Adele Lopez

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It's a great case, as long as you assume that AIs will never be beyond our control, and ignore the fact that humans have a metabolic minimum wage.

Could you tell them afterwards that it was just an experiment, that the experiment is over, that they showed admirable traits (if they did), and otherwise show kindness and care?

I think this would make a big difference to humans in an analogous situation. At the very least, it might feel more psychologically healthy for you.

I don't disagree that totalitarian AI would be real bad. It's quite plausible to me that the "global pause" crowd are underweighting how bad it would be.

I think an important crux here is on how bad a totalitarian AI would be compared to a completely unaligned AI. If you expect a totalitarian AI to be enough of an s-risk that it is something like 10 times worse than an AI that just wipes everything out, then racing starts making a lot more sense.

I think mostly we're on the same page then? Parents should have strong rights here, and the state should not.

I think that there's enough variance within individuals that my rule does not practically restrict genomic liberty much, while making it much more palatable to the average person. But maybe that's wrong, or it still isn't worth the cost.

Your rule might for example practically prevent a deaf couple from intentionally having a child who is deaf but otherwise normal. E.g. imagine if the couple's deafness alleles also carry separate health risks, but there are other deafness alleles that the couple does not have but that lead to deafness without other health risks.

That's a good point, I wouldn't want to prevent that. I'm not sure how likely this is to practically come up though.

Restrictions on genomic liberty should be considered very costly: they break down walls against eugenics-type forces (i.e. forces on people's reproduction coming from state/collective power, and/or aimed at population targets).

Strong agree.

However, the difference is especially salient because the person deciding isn't the person that has to live with said genes. The two people may have different moral philosophies and/or different risk preferences.

A good rule might be that the parents can only select alleles that one or the other of them have, and also have the right to do so as they choose, under the principle that they have lived with it. (Maybe with an exception for the unambiguously bad alleles, though even in that case it's unlikely that all four of the parent's alleles are the deleterious one or that the parents would want to select it.) Having the right to select helps protect from society/govt imposing certain traits as more or less valuable, and keeping within the parent's alleles maintains inheritance, which I think are two of the most important things people opposed to this sort of thing want to protect.

What else did he say? (I'd love to hear even the "obvious" things he said.)

Thank you for doing this research, and for honoring the commitments.

I'm very happy to hear that Anthropic has a Model Welfare program. Do any of the other major labs have comparable positions?

To be clear, I expect that compensating AIs for revealing misalignment and for working for us without causing problems only works in a subset of worlds and requires somewhat specific assumptions about the misalignment. However, I nonetheless think that a well-implemented and credible approach for paying AIs in this way is quite valuable. I hope that AI companies and other actors experiment with making credible deals with AIs, attempt to set a precedent for following through, and consider setting up institutional or legal mechanisms for making and following through on deals.

I very much hope someone makes this institution exist! It could also serve as an independent model welfare organization, potentially. Any specific experiments you would like to see?

Answer by Adele LopezΩ24-1

Well, I'm very forgetful, and I notice that I do happen to be myself so... :p

But yeah, I've bitten this bullet too, in my case, as a way to avoid the Boltzmann brain problem. (Roughly: "you" includes lots of information generated by a lawful universe. Any specific branch has small measure, but if you aggregate over all the places where "you" exist (say your exact brain state, though the real thing that counts might be more or less broad than this), you get more substantial measure from all the simple lawful universes that only needed 10^X coincidences to make you instead of the 10^Y coincidences required for you to be a Boltzmann brain.)

I think that what anthropically "counts" is most likely somewhere between conscious experience (I've woken up as myself after anesthesia), and exact state of brain in local spacetime (I doubt thermal fluctuations or path dependence matter for being "me").

I don't doubt that LLMs could do this, but has this exact thing actually been done somewhere?

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