The host has requested RSVPs for this event

We aim to connect Rationalists from Karlsruhe (Germany) and surrounding areas. We are always happy to get to know new people and new perspectives(!). Please feel free to drop by even if you are unsure, feel awkward about it, or are not 'the typical LessWrong / SSC reader'.

This week, we meet online again. As discussed before the holiday season, for this meeting we want to discuss the entire Inadequate Equilibria book. We recommend that you read the book or (especially if there is not enough time left) at least read the summary by Scott Alexander.

We'll follow the following schedule:

  • 18:50 - 19:10: soft beginning, socializing
  • introductions (in case of new attendees), Updates (what surprises did you encounter recently / what are your biggest updates? / what did you personally learn?)
  • ~19:20: discussion on Inadequate Equilibria
  • ~20:30: open end

We will meet on Big Blue Button on Tuesday at 19:00 o'clock. Link: here. (Room will be open before 18:50)

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