The argument goes through on probabilities of each possible world, the limit toward perfection is not singular. given the 1000:1 reward ratio, for any predictor who is substantially better than chance once ought to one-box to maximize EV. Anyway, this is an old argument where people rarely manage to convince the other side.
It is clear by now that one of the best uses of LLMs is to learn more about what makes us human by comparing how humans think and how AIs do. LLMs are getting closer to virtual p-zombies for example, forcing us to revisit that philosophical question. Same with creativity: LLMs are mimicking creativity in some domains, exposing the differences between "true creativity" and "interpolation". You can probably come up with a bunch of other insights about humans that were not possible before LLMs.
My question is, can we use LLMs to model and thus study unhealthy ...
That is definitely my observation, as well: "general world understanding but not agency", and yes, limited usefulness, but also... much more useful than gwern or Eliezer expected, no? I could not find a link.
I guess whether it counts as AGI depends on what one means by "general intelligence". To me it was having a fairly general world model and being able to reason about it. What is your definition? Does "general world understanding" count? Or do you include the agency part in the definition of AGI? Or maybe something else?
Hmm, maybe this is a General Tool, as opposed a General Intelligence?
Given that we basically got AGI (without the creativity of best humans) that is a Karnofsky's Tool AI very unexpectedly, as you admit, can you look back and see what assumptions were wrong in expecting the tools agentizing on their own and pretty quickly? Or is everything in that Eliezer's post still correct or at least reasonable, and we are simply not at the level where "foom" happens yet?
Come to think of it, I wonder if that post had been revisited somewhere at some point, by Eliezer or others, in light of the current SOTA. Feels like it could be instructive.
We did not basically get AGI. I think recent history has been a vindication of people like Gwern and Eliezer back in the day (as opposed to Karnofsky and Drexler and Hanson). The point was always that agency is useful/powerful, and now we find ourselves in a situation where we have general world understanding but not agency and indeed our AIs are not that useful (compared to how useful AGI would be) precisely because they lack agency skills. We can ask them questions and give them very short tasks but we can't let them operate autonomously for long periods in pursuit of ambitious goals like we would an employee.
At least this is my take, you don't have to agree.
So when I think through the pre-mortem of "AI caused human extinction, how did it happen?" one of the more likely scenarios that comes to mind is not nano-this and bio-that, or even "one day we just all fall dead instantly and without a warning". Or a scissor statement that causes all-out wars. Or anything else noticeable.
Human mind is infinitely hackable through the visual, textual, auditory and other sensory inputs. Most of us do not appreciate how easily because being hacked does not feel like it. Instead it feels like your own volition, like you ...
My expectation, which I may have talked about before here, is that the LLMs will eat all of the software stack between the human and the hardware. Moreover, they are already nearly good enough to do that, the issue is that people have not yet adapted to the AI being able to do that. I expect there to be no OS, no standard UI/UX interfaces, no formal programming languages. All interfaces will be more ad hoc, created by the underlying AI to match the needs of the moment. It can be star trek like "computer plot a course to..." or a set of buttons popping up o...
It seems like we are not even close to converging on any kind of shared view. I don't find the concept of "brute facts" even remotely useful, so I cannot comment on it.
But this faces the same problem as the idea that the visible universe arose as a Boltzmann fluctuation, or that you yourself are a Boltzmann brain: the amount of order is far greater than such a hypothesis implies.
I think Sean Carroll answered this one a few times: the concept of a Boltzmann brain is not cognitively stable (you can't trust your own thoughts, including that you are a Boltzman...
Thanks, I think you are doing a much better job voicing my objections than I would.
If push comes to shove, I would even dispute that "real" is a useful category once we start examining deep ontological claims. "Exist" is another emergent concept that is not even close to being binary, but more of a multidimensional spectrum (numbers, fairies and historical figures lie on some of the axes). I can provisionally accept that there is something like a universe that "exists", but, as I said many years ago in another thread, I am much more comfortable with ...
By "Platonic laws of physics" I mean the Hawking's famous question
What is it that breathes fire into the equations and makes a universe for them to describe…Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing?
