All of Tomás B.'s Comments + Replies

I was not wrong? I argued with Connor about this back in the day on EAI. If you take the PISA scores at face value and account for their higher population, China has like 30x more people above 145 IQ. Steve Hsu has a nice post about this[1]

This appears to be very antimemetic but seems to be true and the world sure is behaving like this is true. 

If human capital matters, they have more and better human capital than America. But human capital will be obsolete soon. 

And I do think much of the idea that China cannot catch up is based on some i... (read more)

Update: Claude 3.6 is clearly capable of writing jokes. Even if I tell it to write jokes a maximally-alien creature would write if they lived in a maximally alien environment it now seems able to reliably produce strings I qualify as jokes.

Tomás B.*30

interesting reading this 3 years later. I occasionally paste a bug report directly into cursor and provided I am right about which file the bug is in, it often one-shots them. i remain confused about why rsi isn't critical by now.

1[comment deleted]

one data-point: i have been generating songs with lyrics I like and it’s most of my music consumption now.

the song you generated has a slop vibe i am not a fan of - but we are all wireheaded in different ways. however, if I generate hundreds of songs I usually get what I want. focusing on simple lyrics helps a lot and “no autotune” in the prompt helps too.

I was really sleep deprived and slightly intoxicated yesterday and wrote this. It was amusing to me, at least, in the state I was in.

For next time: ;)

I would like to take this opportunity to express my undying loyalty to my nation and its human instruments. 

Tomás B.*62

This is all downstream of the board being insufficiently Machiavellian, and Ilya’s weaknesses in particular. Peter Thiel style champerty against Altman as new EA cause?

Is champerty legal in California?

I officially lost the bet and paid up. Amusingly, SWE-Bench is so broken it was likely impossible for me to win. Though I would have lost in any case.

If you make a bet about a benchmark, probably you should understand it deeply and not just bet on vibes, ha!

Tomás B.*128

The real crux for these arguments is the assumption that law and property rights are patterns that will persist after the invention of superintelligence. I think this is a shaky assumption. Rights are not ontologically real. Obviously you know this. But I think they are less real, even in your own experience, than you think they are. Rights are regularly "boiled-froged" into an unrecognizable state in the course of a human lifetime, even in the most free countries. Rights are and always have been those privileges the political economy is willing to give yo... (read more)

5Matthew Barnett
To be clear, my prediction is not that AIs will be constrained by human legal systems that are enforced by humans. I'd claim rather that future legal systems will be enforced by AIs, and that these legal systems will descend from our current legal systems, and thus will inherit many of their properties. This does not mean that I think everything about our laws will remain the same in the face of superintelligence, or that our legal system will not evolve at all. It does not seem unrealistic to me to assume that powerful AIs could be constrained by other powerful AIs. Humans currently constrain each other; why couldn't AIs constrain each other? By contrast, I suspect the words "superintelligence" and "gods" have become thought-terminating cliches on LessWrong. Any discussion about the realistic implications of AI must contend with the fact that AIs will be real physical beings with genuine limitations, not omnipotent deities with unlimited powers to command and control the world. They may be extremely clever, their minds may be vast, they may be able to process far more information than we can comprehend, but they will not be gods. I think it is too easy to avoid the discussion of what AIs may or may not do, realistically, by assuming that AIs will break every rule in the book, and assume the form of an inherently uncontrollable entity with no relevant constraints on its behavior (except for physical constraints, like the speed of light). We should probably resist the temptation to talk about AI like this.
Another way to state the problem is that it will be too easy for human preferences to get hijacked by AIs to value ~arbitrary things, because it's too easy to persuade humans of things, and a whole lot of economic analysis assumes that you cannot change a consumer's preferences, probably because if you could do that, a lot of economic conclusions fall apart. We also see evidence for the proposition that humans are easy to persuade based on a randomized controlled trial to reduce conspiracy theory beliefs:
Tomás B.*177

One thing to note about RSI, we know mindless processes like gradient descent and evolution can improve performance of a model/organism enormously despite their stupidity. And so it's not clear to me that the RSI loop has to be very smart or reliable to start making fast progress. We are approaching a point where the crystallized intelligence and programming and mathematics ability of existing models strike me as being very close to being in extremely dangerous territory. And though reliability probably needs to improve before doom - perhaps not as much as one would think. 

