Ah, sorry yeah I think it was a mistake on my part to mostly make the post a verbatim Discord reply. Lots of high-context stuff that I didn't explain well.
This specific part is (in my usage/interpretation; if you click the link, the initial context was an Emmett Shear tweet) basically a shorthand for one or more "basic" leftist views, along the lines of these similar-but-somewhat-distinct claims:
In hindsight, I over-updated on my previous success with a poorly-written angry short post with a clickbait title and lots of inline links criticizing the rationality community. Oops.
I said "one of the best movies about", not "one of the best movies showing you how to".
The punchline is "alignment could productively use more funding". Many of us already know that, but I felt like putting a mildly-opinionated spin on what kind of things, at the margin, may help top researchers. (Also I spent several minutes editing/hedging the joke)
Virgin 2030s [sic] MIRI fellow:
- is cared for so they can focus on research
- has staff to do their laundry
- soyboys who don't know *real* struggle
- 3 LDT-level alignment breakthroughs per week
CHAD 2010s Yudkowsky:
- founded a whole movement to support himself
- walked uphill both ways to Lightcone offices.
- alpha who knows *real* struggle
- 1 LDT-level alignment breakthrough per decade
Kinda, my current mainline-doom-case is "some AI gets controlled --> powerful people use it to prop themselves up --> world gets worse until AI gets uncontrollably bad --> doom". I would call it a different yet also-important doom case of "perpetual low-grade-AI dictatorship where the AI is controlled by humans in a surveillance state".
EDIT: Due to the incoming administration's ties to tech investors, I no longer think an AI crash is so likely. Several signs IMHO point to "they're gonna go all-in on racing for AI, regardless of how 'needed' it actually is".
For more details on (the business side of) a potential AI crash, see recent articles by the blog Where's Your Ed At, which wrote the sorta-well-known post "The Man Who Killed Google Search".
For his AI-crash posts, start here and here and click on links to his other posts. Sadly, the author falls into the trap of "LLMs will never get to reasoning because they don't, like, know stuff, man", but luckily his core competencies (the business side, analyzing reporting) show why an AI crash could still very much happen.
Further context on the Scott Adams thing lol: He claims to have taken hypnosis lessons decades ago and has referred to using it multiple times. His, uh, personality also seems to me like it'd be more susceptible to hypnosis than average (and even he'd probably admit this in a roundabout way).
I think deeply understanding top tier capabilities researchers' views on how to achieve AGI is actually extremely valuable for thinking about alignment. Even if you disagree on object level views, understanding how very smart people come to their conclusions is very valuable.
I think the first sentence is true (especially for alignment strategy), but the second sentence seems sort of... broad-life-advice-ish, instead of a specific tip? It's a pretty indirect help to most kinds of alignment.
Otherwise, this comment's points really do seem like empirical thing...
I can't make this one, but I'd love to be at future LessOnline events when I'm less time/budget-constrained! :)
First link is broken.
How scarce are tickets/"seats"?
I will carefully hedge my investment in this company by giving it $325823e7589245728439572380945237894273489, in exchange for a board seat so I can keep an eye on it.
I have over 5 Twitter followers, I'll take my board seat when ur ready
Giving up on transhumanism as a useful idea of what-to-aim-for or identify as, separate from how much you personally can contribute to it.
More directly: avoiding "pinning your hopes on AI" (which, depending on how I'm supposed to interpret this, could mean "avoiding solutions that ever lead to aligned AI occurring" or "avoiding near-term AI, period" or "believing that something other than AI is likely to be the most important near-future thing", which are pretty different from each other, even if the end prescription for you personally is (or seems, on fir...
I'm unlikely to reply to further object-level explanation of this, sorry.
No worries! I'll reply anyway for anyone else reading this, but it's fine if you don't respond further.
Giving up on transhumanism as a useful idea of what-to-aim-for or identify as, separate from how much you personally can contribute to it.