Current physics, if anything else, is sort of antiplatonic: it claims that there are several dozens of independent entities, actually existing, called "fields", which produce the entire range of observable phenomena via interacting with each other, and there is no "world" outside this set of entities.
I am not sure if it actually "claims" that. A ...
Thank you for your thoughtful and insightful reply! I think there is a lot more discussion that could be had on this topic, and we are not very far apart, but this is supposed to be a "shortform" thread.
I never liked The Simple Truth post, actually. I sided with Mark, the instrumentalist, whom Eliezer turned into what I termed back then as "instrawmantalist". Though I am happy with the part
“Necessary?” says Inspector Darwin, sounding puzzled. “It just happened. . . I don’t quite understand your question.”
Rather recently Devs the show, which, for all ...
Isn't your thesis that "laws of physics" only exist in the mind?
But in that case, they can't be a causal or explanatory factor in anything outside the mind
"a causal or explanatory factor" is also inside the mind
which means that there are no actual explanations for the patterns in nature
What do you mean by an "actual explanation"? Explanations only exist in the mind, as well.
There's no reason why planets go round the stars
The reason (which is also in the minds of agents) is the Newton's law, which is an abstraction derived from the model of the un...
So, is he saying that he is calibrated well enough to have a meaningful "action-conditional" p(doom), but most people are not? And that they should not engage in "fake Bayesianism"? But then, according to the prevailing wisdom, how would one decide how to act if they cannot put a number on each potential action?
I notice my confusion when Eliezer speaks out against the idea of expressing p(doom) as a number:
I mean, I don't like it either, but I thought his whole point about Bayesian approach was to express odds and calculate expected values.
He explains why two tweets down the thread.
...The idea of a "p(doom)" isn't quite as facially insane as "AGI timelines" as marker of personal identity, but (1) you want action-conditional doom, (2) people with the same numbers may have wildly different models, (3) these are pretty rough log-odds and it may do violence to your own mind to force itself to express its internal intuitions in those terms which is why I don't go around forcing my mind to think in those terms myself, (4) most people haven't had the elementary training in calibration and prediction m
Hmm, I am probably missing something. I thought if a human honestly reports a feeling, we kind of trust them that they felt it? So if an AI reports a feeling, and then there is a conduit where the distillate of that feeling is transmitted to a human, who reports the same feeling, it would go some ways toward accepting that the AI had qualia? I think you are saying that this does not address Chalmers' point.
I am not sure why you are including the mind here, maybe we are talking at cross purposes. I am not making statements about the world, only about the emergence of the laws of physics as written in textbooks, which exist as abstractions across human minds. If you are the Laplace's demon, you can see the whole world, and if you wanted to zoom into the level of "planets going around the sun", you could, but there is no reason for you to. This whole idea of "facts" is a human thing. We, as embedded agents, are emergent patterns that use this concept. I can see how it is natural to think of facts, planets or numbers as ontologically primitive or something, not as emergent, but this is not the view I hold.
Well, what happens if we do this and we find out that these representations are totally different? Or, moreover, that the AI's representation of "red" does not seem to align (either in meaning or in structure) with any human-extracted concept or perception?
I would say that it is a fantastic step forward in our understanding, resolving empirically a question we did not known an answer to.
...How do we then try to figure out the essence of artificial consciousness, given that comparisons with what we (at that point would) understand best, i.e., human qualia, wou
Thanks for the link! I thought it was a different, related but a harder problem than what is described in I assume we could also try to extract what an AI "feels" when it speaks of redness of red, and compare it with a similar redness extract from the human mind. Maybe even try to cross-inject them. Or would there be still more to answer?
How to make dent in the "hard problem of consciousness" experimentally. Suppose we understand brain well enough to figure out what makes one experience specific qualia, then stimulate the neurons in a way that makes the person experience them. Maybe even link two people with a "qualia transducer" such that when one person experiences "what it's like", the other person can feel it, too.
If this works, what would remain from the "hard problem"?
...To see this, note that even when we have explained the performance of all the cognitive and behavioral
I think I articulated this view here before, but it is worth repeating. It seems rather obvious to me that there are no "Platonic" laws of physics, and there is no Platonic math existing in some ideal realm. The world just is, and everything else is emergent. There are reasonably durable patterns in it, which can sometimes be usefully described as embedded agents. If we squint hard, and know what to look for, we might be able to find a "mini-universe" inside such an agent, which is a poor-fidelity model of the whole universe, or, more likely, of a tiny par...
