Early on I politically only specialized in a few areas (digital sovereignty, privacy, computer security) and started being politically active in those areas. I actively decided that other areas such as climate change, housing, diet, ... are already focused on by many other activitst and I can probably do more good by specializing in some areas instead of trying to be well-read in all of them.
Personally I believe the need the be informed is only needed when I have the intent to act. I do intent to act on the new german ePA law and thus I inform myself and I do activism, I do not intent to act on home based heating laws and thus every effort into researching it beyond the basics would be wasted effort.
Ich suche ob es eine vorgegeben Sprache auf LessWrong.com gibt. Bisher habe ich lediglich die Beschreibung der Community auf Wikipedia gefunden und nicht soffizielles. Ich muss daher von ausgehen, dass ich auch Beiträge in Deutsch schreiben könnte.
I am looking for the site rule defining language on LessWrong.com. So far I have only found the description of the community on Wikipedia and nothing official. I must therefore assume that I could also write posts in german.
I think the open source link is outdated (I am not sure) I think it should be https://github.com/ForumMagnum/ForumMagnum
This very much speaks to me. I always played in hard mode. I loved it. It's an euphoric rage. Bull and Bear @ Wall Street. That's the feel.
Now I have burn out and struggled for 3 years.
Lol I think I am bipolar. If you love your work and fast cars and perhaps it's a little bit too much get yourself tested. Lmao
Thanks. Re-reading the quote and reading your answer really made it understand better. I think a year ago I misinterpret this. It's more on line of the free software movement and people saying "this sucks I will write a {OpenPGP, mutt, Patreon, Gmail, ...} to make this better"
Yes, IQ tests are medical measurements and they're helpful to medical practitioners. Yes IQ is only loosely related to what we call "intelligence" in the broader sense. The term "IQ" is really consufing because a) it does not measure intelligence and b) it's not a quotient.
Prejudice is a good word for describing this post. The article really tries to make the point of "we need less stupid people" without drilling into the "why" and without considering a basic ethical viewpoint.
The contents of this post seem unnecessary ableist to me. We're building a society for all people and thus statements like these carry a rather bad taste:
This could backfire horribly. We could see affirmative action for stupid people. Harvard would boast about how many stupid people it admitted.
This statement shames people which the article previously stamped as "stupid". People with disabilities have the same right to prosper just live everyone else. It seems to me that your post carries with it the assumption that "having less 'stupid' people" some...
Life Satisfaction. Some people name this "tranquility" and I think the name is very common in the "minimalism" community (because they try to optimize tranquility as far as I can tell). Life Satisfaction is very complex. It's not "maximize amount of friends" or "maximize amount of money" but instead requires constant introspection & skills related to introspection.
I'm also very suspicious of the idea that most of it is original thinking.
It's not important weather or not it's original or not.
In my opinion "I tell you something which make sense" is less important than "I tell you something AND show that this is a more accurate way of thinking than the alternative ideas".
Unlike the world of politics, in the world of technology the choices of individuals may still be paramount. The fate of our world may depend on the effort of a single person who builds or propagates the machinery of freedom that makes the world safe for capitalism.
I highly question this. So apparently I have no say in a democracy but when I am an inventor then I can shape the world? So the activists who lobby for green energy are doing nothing? Governments spending money for research are doing nothing?
I highly doubt that this romantic "single genius" idea ...
Your argument is correct but the premise, that common media coverage on technology is black/white and that futuristic media is mostly dystopian still holds.
I haven't ran any studies on this but the relationship we have to technology is very important ("robot took my job so now I can be a writer, wohoo!"). When we have the impression that technology will further deepen the rifts in society, then we are unlikely to act on deepening rifts in society. When we assume that social progress needs to go hand in hand with technological progress then we are far more likely to act and say "AI can be really helpful but using it to identify non-productive employees can be very anti-social and discriminatory".
Can you keep a secret?
As far as I know: yes I am good at keeping secrets.
How do you know?
People have observed, that I am very concious about talking about other people. I say things like "you better ask them this in Person" or changing topic when permission groups don't match (e. g. more people present than previously). Like many people, I am concious what's on red tape and what's not. Personally I advocate for transparency but I've learned that some people only make deals when off-tape.
This results in people telling me more secrets. They know I can...
If a given dongle can be spoofed into providing arbitrary HID input (or just arbitrary keystrokes, in addition to mouse movement and clicks), that would be a more serious vulnerability.