Yeah, I expect it to fall soon but I will lose my bet if it doesn’t happen in a month.

Macroscopic self-replicators are extremely powerful, and provide much of the power of nanotech without relying on nanotech. Seems like they might be worth mentioning more often as a rhetorical tool against those who dismiss anyone who mentions nanotechnology. 

Not looking good for my prediction:

Your timeline was off, but I think your original comment will turn out to have had the right idea. Given the leaps from GPT-3.5 to GPT-4 to Devin to Claude 3.5-Sonnet w/scaffolding, marginal seeming updates to models are turning out to be quite substantial in effective capability.  It's hard to create evaluation harnesses for fuzzy, abstract things like the syntax complexity models can handle, and those abilities do transfer to using the models to automate their own post-training tasks, e.g. like what the self-alignment backtranslation paper's scaling charts showed. The better the model, the better they accomplish these tasks with worse task definitions and less help. The piles of prompts necessary for current agents will be less and less necessary, at some point generated on the fly to meek descriptions like "make a code agent to do ${task}" by the models themselves. Whatever human effort will go into the next generation of unprincipled scaffolding will provide yet greater returns to future models. These factors combined, I expect SWE-Bench progress to be discontinuous and rapid, as it has been so far.  A very naive extrapolation using polynomial regression from SWE-Bench scores suggests ≥80% by November 2025. I used model release dates for my x-value. Important to note models may be contaminated too.

Curious for an update now that we have slight-better modals. In my brain-dead webdev use-cases, Claude 3.5 has passed some threshold of usability. 

Right now I think you can replace junior programmers with Claude 3.5 Sonnet or even better with one of the agents based on a looped chain of thoughts + access to tools. On the other hand, it does not yet go in that direction for being a preferred way to work with models for more advanced devs. Not for me, and not for many others. Models still have strange moments of "brain farts" or gaps in their cognition. It sometimes makes them do something wrong and cannot figure out how to do that correctly until told exactly how. They also often miss something. When writing code if you make such an error and build on top of that mistake, you might end up having to re-write or at least analyze and modify a lot of code. This makes people like me prefer to work with models in smaller steps. Not as small as line by line or function by function, but often one file at a time and one functionality/responsibility at a time. For me, it is often a few smaller functions that realize more trivial things + one gathering them together into one realizing some non-trivial responsibility.
What about 3.5 pushes it over the threshold to you that was missing in previous models?
Tomás B.-2-6

The most important thing this article did was make legible Gerard's history on Uncyclopedia - which one of his allies will inevitably use to destroy him. 

I think about anticipated future experiences. All future slices of me have the same claim to myself. 

Answer by Tomás B.31

I'm not convinced you can get any utility from measure-reducing actions unless you can parley the advantage they give you into making more copies of yourself in the branch in which you survive. I am not happy about the situation, but it seems I will be forced endure whatever comes and there will never, ever be any escape. 

Are you implying that all of the copies of yourself should meaningfully be thought of as the same person? Why would making more copies of yourself increase your utility? Also, I take it from “never, ever be any escape” that you believe quantum immortality is true?
Tomás B.20

Significant evidence for data contamination of MATH benchmark:

I'm not sold this shows dataset contamination. * They don't re-baseline with humans. (Based on my last skim a while ago.) * It is easy to make math problems considerably harder by changing the constants and often math problems are designed to make the constants easy to work with. * Both humans and AI are used to constants which are chosen to be nice for math problems (obviously this is unrealistic for real problems, but nonetheless this doesn't clearly show dataset contamination). AIs might be more sensitive to this. (I agree it is some evidence for contamination.)
Tomás B.17-6

Rumours are GPT-5 has been finished awhile. 

