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Thank you so much for taking the time to write this comment! It feels really good to read this! :))
You might want to check out my other mental health posts as well!

Have a positive experience

Here is what I've written down in my H.E.A.L summary re. positive experiences. Maybe helpful for some:

A positive experience could be anything that feels pleasant, it is useful, and that you want to cultivate in your mind.
Some examples:
feeling good about yourself
being proud of something you've achieved
feelings of being liked, loved, loving, grateful
feeling safe, calm, relaxed, joyful
getting a hug, compliment, etc.

A positive experience could be:
intellectual understandings, Intentions, Skills, Moods, Abilities, Attitudes, Feelings
The key is to get something like a Felt Sense, some emotion, some feeling in your body, etc, so you can move beyond just some intellectual understanding towards an implicit emotional understanding in the following steps.
You can look for good facts in: 
Your immediate situation
Current or recent events
Ongoing stable conditions
The past
The future
The lives of others
The good in bad situations
Your imagination (things that have not yet happened or even things that will never happen)
Produce Good Facts: e.g. be kind and caring to others; share about good facts with others.

I've done 5 10 day long retreats and just eye-balling how many people were still there at the end, I'd say at least 95% managed to stay till the end.

I also know two people with ADHD who say they struggle a lot with discipline, yet they both managed to meditate 6+ hours everyday on said retreats.

My only data is personal anecdotes like this.

No it's NOT simulated danger! The danger of permanently and seriously reprogramming yourself in a bad way during bad trips is real. It does sometimes happen. It's not guaranteed that psychedelics change you to the better. If bad trips were only extremely unpleasant and maybe very destabilizing for a few weeks or months, I wouldn't be afraid of bad trips. But this is not how it is.

Well, obviously the idea is to only sleep-deprive yourself right AFTER (and only IF) the bad has already happened. So instead of going to sleep after being completely sober again after the trip, you would take some uppers instead and keep yourself awake for as long as possible

Yeah, I agree that this is one (I feel a little bit too harsh) way to put it. But I feel that in a certain important sense it still is a bet.
Also, saying I "charge" 3+ months of people's time seems a bit missleading, like saying a restaurant charges their customers' time when they eat at that restaurant.

Anyway, I see lots of down votes, so apparently quite a few people are annoyed by my way of putting it!?

It's all about creating the right conditions! For example, almost everyone can meditate 5+ hours a day in a silent meditation retreat centre. Yet very few can do it outside such a setting. 

Yes. I agree. Yet, there is this: 
I've spent the last 3 years averaging around 3 hours of meditation a day. I've had many months with 6+ hours meditation a day. I had times when the boundary between formal practice in daily life was indeed very thin - in other words, it was relatively easy/automatic to be mindful more or less 24/7.
Yet, in these rare times when I did not meditate at all for, say, 2 weeks (mostly because of health issues), I very quickly lose that ability to automatically be mindful throughout the day. I would guess that if I stopped meditating for a year and would not bother trying to be mindful throughout the day, my "mindfulness throughout the day" level would go back to basically zero.

But the question remains: Did these new traits persist even years after these people have stopped meditating or reduced their meditation to less than 30 minutes a day?

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