The true value of Zvi posts is that it costs very few Weirdness Points to read but quite a few to reference in conversation.
Here is the podcast episode for this post. I really hope some people are finding value in these conversions:
Thanks for the feedback! Sorry the voices aren't quite to your taste. A new model ver ion of the base voice gen is due to be released imminently, which may sound better to your ear. I personally quite like the "World Weary and Wise" quality of the main voice for Zvi, especially around sections where there inevitably people making fairly ridiculous claims and statements.
Going to take the opportunity to post a reminder that I am producing an ElevenLabs quality, muti-voiced podcast for the Don't Worry About the Vase feed.
These Don't Worry About the Vase podcast episodes aren’t just simple text-to-speech conversions. For example, in this post, I’ve pulled all the "User," "Compliant," and "Violation" quotes, given them distinct and consistent voices within the episode, and ensured a logical order—all to make the episode as engaging and coherent as possible. I hope this serves as a valuable resource for those who find audio more accessible, and I encourage them to give the podcast a try!
Reminder that I am producing a multi-voiced, ElevenLabs MV2 quality podcast feed for Don't Worry About the Vase for those that find that a valuable thing:
All uniquely quoted people get a distinct voice for easy differentiation, and I personally find the main "Zvi Voice" really good for long listening.
I've turned this into a full cast recording with ElevenLabs, with individual voices for all the players:
Multi voiced podcast episode for this post in all is two hours and thirty eight minute glory!
(Fun fact, the voice I gave Nate was the one created for contract devils in Planecrash)
Podcast episode for this post from the Askwho feed described at the top:
Yeah, just plugging any old unadjusted text straight in to ElevenLabs would get you funky results. I really like Zvi's posts though, I think they are high quality, combining both great original content and a fantastic distillation of quoted views from across the sphere. I do fair amount of work on the text of each post to ensure a good podcast episode gets made out of each one.
Thanks! Yes, I am aware, please, I would encourage you to listen to the difference. I am running this through ElevenLabs, which is currently (IMO) at the forefront of humanlike voices, if produces lifelike tone and cadenced based on cues. I also go through and assign every unique quoted person a unique voice, to ensure clear differentiation when listening, alongside extracting text from images, and providing a description when appropriate.
I really do implore you, please, have a listen to a section and reply back how you find it in comparison.
Podcast episode, once again a "Full Cast" recording of that story included: