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there are lots of smaller, newer companies with varied business models, mostly "too early to tell" for sure if they have the potential to get huge, but I expect in principle many of them should be viable.
will fix
links 1/30/25:
then I think it is also very questionable whether the AI that wins wars is the most "advanced" AI. / People like Dario whose bread-and-butter is model performance invariably over-index on model performance, especially on benchmarks. But practical value comes from things besides the model; what tasks you use it for and how effective you are at deploying it.
Dario is about the last AI CEO you should be making this criticism of. Claude has been notable for a while for the model which somehow winds up being the most useful and having the best 'vibes', even w...
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possibly-intrusive question: are you Russian?
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in retrospect, 6 years later:
wow, I was way too bearish about the "mundane" economic/practical impact of AI.
"AI boosters", whatever their incentives, were straightforwardly directionally correct in 2019 that AI was drastically "underrated" and had tons of room to grow. Maybe "AGI" was the wrong way of describing it. Certainly, some people seem to be in an awful hurry to round down human capacities for thought to things machines can already do, and they make bad arguments along the way. But at the crudest level, yeah, "AI is more important than you th...
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I don't want automatic messages; that seems too inhuman. I do want things like reminders to follow up with people I haven't talked to for a while, with context awareness for social appropriateness. like, i wouldn't know how to reach out to my roommate/best friend from college; we haven't talked in 16 years! but maybe the right app could keep that from happening in the first place, or create a new normalized type of social behavior that's "reaching out after a long time apart" or whatever.
links 12/18/2024:
why wouldn't you want regexes?
links 12/16/2024: the Volpano-Smith-Irvine security type system assigns security levels to variables (like "high" and "low" security). You can either use type checking or information theory inequalities to verify properties like "information can't flow from low to high security."
plausible...but surely walking isn't "consummatory"? And turning on the DBS doesn't cause "automatic/involuntary" walking movements.
links 12/13/2024: Minimo, an RL agent for jointly learning both conjectures and proofs in Peano from "intrinsic motivation"
"Schizo" as an approving term, referring to strange, creative, nonconformist (and maybe but not necessarily clinically schizophrenic) is a much wider meme online. it's even a semi-mainstream scientific theory that schizophrenia persists in the human population because mild/subclinical versions of the trait are adaptive, possibly because they make people more creative. And, of course, there's a psychoanalytic/continental-philosophy tradition of calling lots of things psychosis very loosely, including good things. This isn't one guy's invention!
if you are li...
links 12/10/24:
it's an introspection/lived-experience/anecdotes from other people kind of thing, i don't have data, but yes i do believe this is true.
"Most people succumb to peer pressure",
I agree, and I am a bit disturbed that it needs to be said.
At normal, non-EA organizations -- and not only particularly villainous ones, either! -- it is understood that you need to avoid sharing any information that reflects poorly on the organization, unless it's required by law or contract or something. The purpose of public-facing communications is to burnish the org's reputation. This is so obvious that they do not actually spell it out to employees.
Of COURSE any organization that has recently taken down unflattering information is doing it to maintain its reputation.
I'm sorry, but this is how "our people" get taken for a ride. Be more cynical, including about people you like.
I'm still on Roam and using it every day. For me, it's not "a lot of work", it's what's necessary to keep track of my thoughts to the point that I feel like my mental workspace is clean. I've journaled a lot since I was a kid. I think better in writing.
This is my permanent diary. I will probably have it for the rest of my life, if they keep supporting it. Twenty years from now, I'll want to know what I was doing today!
I also log literally all links of "general interest" in my browsing history in my public Roam. does anyone care? Probably not, but it ...
links 12/9/24
Funding individuals doesn't seem at all ruled out by our mission and I agree it's a good thing.
IANAL and I don't know much about how that interacts with tax deductibility.
links 12/4/2024:
This was the author's claim -- thanks for the counter-evidence!