Ancient Greek Hell is doing fruitless labor over and over, never completing it.
Christian Hell is boiling oil, fire and brimstone.
The Good Place Hell is knowing you are not deserving and being scared of being found out.
Lucifer Hell is being stuck reliving the day you did something truly terrible over and over.
Actual Hell does not exist. But Heaven does and everyone goes there. The only difference is that the sinners feel terrible about what they did while alive, and feel extreme guilt for eternity, with no recourse. That's the only brain tweak God does.&nbs...
Yeah, I think this is exactly what I meant. There will still be boutique usage for hand-crafted computer programs just like there is now for penpals writing pretty decorated letters to each other. Granted, fax is still a thing in old-fashioned bureaucracies like Germany, so maybe there will be a requirement for "no LLM" code as well, but it appears much harder to enforce.
I think your point on infinite and cheap UI/UX customizations is well taken. The LLM will fit seamlessly one level below that. There will be no "LLM interface" just interface.
I believe that, while the LLM architecture may not lead to AGI (see for the reasons why -- basically current models are rules interpolators, not rules extrapolators, though they are definitely data extrapolators), they will succeed in killing all computer languages. That is, there will be no intermediate rust, python, wasm or machine code. The AI will be the interpreter and executor of what we now call "prompts". They will also radically change the UI/UX paradigm. No menus, no buttons, no windows -- those are ...
Excellent point about the compounding, which is often multiplicative, not additive. Incidentally, multiplicative advantages result in a power law distribution of income/net worth, whereas additive advantages/disadvantages result in a normal distribution. But that is a separate topic, well explored in the literature.
First, your non-standard use of the term "counterfactual" is jarring, though, as I understand, it is somewhat normalized in your circles. "Counterfactual" unlike "factual" means something that could have happened, given your limited knowledge of the world, but did not. What you probably mean is "completely unexpected", "surprising" or something similar. I suspect you got this feedback before.
Sticking with physics. Galilean relativity was completely against the Aristotelian grain. More recently, the singularity theorems of Penrose and Hawking unexpectedly s...
...Let's say I start my analysis with the model that the predictor is guessing, and my model attaches some prior probability for them guessing right in a single case. I might also have a prior about the likelihood of being lied about the predictor's success rate, etc. Now I make the observation that I am being told the predictor was right every single time in a row. Based on this incoming data, I can easily update my beliefs about what happened in the previous prediction excercises: I will conclude that (with some credence) the predictor was guessed right in
Sorry, could not reply due to rate limit.
In reply to your first point, I agree, in a deterministic world with perfect predictors the whole question is moot. I think we agree there.
Also, yes, assuming "you have a choice between two actions", what you will do has not been decided by you yet. Which is different from "Hence the information what I will do cannot have been available to the predictor." If the latter statement is correct, then how can could have "often correctly predicted the choices of other people, many of whom are similar to you, in the particu...
Note that it does not matter in the slightest whether Claude is conscious. Once/if it is smart enough it will be able to convince dumber intelligences, like humans, that it is indeed conscious. A subset of this scenario is a nightmarish one where humans are brainwashed by their mindless but articulate creations and serve them, kind of like the ancients served the rock idols they created. Enslaved by an LLM, what an irony.
Not into ancestral simulations and such, but figured I comment on this:
I think "love" means "To care about someone such that their life story is part of your life story."
I can understand how how it makes sense, but that is not the central definition for me. When I associate with this feeling is what comes to mind is willingness to sacrifice your own needs and change your own priorities in order to make the other person happier, if only a bit and if only temporarily. This is definitely not the feeling I would associate with villains, but I can see how other people might.
Right, eventually it will. But abstraction building is very hard! If you have any other option, like growing in size, I would expect it to be taken first.
I guess I should be a bit more precise. Abstraction building at the same level as before is probably not very hard. But going up a level is basically equivalent to inventing a new way of compressing knowledge, which is a quantitative leap.