All of Chris Monteiro's Comments + Replies

I am sure there are some interesting uses of agented AIs in can configure for automated OSINT but this feels quite large a task given I am bottlenecking more in who to hand the data to rather than it being insufficiency rich.

Know any preconfigured agency menageries for something like this?

I mean, I know a bunch of devs who can accurately answer "can state-of-the-art AI do task X, yes or no?" or atleast make progress towards answering it. You could put up a job description with approx salary here on lesswrong or elsewhere, I could forward it to some people.

My attempts of creating summaries with ChatGPT violated the content policies last I tried.

There is lots of OSINT work to do, but until I have normalised all the ID data out from the message data, I am not comfortable handing it over to OSINT specialists or their AIs.

Have you tried llama3? (Latest open source model, hence no moderation) It might be worth posting a few sample tasks online so software developers can tell you whether they’re automatable or not. 
There are some models on HuggingFace that do automatic PII data redaction, I've been working on a project to automate redaction for documents with them. AI4privacy's models and Microsoft Presidio have been helpful.

Yes, but it's probably closer to saving maybe 25 lives, and saving 500 people from stalking/abuse/etc

The data is not public. I accessed it anyhow. Perhaps you want to listen to the podcast to get a fuller chronology, I have not written it up yet.

Publishing the whole list, without precise addresses

To identify a person internationally, a name isn't enough, you must also supply an address or social media links.

I've performed medium level OSINT on most people so I annotate a fair bit of extra info internally.

I do have tentative plans to publish a highly redacted format, such as 'A <seriousness level> plot where someone <did/didn't pay> to <kill/beat/harm> a <number of persons> of <genders> in <city/state/location + country> who appears to be <relationship-details... (read more)

Have you tried using AI for any part of your process? (And do you have access to o1?)
The situation begins to seem confusing. 1. At least three times over 8 or 9 years, in 2016, 2018, and 2023, and maybe more times than that, you've owned the site enough to get these data. 2. The operator knows about it, doesn't want you doing it, and has tried reasonably hard to stop you. 3. The operator still hasn't found a reliable way to keep you from grabbing the data. 4. The operator still hasn't stopped keeping a bunch of full order data on the server. 1. They haven't just stopped saving the orders at all, maybe because they need details to maximize collection on the scam, or because they see ongoing extortion value. 2. They haven't started immediately moving every new order off of the server to someplace you can't reach. I don't know why they wouldn't have been doing this all along. 5. Neither you nor any law enforcement agency worldwide have gotten the site shut down, at least not lastingly. Meaning, I assume, that one of the following is true-- 1. Neither you nor law enforcement can shut it down, at least not for long enough to matter. Which would mean that, in spite of not being able to keep you away from the hit list, the operator has managed to keep you and them from-- 1. Getting any data from the server that might let one trace the operator. That might be just the server's real public IP address if the operator were careless enough. 2. Tracing the operator by other means, like Bitcoin payments, even though it would take really unusually good OPSEC to have not made any Bitcoin mistakes since 2016. And having people's cars torched can easily leave traces, too. 3. Finding and disrupting a long-term operational point of failure, like an inability to reconstitute the service on a new host, or total reliance on a stealable and unchangeable hidden service key. 2. Or both you and law enforcement have held off for years, hoping for the operator to make a mistake that lets you trace them, as opposed to just the server, b

Do you know anyone who could guide me through this process?

7Joseph Miller

Interpol (and Europol) doesn't work for the public, only for incumbent law enforcement agencies.

Europol took explicit credit for one case, but that was actually overturned in the Italian courts years later.

Attempts by the podcast team to route cases from the UK through to Interpol and other countries yielded no results, likely due to the game of 'telephone' such referrals go through. One case in India ended up informing the would-be-killer about his p... (read more)

I felt like I should share my uninformed two cents. 1. Interpol seems like a promising lead, if you can get the right person at Interpol to understand the situation. I am not saying this is easy, but maybe you can get an email to be sent on your behalf on the right mailing lists (alumnis of some relevant school maybe?). 2. Other comments suggested getting funding from EA and that sounds fitting to me. But there is probably someone in EA that can connect you with Interpol directly. Maybe you can request to send a broad email on top of requesting funding.

It varies depending on how powerful the law enforcement agency is and whether they understand it or not, with the FBI and German Federal police being the most effective.

It's not all saving lives, often it's protecting people from stalking, physical and mental abuse, child custody disputes and the like, because in many cases (especially so with women perpetrators) they would never actually turn to violence themselves.

I have not been party to all of the journalist hard costs for local investigators, but I think they were doing at least $3,000 initially per m... (read more)

In that case I would consider applying for EA funds if you are willing to do the work professionally or set up a charity to do it. I think you could make a strong case that it meets the highest bar for important, neglected and tractable work.

I've looked! The only one that comes close I am aware of is with whom I have been trying to engage for some time. There appears to be more money to study crime and do things like victim support than any money to fight crime.

If I were to speculate, policing agencies would not like the existence of non state-aligned policing agencies, being considered like mercenaries, private detectives, vigellantes and hacktivists.

Any body who could appear sufficiently legitimate in the eyes of the law would be subsumed into the system by definition I reckon.