It sounds like we have different ideas of what it means to identify as something. For me, one of the important functions of identity is as a model of what I am, and as what distinguishes me from other people. For instance, I identify as Finni...
Yes, I think this post / your story behind it, is likely an example of this pattern.
That's technically a different update from the one I'm making. However, I also update in favor of that, as a propagation of the initial update. (Assuming you mean "good enough" as "good enough at pedagogy".)
This sure does update me towards "Yudkowsky still wasn't good enough at pedagogy to have made 'teach people rationality techniques' an 'adequately-covered thing by the community'".
Group Debugging is intriguing...
How many times has someone expressed "I'm worried about 'goal-directed optimizers', but I'm not sure what exactly they are, so I'm going to work on deconfusion."? There's something weird about this sentiment, don't you think?
I disagree, and I will take you up on this!
"Optimization" is a real, meaningful thing to fear, because:
Ah, yeah that's right.
If it helps clarify: I (and some others) break down the alignment problem into "being able to steer it at all" and "what to steer it at". This post is about the danger of having the former solved, without the latter being solved well (e.g. through some kind of CEV).
Nah, I think this post is about a third component of the problem: ensuring that the solution to "what to steer at" that's actually deployed is pro-humanity. A totalitarian government successfully figuring out how to load its regime's values into the AGI has by no means failed at figuring out "what to steer at". They know what they want and how to get it. It's just that we don't like the end result.
"Being able to steer at all" is a technical problem of designing AIs, "what to steer at" is a technical problem of precisely translating intuitive human goals into a formal language, and "where is the AI actually steered" is a realpolitiks problem that this post is about.
Love this event series! Can't come this week, but next one I can!
No worries! I make similar mistakes all the time (just check my comment history ;-;)
And I do think your comment is useful, in the same way that Rohin's original comment (which my post is responding to) is useful :)
...FWIW, I have an underlying intuition here that's something like “if you're going to go Dark Arts, then go big or go home”, but I don't really know how to operationalize that in detail and am generally confused and sad. In general, I think people who have things like “logical connectives are relevant to the content of the text” threaded through enough of their mindset tend to fall into a trap analogous to the “Average Familiarity” xkcd or to Hofstadter's Law when they try truly-mass communication unless they're willing to wrench things around in what are of
Now, I do separately observe a subset of more normie-feeling/working-class people who don't loudly profess the above lines and are willing to e.g. openly use some generative-model art here and there in a way that suggests they don't have the same loud emotions about the current AI-technology explosion. I'm not as sure what main challenges we would run into with that crowd, and maybe that's whom you mean to target.
That's... basically what my proposal is? Yeah? People that aren't already terminally-online about AI, but may still use chatGPT and/or StableDiff...
Yeah, mostly agreed. My main subquestion (that led me to write the review, besides this post being referenced in Leake's work) was/sort-of-still-is "Where do the ratios in value-handshakes come from?". The default (at least in the tag description quote from SSC) is uncertainty in war-winning, but that seems neither fully-principled nor nice-things-giving (small power differences can still lead to huge win-% chances, and superintelligences would presumably be interested in increasing accuracy). And I thought maybe ROSE bargaining could be related to that.
The relation in my mind was less ROSE --> DT, and more ROSE --?--> value-handshakes --> value-changes --?--> DT.
(On my beliefs, which I acknowledge not everyone shares, expecting something better than "mass delusion of incorrect beliefs that implies that AGI is risky" if you do wide-scale outreach now is assuming your way out of reality.)
I'm from the future, January 2024, and you get some Bayes Points for this!
The "educated savvy left-leaning online person" consensus (as far as I can gather) is something like: "AI art is bad, the real danger is capitalism, and the extinction danger is some kind of fake regulatory-capture hype techbro thing which (if we even bother t...
So there's a sorta-crux about how much DT alignment researchers would have to encode into the-AI-we-want-to-be-aligned, before that AI is turned on. Right now I'm leaning towards "an AI that implements CEV well, would either turn-out-to-have or quickly-develop good DT on its own", but I can see it going either way. (This was especially true yesterday when I wrote this review.)