Dongles of bluetooth keyboards certainly can input arbitrary keystrokes. That's already enough to do basically anything on the computer. For example the tab character can be used to switch between different UI elements and exploits are usually carried out in code and not by manually navigating through files or windows.
Thinking about how to act during the pandemic is very important. Tbh I dislike some aspects of this post. Some parts of it seem very emotion-fueled and political.
For example:
Governments Most Places Are Lying Liars With No Ability To Plan or Physically Reason. They Can’t Even Stop Interfering and Killing People
This seems to be a very angloamerican thing. Here in europe things are bad (e. g. Norway, Italy, ...) but overall, our political system seems to apply appropriate force when required. Badly struck areas are in lockdown while other areas have open rest
...One can certainly defend South Korea and other non-Western countries. And certainly one can defend European countries compared to USA/England or to each other. Definitely one can say that some of them, once Italy happened, did a non-insane job of "shut things down across the board until things get better than try opening them up again" if you think that you have no other policy tools to work with.
I don't think one can defend their performance against the standards of 'did what was likely to actually do the least harm based on physical c...
The same problems as with Alcoholics Anonymous should apply. Since AA does not store records it's very hard for studies to analyze its effectiveness. This wikipedia page lists various studies which show (or don't show) the effectiveness of AA. The effectiveness of AA is of high interest for anti-drug research. If it can't be analyzed on AA-scale then it probably can't be analyzed by a single individual working at a phone.
It's probably better to just shrug it off as a personal opinion of the reporter and focus on the main point instead.
I'd like to quote this argument from here:
Distillation works best in very exact sciences, such as physics and mathematics. If you rely on distillation for an inexact science, you will do best at capturing its exact parts. You will be left with a systematic bias, and knowledge gap, regarding its inexact parts.
The purpose of the comment was more in the sense of fixing the article... I am new to LW. Posts can be edited, right?
I agree with you so much. Since I have limited time (like everyone) I should maximize learning/time when pursuing learning. Some old classics are still worth their weight (e. g. Plato Republic). Most however, are not.
Even tho a lot of crap books exist today due to unedited selfpublishing and whatnot one can make the case that in general, there are better books out there for nearly any learning purpose than the original.
I'd argue that a original work has historical significance and that someone can learn something by analyzing it. On the other hand one is a
...I have to admit that personally I don't see a golden thread in the post. What was the core argument? As far as I understood it the pot reasons about "relative per-capita intellectual impressiveness of people who study only condensations and people who study original works".
Which is... to be honest, just a mockup. Who cares about the "impressiveness" while studying? Why should one optimize "impressiveness" in ones study?
Personally I think that original works carry a lot of baggage. For example the language is older, the theories sometimes incredibly outdate
...I found out about LessWrong via this community session on the 35. Chaos Communication Congress. It was by far the best talks I had while on congress. And that says something because during congress I usually have lot and lots of good talks.
Personally I feel like there are rather-emotional and rather-rational people. Personally I'm far into the rather-rational territory and I look forward to meeting new people, learning about new ideas and generally advancing my decision making.
I study computer science and I read one or another grand philosophical book...
Thanks so much for writing this great article! I'm new so for all of you this is an old hat. I want to add my 2ct anyways.
Do you agree with (a)-(h) above? Do you have some good heuristics to add? Do you have some good ideas for how to train yourself in such heuristics?
The above mentioned steps are the best system for progressing in life in general which I was able to find so far. I've read and applied lots of self-help in recent years and I can definitely agree that applying the theory is incredible hard (and I fail at that like >...
Why do many who type for hours a day remain two-finger typists, without bothering with a typing tutor program?
Because science shows, that being a two-finger typists can be of comparable speed of a ten-finger typist. I'm guilty of being a two-finger typists. But I'm also guilty of having learned the 10 finger way, practicing ot for days ongoing and then just dropping it when I realized that "this learning curve is way to steep for my 5 % realistic speed improvements".
Besides I figured "why the heck do I need to write fast anyways? 9...
No one is explicitly giving a link to the rules or stating an answer otherwise so let me word out what I gathered from the nonverbal feedback.
I have received -7 agreement within a few minutes of posting this. Me assuming "when not defined it must be free game" was tagged as locally invalid and I can see how this is true. In other words: English is the de facto language of the LessWrong forum if not only due to policy then at least due to custom.
I like the LW community and the feature of ForumMagnum/LW2 they developed a lot and I didn't even knew one can ta... (read more)