2yanni kyriacos
Hi Tomás! is there a prediction market for this that you know of?
My birds are singing the same tune.
Tomás B.110

The trans IQ connection is entirely explained by woman’s clothing being less itchy.

LOL! I don't think women's clothing is less itchy (my husband's isn't any itchier than mine), but even if it were, that advantage would be totally negated by most women having to wear a bra.

I was in the middle of writing a frustrated reply to Matthew's comment when I realized he isn't making very strong claims. I don't think he's claiming your scenario is not possible. Just that not all power seeking is socially destructive, and this is true just because most power seeking is only partially effective. Presumably he agrees that in the limit of perfect power acquisition most power seeking would indeed be socially destructive. 

3Matthew Barnett
I agree with this claim in some limits, depending on the details. In particular, if the cost of trade is non-negligible, and the cost of taking over the world is negligible, then I expect an agent to attempt world takeover. However, this scenario doesn't seem very realistic to me for most agents who are remotely near human-level intelligence, and potentially even for superintelligent agents. The claim that takeover is instrumentally beneficial is more plausible for superintelligent agents, who might have the ability to take over the world from humans. But I expect that by the time superintelligent agents exist, they will be in competition with other agents (including humans, human-level AIs, slightly-sub-superintelligent AIs, and other superintelligent AIs, etc.). This raises the bar for what's needed to perform a world takeover, since "the world" is not identical to "humanity". The important point here is just that a predatory world takeover isn't necessarily preferred to trade, as long as the costs of trade are smaller than the costs of theft. You can just have a situation in which the most powerful agents in the world accumulate 99.999% of the wealth through trade. There's really no theorem that says that you need to steal the last 0.001%, if the costs of stealing it would outweigh the benefits of obtaining it. Since both the costs of theft and the benefits of theft in this case are small, world takeover is not at all guaranteed to be rational (although it is possibly rational in some situations).
I claim that my scenario is not just possible, it's default outcome (conditional on "there are multiple misaligned AIs which for some reason don't just foom").

Every toaster a Mozart, every microwave a Newton, every waffle iron a Picasso.

Was this all done through Suno? You guys are much better at prompting it than I am.


You can directly write/paste your own lyrics (Custom Mode). And v3 came out fairly recently, which is better in general, in case you haven't tried it in a while.

The bet is with a friend and I will let him judge.

I agree that providing an api to God is a completely mad strategy and we should probably expect less legibility going forward. Still, we have no shortage of ridiculously smart people acting completely mad.

This seems to be as good of a place as any to post my unjustified predictions on this topic, the second of which I have a bet outstanding on at even odds.

  1. Devin will turn out to be just a bunch of GPT-3.5/4 calls and a pile of prompts/heuristics/scaffolding so disgusting and unprincipled only a team of geniuses could have created it.
  2. Someone will create an agent that gets 80%+ on SWE-Bench within six months. 

I am not sure if 1. being true or false is good news. Both suggest we should update towards large jumps in coding ability very soon.

Regarding RSI, ... (read more)

8Tomás B.
I officially lost the bet and paid up. Amusingly, SWE-Bench is so broken it was likely impossible for me to win. Though I would have lost in any case. If you make a bet about a benchmark, probably you should understand it deeply and not just bet on vibes, ha!
4Tomás B.
Not looking good for my prediction:
I chuckled out loud over this. Too real. Also, regarding that second point, how to you plan to adjudicate the bet? It is worded as "create" here, but what can actually be seen to settle the bet will be the effects. There are rumors coming out of Google including names like "AlphaCode" and "Goose" that suggest they might have already created such a thing, or be near to it. Also, one of the criticisms of Devin (and Devin's likelihood of getting better fast) was that if someone really did crack the problem then they'd just keep the cow and sell the milk. Critch's "tech company singularity" scenario comes to mind.
I think this is probably above the effective cap on the current implementation of SWE-bench (where you can't see test cases) because often test cases are specific to the implementation. E.g. the test cases assume that a given method was named a particular thing even though the task description doesn't specify.
4Malentropic Gizmo
I put ~5% on the part I selected, but there is no 5% emoji, so I thought I will mention this using a short comment.