It varies by the country's policing capability, citizens online footprint, the history and status of the feud, the severity of the online element and language barriers as well as highly variable economies of scale such as an effective engagement with a law enforcement agency.

The only ones that have come close to this have been the FBI and the Bundespolizei (German Federal Police) where there is evidence they did at least a basic investigation of every major case based on a medium (US) and very high (Germany) public arrest and prosecution records.

I won't sh... (read more)

It sounds like you are saying it should cost <$50,000 to get all 800 cases taken care of. How many lives do you think this would save in expectation? Based on what you said above, maybe like 5? So that's $10,000/life, not bad eh? And if it's more than 5 in expectation then this is really cost-effective.  (And if it's less, it's still somewhat cost-effective compared to most charities.)

I have had very random people reach out to me who have been the target of threats etc so I have looked them up.

But compared to the scope of data breaches and the ease of checking them via an email address, my 1000 names is not at that scale. I have had some very small scale investigations work commissioned off of these queries, but it's so quick and easy for me to do I have not got around to charging or doing extended investigations.

Maybe, but I have been contacted by people who have received the scam email before.

It's true that some people reached out AFTER the podcast aired, only then taking it seriously. I am partially able to leverage it for credibility also.

Ultimatey significant effort is required to contact people, and then further more to provide a full context, risk assessment, after which they typically require support taking the issue through multiple law enforcement agencies, that is if they don't turn to violence themselves which has happened in at least one occasion:(

But how are people supposed to react to such framing? Also some orders are limited to just name / address etc, where as some plot graphic torture for weeks and months.

I got to the suggestion by imagining: suppose you were about to quit the project and do nothing.  And now suppose that instead of that, you were about to take a small amount of relatively inexpensive-to-you actions, and then quit the project and do nothing.  What're the "relatively inexpensive-to-you actions" that would most help?

Publishing the whole list, without precise addresses or allegations, seems plausible to me.

I guess my hope is: maybe someone else (a news story, a set of friends, something) would help some of those on the list to take i... (read more)

Not really. Journalists spent months doing this via phone, email and messages and were ignored.

Also, there are literal 'I am a hitman hired to kill you, pay me money to stop' scams that exist.

Maybe some of those who received the messages were more alert to their surroundings after receiving it, even if they weren't sure it was real and didn't return the phone/email/messages? I admit this sounds like a terrible situation.

without social support from people who have seen this stuff before

The little contact I have had with police doing darknet investigations of this nature leads me to believe they are mostly ineffective at anything international, as does last year's operation by the police against the site.

The police have presumably learnt that 'international is hard' (which it is) and chosen to accept this.

In about 50% of cases I have social media links for the victims, but that is not the same as having their emails. I am working on abstracting the contact details from the ... (read more)

What is a reasonable response to an unsolicited message saying 'someone has hired someone to harm you', with scant details on who/what/when/where? Personally, I'd read it, and the more seriously I took it, the less likely I would be to engage with the sender, I likely would not send an acknowledgement of receipt. Any additional communication from the sender, especially a message with an 'ask' like 'help me figure out who' or 'assist me in making internet content' would be viewed as extortion. If someone showed up at my door, I might talk to them, and if they're a cop, I'd tell the cop that I'm concerned about the vaguely threatening messages I've gotten from 'some guy in another country'. If you don't have much information ('just a social media name'), doing more 'sleuthing' is probably totally inappropriate.  The 'contractor' may or may not have done more, but either way, you're not really helping anything. As far as law enforcement seeing you as a suspect/time waster/scammer, that's an easy one.  A cyber crime office will hear you confessing to some kind of 'hacking', other offices will hear that you have no actual details (so someone unknown, is threatening someone who is also unknown, no further details?  Sure ok I'll log it) and just assume you wasted their time.  Calling back to ask about status as a 'helpful tipster' suggests that you're motivated by something other than a desire to inform them, and let them prioritize your information.  This would likely be seen as suspicious. Most agencies have an escalation path and can do 'international' effectively, they just have to really want to do it.  In this case, from what you've told us, I totally understand why you've gotten the response you've gotten.   An online murder for hire website, where the people hiring are mostly larpers, the people taking the jobs are scammers, and the victims are basically unidentified is at best a loot pinata for someone with asset forfeiture authorities.  Assuming they can ac

With regards to dumping the info on the internet, the files by definition contain extensive personal identifable information about people, names, addresses, photos, social media links often alongside allegations of their alleged crimes ranging such as infidelity, child abuse and financial fraud.

I can rarely substantiate these, and know for a fact based on the investigated cases that such allegations are often completely fabricated in order to frame the user's request for violence as more morally justified. I don't think it's fair to publish such informatio... (read more)

Just dump the names so people have a chance of realising they are at risk then? Seems a lot better than just leaving it.

It would be a valuable service to point the people targeted to information about them. I'm imagining something like Have I Been Pwned, but if you don't want to post the info in cleartext, perhaps you could encrypt the information about each person with name as the key? 

The way I see it, if I were on this list, I'd want to be able to find out. You keeping the information to yourself (or telling only cops who ignore the information completely) out of some sense of ethics doesn't help me very much. 

Gotcha.  No idea if this is a good or bad idea, but: what are your thoughts on dumping an edited version of it onto the internet, including names, photos and/or social media links, and city/country but not precise addresses or allegations?