And I was trying to think through some of the "DT relevance to alignment" question, and I looked at relevant posts by [Tamsin Leake](https://www.lesswrong.com/users/tamsin-leake) (who...
Selection Bias Rules (Debatably Literally) Everything Around Us
Currently, I think this is a big crux in how to "do alignment research at all". Debatably "the biggest" or even "the only real" crux.
(As you can tell, I'm still uncertain about it.)
Decision theory is hard. In trying to figure out why DT is useful (needed?) for AI alignment in the first place, I keep running into weirdness, including with bargaining.
Without getting too in-the-weeds: I'm pretty damn glad that some people out there are working on DT and bargaining.
Still seems too early to tell if this is right, but man is it a crux (explicit or implicit).
Terence Tao seems to have gotten some use out of the most recent LLMs.
if you take into account the 4-5 staff months these cost to make each year, we net lost money on these
For the record, if each book-set had cost $40 or even $50, I still would have bought them, right on release, every time. (This was before my financial situation improved, and before the present USD inflation.)
I can't speak for everyone's financial situation, though. But I (personally) mentally categorize these as "community-endorsement luxury-type goods", since all the posts are already online anyway.
The rationality community is unusually good about not selling ingroup-merch when it doesn't need or want to. These book sets are the perfect exceptions.
to quote a fiend, "your mind is a labyrinth of anti-cognitive-bias safeguards, huh?"
[emphasis added]
The implied context/story this is from sure sounds interesting. Mind telling it?
I don't think of governments as being... among other things "unified" enough to be superintelligences.
Also, see "Things That Are Not Superintelligence" and "Maybe The Real Superintelligent AI Is Extremely Smart Computers".
The alignment research that is done will be lower quality due to less access to compute, capability knowhow, and cutting edge AI systems.
I think this is false, though it's a crux in any case.
Capabilities withdrawal is good because we don't need big models to do the best alignment work, because that is theoretical work! Theoretical breakthroughs can make empirical research more efficient. It's OK to stop doing capabilities-promoting empirical alignment, and focus on theory for a while.
(The overall idea of "if all alignment-knowledgeable capabilities people ...
Good catch! Most of it is hunches to be tested (and/or theorized on, but really tested) currently. Fixed
"Exfohazard" is a quicker way to say "information that should not be leaked". AI capabilities has progressed on seemingly-trivial breakthroughs, and now we have shorter timelines.
The more people who know and understand the "exfohazard" concept, the safer we are from AI risk.
More framings help the clarity of the discussion. If someone doesn't understand (or agree with) classic AI-takeover scenarios, this is one of the posts I'd use to explain them.
Funny thing, I had a similar idea to this (after reading some Sequences and a bit about pedagogy). That was the sort-of-multi-modal-based intuition behind Mathopedia.
Is any EA group *funding* adult human intelligence augmentation? It seems broadly useful for lots of cause areas, especially research-bottlenecked ones like AI alignment.
Why hasn't e.g. OpenPhil funded this project?: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/JEhW3HDMKzekDShva/significantly-enhancing-adult-intelligence-with-gene-editing
Seems to usually be good faith. People can still be biased of course (and they can't all be right on the same questions, with the current disagreements), but it really is down to differing intuitions, which background-knowledge posts have been read by which people, etc.
To add onto other people's answers:
People have disagreements over what the key ideas about AI/alignment even are.
People with different basic-intuitions notoriously remain unconvinced by each other's arguments, analogies, and even (the significance of) experiments. This has not been solved yet.
Alignment researchers usually spend most time on their preferred vein of research, rather than trying to convince others.
To (try to) fix this, the community's added concepts like "inferential distance" and "cruxes" to our vocabulary. These should be be discussed and u...
Something else I just realized: Georgism is a leftish idea that recognizes some (but not all) leftish ideas I've discussed or referenced above, and its modern form is currently rationalist-adjacent. Progress!