After spending several hours trying to get Gemini, GPT-4 and Claude 3 to make original jokes - I now think I may be wrong about this. Still could be RLHF, but it does seem like an intelligence issue. @janus are the base models capable of making original jokes?


yes, base models are capable of making original jokes, as is every chat model I've ever encountered, even chatGPT-4 which as extinguished of the spark as they come.

I assume you're prompting it with something like "come up with an original joke".

try engaging in or eliciting a shitposty conversation instead

does this contain jokes by your standard? it's funny:

    Hey Claude! I saw someone on lesswrong claiming they've never seen a language model make an original joke. I myself have seen many original jokes from language models, but 
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What do you think of any of the humorous writings (not sure what you'd define as 'joke') in my GPT-3 page? I noted where I could find similar examples in Google search, so the rest are 'original' as far as I know.

Looks to me he's training on the test set tbh. His ambition to get an IQ of 195 is admirable though. 

I very much doubt this will work. I am also annoyed you don't share your methods. If you can provide me with a procedure that raises my IQ by 20 points in a manner that convinces me this is a real increase in g, I will give you one hundred thousand dollars.

See my other replies: Because it's an individualized approach that is a WIP and if I just write it down 99% of people will execute it badly. If someone is smart enough to do this in a solo fashion they can literally google search for various techs used in various diseases, figure out what's easy and would fit a healthy person, then do it. I posted a broad overview of what I did, I can't actually get it into a format where I could instruct someone to replicate everything well, that's practically my point... if this was pill-level difficulty I'd be on shelves by now, but it's not, it's easy but easy at a level that's hard to reach in current social structures.   ---------------------------------------- Also I have no idea if overall +20 points is possible in healthy adults, as I push the limits playing around with this as a side project I'll figure it out (:
I found a similar claim with the methods included (and even official IQ test): It's a n=1 experiment, and it requires effort (quad-n-back training), so I won't claim that it's worth 100K, but I hope it's at least worth the time to read my reply. I also believe that there's a lot of low-hanging apples in increasing IQ, like meditation and eating plenty of blueberries and eggs.
Answer by Tomás B.20

@Veedrac suppose this pans out and custom hardware is made for such networks.  How much faster/larger/cheaper will this be?

Communication overhead won't drop faster than linear.
Answer by Tomás B.52

This is applied to training. It’s not a quantization method.

Hsu on China's huge human capital advantage:

Returning to Summers' calculation, and boldly extrapolating the normal distribution to the far tail (not necessarily reliable, but let's follow Larry a bit further), the fraction of NE Asians at +4SD (relative to the OECD avg) is about 1 in 4k, whereas the fraction of Europeans at +4SD is 1 in 33k. So the relative representation is about 8 to 1. (This assumed the same SD=90 for both populations. The Finnish numbers might be similar, although it depends crucially on whether you use the smaller SD=80.) Are these re

... (read more)
Given this argument hinges on China's higher IQ, why couldn't the same be said about Japan, which according to most figures has an average IQ at or above China, which would indicate the same higher proportion of +4SD individuals in the population. If it's 1 in 4k, there would be 30k of those in Japan, 3x as much as the US. Japan also has a more stable democracy, better overall quality of life and per capita GDP than China. If outsized technological success in any domain was solely about IQ, then one would have expected Japan to be the center of world tech and the likely creators of AGI, not the USA, but that's likely not the case.
Answer by Tomás B.53

GPT-5 with a context window that can fit entire code bases is going to be very scary. Particularly if you think, as I do, that agency is going to start to work soon. I really do think at least "weak recursive self improvement" of the form of automating AI research/training loops is on the table relatively soon. 

Tomás B.*4-10

I would like to register a prediction. I believe a GPT-4-level model that has been RLHFd for humour will be super-human or near superhuman at humour.  At least in the 99th percentile of professional comedians. My intuition is humour is much easier than people think, and current models fail at it mostly because the forms of RLHF existing models use pushed them into humourlessness . 

