links 12/16/2024: the Volpano-Smith-Irvine security type system assigns security levels to variables (like "high" and "low" security). You can either use type checking or information theory inequalities to verify properties like "information can't flow from low to high security." Rosemary Kirstein's blog, author of the Steerswoman series. I love the books; the blog is mostly travel/event updates but she seems like a lovely person and has many SFF book recommendations.
plausible...but surely walking isn't "consummatory"? And turning on the DBS doesn't cause "automatic/involuntary" walking movements.
links 12/13/2024: Minimo, an RL agent for jointly learning both conjectures and proofs in Peano from "intrinsic motivation"
"Schizo" as an approving term, referring to strange, creative, nonconformist (and maybe but not necessarily clinically schizophrenic) is a much wider meme online. it's even a semi-mainstream scientific theory that schizophrenia persists in the human population because mild/subclinical versions of the trait are adaptive, possibly because they make people more creative. And, of course, there's a psychoanalytic/continental-philosophy tradition of calling lots of things psychosis very loosely, including good things. This isn't one guy's invention!
if you are literally worried about the risk of inducing hallucinations, i would be more cautious about things like overusing recreational drugs or not getting enough sleep, and less paranoid (lol) about talking to people or engaging with ideas.
links 12/10/24:
it's an introspection/lived-experience/anecdotes from other people kind of thing, i don't have data, but yes i do believe this is true.
"Most people succumb to peer pressure",
I agree, and I am a bit disturbed that it needs to be said.
At normal, non-EA organizations -- and not only particularly villainous ones, either! -- it is understood that you need to avoid sharing any information that reflects poorly on the organization, unless it's required by law or contract or something. The purpose of public-facing communications is to burnish the org's reputation. This is so obvious that they do not actually spell it out to employees.
Of COURSE any organization that has recently taken down unflattering information is doing it to maintain its reputation.
I'm sorry, but this is how "our people" get taken for a ride. Be more cynical, including about people you like.
I'm still on Roam and using it every day. For me, it's not "a lot of work", it's what's necessary to keep track of my thoughts to the point that I feel like my mental workspace is clean. I've journaled a lot since I was a kid. I think better in writing.
This is my permanent diary. I will probably have it for the rest of my life, if they keep supporting it. Twenty years from now, I'll want to know what I was doing today!
I also log literally all links of "general interest" in my browsing history in my public Roam. does anyone care? Probably not, but it matters to me.
Roam doesn't make me smarter. To be honest, in my current life I don't especially need to be smarter. But I do think it makes me more consistent and coherent. It helps me realize when I've had a thought before, and what thoughts I keep coming back to. It helps me "listen to my own voice", which is an antidote to peer pressure. And it helps me see change over time -- what things I've said in the past that seem foolish now, how long it takes me to emotionally process things (sometimes years!), etc.
why wouldn't you want regexes?