conservation, common to all mathematics, is that at each step you have for 0 you have 1 and vice versa, each time you divide this into two bit options and each time you have the opposite option, so the total entropy of all mathematics is also in some way zero, if you look from inside it is infinite, but to write this down, you do not need any length formula, zero length is enough for you. So from the inside mathematics is infinite, but from the outside it adds up to zero. That's sort of the answer to the question "why is there something and not nothing?" and that answer is that "something" refers to a piece of "everything"
I seem to have a better understanding of timeless physics since then, and if we talk more clearly about the regularity that I had in mind, then ... point in time of the book or all at once, for there is no answer to the question "what day is it in Middle-earth?", but all because our timeline has nothing to do with that one. And when we look at any mathematical object, its timeline, like the book's timeline, is also not connected to ours, which is why they look outside of time. That is, because the timeline is not the same for the entire universe, there are many timelines, and we are inside our own, but not inside the timeline of some object like a book or something else. And you can also say that if you usually say something like "we see the passage of time when entropy grows" and "entropy is something that grows with time", then outside of time physics reduces / reduces time to entropy. You link into a timeline chain those fragments of mathematical descriptions between which there is the least mutual entropy. This model of time also says that in addition to the standard linear time scale, there should be all non-standard time scales like different types of Everett branches, past, future and parallel, different types of time loops, like rings and spirals, and so on. And this can be called a calculation, because the calculation leads to a change in shape, another piece of information, and between it and the original one there will always be some kind of mutual entropy. It seems that everything, in short, did not work out, because although I myself understand what I meant then, I see that I expressed myself extremely unclearly. The answer question is, what does "working on the integration of concepts" mean? I don't understand what is meant by this expression.

I must say, I wonder why I did not see here speed reading and visual thinking as one of the most important tips for practical rationality, that is, a visual image is 2 + 1 d, and an auditory image is 0 + 1 d, plus auditory images use sequential thinking, in which people are very bad, and visual thinking is parallel. And according to Wikipedia, the transition from voice to visual reading should speed you up 5 (!) times, and in the same way, visual thinking should be 5 times faster compared to voice, and if you can read and think 5 times in a lifetime mor... (read more)

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