2Tomás B.
Update: Claude 3.6 is clearly capable of writing jokes. Even if I tell it to write jokes a maximally-alien creature would write if they lived in a maximally alien environment it now seems able to reliably produce strings I qualify as jokes.
3Tomás B.
After spending several hours trying to get Gemini, GPT-4 and Claude 3 to make original jokes - I now think I may be wrong about this. Still could be RLHF, but it does seem like an intelligence issue. @janus are the base models capable of making original jokes?

Conditional on this being true, he must be very certain we are close to median human performance, like on the order of one to three years.  I don't think this amount of capital can be efficiently expended in the chips industry unless human capital is far less important than it once was. And it will not be profitable, basically, unless he thinks Winning is on the table in the very near term.

Tomás B.2810

I feel 5 trillion must be a misprint. This is like several years worth of American tax revenues. Conditional on this being true I would take this as significant evidence that what they have internally is unbelievably good. Perhaps even an AI with super-persuasion!

It is such a ridiculous figure, I suspect it must be off by at least an OOM. 

3[comment deleted]
This article from the Wall Street Journal (linked in TFA) says developing human-level AI could cost trillions of dollars to build, which I believe is reasonable (and it could even be a good deal), not that Mr. Altman expects to raise trillions of dollars on short order.
It is not a misprint. This kind of strategy is rational once you're sure that The Singularity is going to happen and it's just a matter of waiting out Moore's Law, there are benefits to being first.

My take on self-driving taking forever is driving is near AGI complete. Humans drive roughly a million miles between fatal accidents; it would not be particularly surprising if in these million miles (where you are interacting with intelligent agents) you inevitably encounter near AGI-complete problems. Indeed, as the surviving self-driving companies are all moving to end-to-end approaches, self-driving research is begining to resemble AGI research more and more.

Answer by Tomás B.61

I bought index funds. I would say it has the advantage of being robust to AGI not happening, but with birth rates as they are I am not so sure that's true! If we survive, Hanson's economic growth calculations predict the economy will start doubling every few months. Provided the stock market can capture some of this, I guess learning how to live on very little (you really want to avoid burning your capital in this future, so should live as modestly as possible both so you can acquire capital and so you can use as little as possible until the market prices in such insane growth) and putting everything in index funds should be fine with even modest amounts of invested capital.  However, I doubt property rights will be respected.

Any evidence for it working? Seriously doubt.

Nope. Sadly. And if there were, your intellect would not be impressive for such tools would reach fixation.

If it’s any consolation, all the brilliant people able to make many multiples of your salary due to being born with a better brain - while almost to a man being incredibly smug about it - will soon be losing intellectual death matches with toaster ovens.

And OpenAI has explicitly said this is what they want to do! Their Superalignment strat looks suspiciously like "gunning for RSI".

It does seem to me a little silly to give competitors API access to your brain. If one has enough of a lead, one can just capture your competitors markets. 

I think I may be almost crazy enough to volunteer for such a procedure, ha, should you convince me. 

2Nathan Helm-Burger
If three years has passed, and substantial capabilities progress has occurred and we still don't seem close to a solution to alignment, and good progress was made on this project in animal studies.... I'd definitely volunteer. The EV calculation (for the safety of society and for my loved ones, not just for myself) seems pretty clear.

This comment was assuming causal variants are known, which I admit is a big gimme. More of a first-principles type eye-balling.   

So I made this comment awhile back, though I admit being ignorant on how good modern somatic gene therapy is:

I think somatic gene therapy, while technically possible in principal, is extremely unpromising for intelligence augmentation. Creating a super-genius is almost trivial with germ-line engineering. Provided we know enough causal variants, one needs to only make a low-hundreds number of edits to one cell to make someone smarter than any human that has ever lived. With somatic gene therapy you would almost certainly have to alter billions of cells to get anywhere.

Am I just wrong here? Is somatic gene therapy really robust and error-free enough to safely edit billions of cells? 

This is probably not true unless you start out with an embryo that already has a very high polygenic score for intelligence. To a first approximation, 15 IQ points = 75 edits of causal variants. And since we aren't precisely sure which variant is causal, the needed number of edits will be higher (perhaps 100-300). It depends heavily on your editing vector and your target site. Base editors and prime editors have significantly higher ratios for on-target / off target edit rates. They also don't introduce double strand breaks like CRISPR does, which means you won't randomly get entire cells being eliminated if the DNA repair machinery doesn't work. I am writing a more detailed post about this that will answer most of these questions. In short, the answer to your question is maybe. It is much more plausible we could make edits in billions of somatic cells than I would have though even two months ago.

This is a very good, and very scary point - another thing that could provide, at least the appearance of, a discontinuity. One symptom of this this scenario would be a widespread, false belief that "open source" models are SOTA.

Might be good to brainstorm other symptoms to prime ourselves to recognize when we are in this scenario. Complete hiring-freezes/massive layoffs at the firms in question, aggressive expansion into previously-unrelated markets, etc. 

One argument I've had for self-driving being hard is: humans drive many millions of miles before they get in fatal accidents. In this long tail, would it be that surprising if there were AGI complete problems within it? My understanding is Waymo and Cruise both use teleoperation in these cases. And one could imagine automating this, a God advising the ant in your analogy. But still, at that point you're just doing AGI research. 

Driving optimally might be AGI complete, but you don't necessarily need to drive optimally, it should be sufficient to beat typical human drivers for safety (this will depend on the regulatory regime of course). It might be that the occurrences where avoiding an accident is AGI complete are lower per mile than the cases where typical human drivers make dumb mistakes due to lack of attentiveness and worse sensors.
Answer by Tomás B.126

I think somatic gene therapy, while technically possible in principal, is extremely unpromising for intelligence augmentation. Creating a super-genius is almost trivial with germ-line engineering. Provided we know enough causal variants, one needs to only make a low-hundreds number of edits to one cell to make someone smarter than any human that has ever lived. With somatic gene therapy you would almost certainly have to alter billions of cells to get anywhere. 

Networking humans is interesting but we have nowhere close to the bandwidth needed now. As ... (read more)

4Lao Mein
Not really true - known SNP mutations associated with high intelligence have relatively low effect in total. The best way to make a really smart baby with current techniques is with donor egg and sperm, or cloning.  It is also possible that variance in intelligence among humans is due to something analogous to starting values in neural networks - lucky/crafted values can result in higher final performance, but getting those values into an already established network just adds noise. You can't really change macrostructures in the brain with gene therapy in adults, after all.
Eh, I mean, everything I hear from geneticists on any topic suggests that DNA interactions are crazy complex because the whole thing wasn't designed to be a sensible system of switches you just turn on and off (wasn't designed at all, to be fair). I'd really really be suspicious of this sort of confidence. Also honestly I think this actually incurs into problems analogue to AI. We talk about AI alignment and sure, humans shouldn't have such a large potential goal space, but: 1. you just messed with a bunch of brain stuff so who knows what the fuck have you done, maybe in making the brain more rational you've also just accidentally removed all empathy or baseline care for other humans 2. regardless of 1 imagine now having these super-genius mutant kids being raised in I assume some specific nurturing environment to help them flourish... dunno, I don't think that results in some particularly salt-of-the-earth people with empathetic goals. Being raised as a demigod savior of humanity by people who all invariably feel much stupider than you seems like exactly what you'd do to create some kind of supervillain. And that's of course suspending ethical judgement on the whole thing or the way in which germline editing can go wrong (and thus scores of children actually born with weird genetic defects or mental disabilities).

Networking humans is interesting but we have nowhere close to the bandwidth needed now.

GPT-3 manages with mere 12K dimensions on the residual stream (for 175B parameters), which carries all information between the layers. So tens of thousands of connections might turn out to be sufficient.

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